I did my first RUNCH today!
Runch = Running during lunch
Fun, right? Well, kinda
I wanted to go out for 7-8 miles this morning, but I remembered I had a deadline I wanted to double check on about 2 miles out. So, I turned around and did 4 miles this morning.
Then, around lunch time I went back out for another 3 miles to make 7 total. Eh. Running after 10am is NOT my thing so this was kind of a one time deal. I’ll stick with morning running thanks
I am in love with these candied nuts I got from Marshall’s! Look at the size of that pecan. Look at those bare feet. #BigNutsBigFeet
My brother is getting married! How cute are these wedding invitations?! I die. Representing for the red heads.
Question: Morning, Lunch, Afternoon, Evening – when do you workout?
Commenting a million days late but…I’m an evening/after work runner. I just can’t get up early in the morning to do it. However, I CAN get up early to run a half marathon that has a shiny medal waiting for me at the finish line. 🙂
Tuesday through Friday I’m gone from 6:15am-6:15pm between a vanpool commute and 10 hour days. Lunchtime workouts are a necessity. Plus since I don’t have a car most days running or walking is the only way I can get out of the office. (Target is 1.3 miles away round trip/ In-n-Out is also within running distance)
Luckily my work has a basement “gym” more like a 10 x 10 room filled with 4-20 people at any given time. But that means we have locker rooms with showers. So most days I treat my fellow vanpoolers and shower after. Other days I do a wipe down and hair refresher.
I would love to do my workouts also by morning at around 6-9am, but most of the time, I do morning snacks a couple hours before lunch. In this way I know the food I ingested will be worked while I remain active.
PS: I love those little candied nuts.
Those candied nuts look delish!!! I am going to have to grab some to snack on. My diet has improved drastically and candied nuts cant be so bad for your , right. I got a lot of info from here http://bestfruitsforweightloss.info/vegetable-diet-for-weight-loss-and-colon-cancer
Mornings all the way for me. I get up at 5:30, spend 30 minutes drinking my coffee and waking up and then I am off and running, then i do a quick walk with my dogs as a cool down. On weekends I start my run around 8 am which is awesome and if I didn’t work, that would be the best run time for me.
I tried a runch once, but lunch break is too short for me to do enough to make it worth it. I also tried to run after work but find that i talk myself out of doing it most of the time and the few times i actually did go, I felt slow and tired. So I stick to mornings.
By the way I love the wedding invites…soooo cute.
Absolutely morning – the earlier the better. Anything after even 8:45 – 9:00 am is pushing it for me!
I’m a morning person – so runs and workouts are in the mornings when there’s zero distraction, time pressure to finish work early to get a workout in, dinner plans.
Oh, I do love the wedding invite – uber cute!
Hello Monica,
I love that word! Will use it as well from now on as I go running during lunchbreak at work from time to time.
I like to run in the morning or in the evening. I would rather have it first thing or last thing.
Aaaaand ‘runch’ just became a part of this household’s vocabulary. Love it. I used to workout in the mornings, but I go to work super early now, so I pretty much have to run after I get home. This girl needs her sleep.
Those are literally the best invitation ever!! I generally work out either in the mornings or right after work. More times that not it’s after work in the evening because I couldn’t haul my butt out of bed when my alarm went off! My husband changed the text on my alarm from “good morning sunshine” to “stop kidding yourself.” haha!
Aw, love those invites! I definitely prefer to run in the morning, although I was unemployed for a few months during the winter and got somewhat lazy about my morning runs. (I swear, I was waiting for the warmest part of the day because winter is super cold in Chicago…but really, I was just lazy sometimes.) It’s so nice to get the run out of the way and not have to worry about fitting it in later in the day.
Very cute invitations!
I have the same workout routine everyday – get the kids on the bus, go straight to the gym. I get there at 8:45 am every morning.
I’m much better at afternoon runs. But this means I struggle in races, which are usually held in mornings. I need to start running in the morning when I can.
I work out in the mornings on the weekends. Since I work M-F from 8-4:30, I go for my runs after work. I am not a morning person! Waking up earlier than what I do already to run 5+ miles, not going to happen. No one wants to be around me for that.
Love the wedding invites! Glad they are a proud redhead!!! Gingers unite!
Wow, this is HILARIOUS, as I did my first lunch time run today, or “runch” too! I even Googled it to see what some other people said their strategy was and was surprised I didn’t see you…guess I know why now!
Such cute wedding invites!! As for me, I’m more of a morning workout girl but sometimes that’s not always an option with work or it makes more sense to go on my 2 hour lunch break. Though, if you don’t want to go back with sopping wet hair or greasy sweaty hair, you’ve got to be careful of the sweat factor of those lunch-time workouts. Well, and leave enough time to still eat lunch. 😉
I live in Florida.
During the sprummer (spring + summer collide lol) time I hate afternoon/late afternoon runs. It’s soooo hot. Basically my favorite are whenever the least amount of sun is out to burn through my skin!
I also like working out in the morning just to get it done! Because sometimes after work I just want to relax … !
Those invites are adorable! Who’s the artist?
I very much prefer to workout in the morning. Not only to get it “out of the way”, but I feel much more energized (probably because I just had my coffee 😉 Also, I have a hard time staying hydrated, so when I exercise in the afternoon, I am usually really thirsty.
I can’t imagine working out at lunch because I am usually ravenous by then and would bonk the entire run.
I love those sweet candied nuts! So tasty! I highly recommend #bignuts#bigfeet especially from Canada!
