Hello! I had an epic fail this morning – when I went to rush out the door for the Ojai Half marathon at 5am I realized Ben accidently took my keys when he went out last night and he was sleeping over there! BAH!
I was about to freak out, but realized there was no fixing it so I went back to bed until the sun came up and ran a half marathon by my lonesome (seriously I was so bored of running for 13 miles alone again).
13 miles. Whole foods juice bar – carrot, beet, broccoli and kale. I got a shot of wheat grass on the side. I’ve been eating so much crap I was hoping to turn over a new leaf.
Then, Ben brought home Chik-fil-A fries & a shake and all bets were off. Fantastic.
13 mile run. Carrot cake muffins and a breakfast quesadilla. So good.
That means I ran 13 miles + 13 miles = 26 miles this weekend.
I planned to do 13 miles back to back as part of an experiment.
Next weekend I am running the OC Marathon = 26 miles on Sunday.
I’ll report back with what’s more enjoyable– running 13 miles on 2 consecutive days OR 26 miles in 1 day.
Question: What do you think is better – 2 x 13 mile days or 1 x 26 mile day??
2 x 13 all the way!!
I’ve only completed two full marathons and I’ve never done back to back half marathons (although it is a goal in 2014), I would definitely vote for 13.1 X 2.
seeing how I haven’t done 26.2 yet and how it takes me to recover from just one 1/2… hmm… I guess 2 back to back 1/2s. recovery run?
Hmmm not sure…never done the 13 + 13 combo because it sounds and reads scary!
Carrot, beet, broccoli, and kale? Did it taste like salad? I like green smoothies but not sure if I could go broccoli???? No fruit? All of that makes a juice? I just don’t know. ha!
I think I would recover more quickly with the two 13-milers over two days. But I like the way Zaneta ^ thinks!
probably 26 in one day so I can rest the second day and eat crappy food using the previous 26 mile day as an excuse to lay on the couch and stuff my face without doing any chores around the house! 😉
I would personally do 2 13 mile days just because I have yet to make it to 26.
I feel ya on the food thing. I’ve been eating like a champ (and by champ I mean, eating l am eating like a garbage disposal). I feel that I desperately need to make some better decisions before it ultimately catches up with me!
We can do it!!
I def think 2 back to back runs are much better than one 26.2. I also think that a shake is always a great idea.
I think that 13 miles back to back is wayyyyyyy easier! Go you!
I’ve never ran 26 miles before, so I’m not sure. I’d probably rather get the 26 miles over with in one day than over two days. But then again I am saying this sitting on my bum, and not at mile 20…
I’ve only ever run 13 miles once and never run 26 miles, but I’d guess 26 at once would be better…is that crazy? 😉
Oh my gosh–good for you. My back-to-back runs this weekend were 4 miles yesterday and 5 today 🙂
2 x 13 is probably much easier for the mental part of running so much, but I would guess that running 26 miles at once is easier for the legs, and after that, you can just rest. I don’t know for real, I haven’t run a marathon yet (but I will in September!). Looking forward to read what you think about it.
That is a tough one! I like the idea of 2-13milers. You have time to refuel and rest. But you might have a bad one on saturday and then not want to do one on sunday. If you do 1-26miler you get it done and over with and do not have to think about it! I think mixing it up is good!
2×13 probably easier than one long effort but it depends on if you are just out running long or racing. I always push harder racing (everyone does I think) and after racing a half I feel great but after a full marathon I am beat. Working on my 13-13.1-2013 I am doing OC half. Doing 1-2 halfs a month is definitely keeping me in shape but I’d like to do another marathon or two this year. What’s your best advice or resource for staying in marathon shape? Longest run? Hope to see you next weekend!
Hello!!! I’ll see you at OC then 🙂
I think taking a full easy week with low mileage after a full is important for me. Then, I try to ease back into it. I think I’ve been traveling so much it’s a good thing – keeps me from running too much and then I just have to dig during a race. I haven’t really put a lot of good thought into it. I definitely haven’t been doing good long runs but I do think they are the most important part of full training. Does that even make sense? Hope it helps!
Maybe we can chat it out soon.
13 always sounds better than 26! lol
I think the back-to-back 13s seems easier.
Bummer that you had to run a lonely half but way to get it done!!
Two lots of 13s for me!
I vote for 2 13’s. right now. I’s probably because I am at the end of my first ever marathon training cycle and I am over 3 1/2 hour runs. 2 almost 2 hour runs sound much better.
I also have to vote for 2 X 13; My body does well with 1-2 hours of exercise, but 3+ just breaks everything down in such an unpleasant way!
i think it’s hard to compare a race environment to running solo, but my ideal would be a 2×13.1 races in a weekend. running with others is always so much more fun and the water stops mean i don’t have to carry any fuel.
I suspect I would agree with this since I love half marys so much 🙂
Good for you.
WHen my schedule changes, sometimes I just throw in the towel!
I think 13×2 is so much more doable than 26×1.
Knowing how sore I am after one 13 mile run, I might vote for 1 26 mile run. But I have never run over 13, so who am I to say! Your post-run meals sound yummy!
I think 26 would be better because you get it over with! I never feel good running back to back runs!!
your WF green juice looks so good! i love beets in my juice =)
my PDR is 13.1 miles, so i’d have to go with running 2 x 13 mile days.
You know what’s weird though – I don’t like the taste of beets outside of juices. Do you like to eat them too?
So i know you didn’t ask me, but i’m going to comment anyway, cause, well, sometimes i do that. I’m one of those who loves beets in all forms! A great juice add in obviously as they add sweetness without as much sugar as fruits. As for eating them, have you tried them roasted? It’s a bit easier to roast beets then steam them, and it TOTALLY changes the taste of them. Makes them more caramelizy, and a bit less earthy in my opinion.
i agree with mia – i love beets! i think they taste great, plus i like the texture of them. i like buying them precooked from tj’s because i’m lazy, although i just bought raw beets that i plan on roasting this week (hopefully it goes well :)).
I’m thinking I’d rather just get it done with and do 26 miles. But I’m also someone who runs faster up hills because I just want to get them over with.
I’m guessing most likely the 2x13s? Then again, I’m one of those who might just rather have it over with and run the 26 and then it’s done. But I’ve never run anywhere near 13 miles, let alone 26, so I probably can’t vote, lol! 🙂
Oh I’m thinking 13 2x’s sounds better…but then again, 13 sounds overwhelming to me at this point…as me again in 6 months! LOL!
i’m excited to see your review next weekend. 13 per day sounds better to me.
I would say 13 per day is much better
Haha way to make up a missed race!! My vote: 2 *13 mile days