I get terrible heartburn if I run at any time after any meal. It doesn’t seem to matter how long I wait. I burp up food/bile… it’s really disgusting.
To answer your question, I run in the morning. So glad I could share my story with you 🙂
I try to get my workouts in in the morning but if I miss it I shoot for the evening. I have never done a runch! Maybe one day!
I did my first runch a few weeks ago! I get too sweaty so it was a one time deal for me too. I always try to get my workouts in right away in the morning. If I wait until after work, I tend to find myself lost in a bottle of wine or vodka and then the gym gets forgotten!
I work out in the evenings after work. I hate working out in the morning. Even if I get up at 10 am I still need a few hours to wake up. I have tried to wake up and run/workout right away and always feel sick and give 45%. Between 6 and 7 in the evening is when I feel the best :). Those nuts look amazing!!!
Always in the morning (sometimes it takes most of the morning but still!). Sort of worried about my 50 mile race – it starts at 6pm (crazy!!).
Love the wedding invitations – super cute!
Oh my 50! Good luck!
Another morning person! We only get 35 mins for lunch but if I was in a job where we had long enough to run I’d still spend the whole run panicking that I wouldn’t make it back in time!
Those wedding invites are very cute!!!
Morning. Otherwise the day gets in the way and the workout never gets done. I like watching the sun come up.
The Kidless Kronicles
Morning. Always morning!!
I run whenever I feel like! No matter what time it is…but it’s usually less hot and not super windy if I can help it.
I do shorter runs in the afternoons and long runs first thing in the morning. I just love my morning tea/breakfast routine too much during the week so the morning run just doesn’t happen for me. I wish it did though, because I always feel much better when it’s out of the way nice and early.
I workout whenever I have the time to, but I do a lot of lunch runs with co-workers and I like to bang out a good strength training workout early in the am before I take the dogs for a walk 🙂 Tonite i’m doing a after work run which is a much rarer beast for me!
Morning workout 100%, otherwise there’s a massive chance it won’t happen. Although I did workout during lunch yesterday & it was phenom! What is the deal with food finds at TJ Maxx or Marshall’s, I always find good stuff there?!?
I love those stores for foods and stuff and spices too!! Also Ross!
I run whenever it works best on any given day – 5 a.m., runches or after my lil guy goes to bed. I do prefer to do longer runs in the morning and keep the runches to 4 miles or less.
I prefer to workout in the afternoon or evening. I start working at 6 so going for a run before that would be doing it in the dark and um well Im a little afraid of the dark 🙁 I have been doing fitness blender videos while my kids eat lunch and then go for a run in the evening if I can.
I run in the afternoon. Sorry not really a morning person. I like to sleep! I endure every minute of my sleep. 🙂 I love watching the sunset during my runs. I find it more soothing/relaxing than the sunrise. 🙂
Love the invitation by the way… so cute! 🙂
I’m so busy at school that I work out really whenever I can! I do prefer mornings though (around 9 or 10). It’s a great way to start off the day!
I’ve gone through phases in the past, but currently I HAVE to run in the morning because otherwise I spend the entire day inventing excuses not to work out.
I do afternoon/evening workouts. I’d love to get it out of the way in the morning, but my 5:45 alarm to get me to work at 6:45 seems early enough to me already!
I’d love to work out in the morning but just can’t face a pre-5am start to fit it in before work. So, it’s a 6.30pm class for me.
Morning runner all the way!! Love it! Was out the door at 5:30 this morning and there is truly nothing better than running when everyone is still asleep, and towards the end of your run you get to watch the sun come up. It also makes the rest of my day more productive for some reason. : ) If I wait to run after work I am always too tired, and I hate worrying about cars and stray people throughout my run. Morning running rocks!
I run about an hour after breakfast. I work evenings and I’m not a 4am person! Tried that, Lasted 2 days.
If I skip a morning workout and tell myself I’ll make it up at night, it won’t happen. Doesn’t stop me from doing it now and then though.
I run in the morning. It takes far too much motivation to run any other time. Sometimes I’ll do some weights at night but that’s because I can do it in my living room while watching tv. Even with that it is tough to get me to do it then… or at all.
I used to run a few times a week during my work lunch break. It was awesome! I also had access to a locker room so I could shower. I got really good at changing, running the 4 mile loop on the water, showering and then getting back to my desk to eat by my hour up!
And I cannot have candied nuts in my house. I will eat the whole bag!
Um yeah, when I went to grab the jar just now I was surprised at how they’re almost gone! I only opening them on Monday…busted.
I have to run in the morning. If I don’t, something happens and I don’t get to work out. I like working out when the rest of the world is asleep – that is ME time!
I’m definitely a morning person when it comes to working out. If I don’t get it done right away when I wake up I risk it not happening at all.
I love running at lunch if the weather is right. Otherwise, I like running at the end of the day if it is still light out (I love the summer months for that reason). And for whatever reason, I only like running in the mornings on weekends. Call me weird.
I’m definitely a morning runner – although if I didn’t have a 9-5 I’d probably run around 10am and leisurely come back and shower and have lunch. I do love being outside in the morning though, especially in the spring when the sun is shining and the birds are out!
I prefer morning work outs, but will run on my lunch hour at work once in a while. I am sure my co-workers appreciate my “sweaty body and pony tailed hair” post lunch time run look!
I like to workout during brunch time. That way my breakfast is digested, and then I get to eat a nice lunch after the workout. Nice 4-miler!