I was inspired by Tina to come up with my own “Lose the Dough” plan. Tina is trying to lose the dough for her big 3-0. Since I don’t have a milestone birthday this year (but love the name) I am going to Lose the Dough for the big 1-0 (as in 2010)! Her plan and goals are similar to mine, but I really believe every body is different and you must write your own diet book (or blog in this case).
My Goals:
1. Lose 20 pounds
2. Get faster
3. Firm up
4. Love my body and feel confident in a bathing suit
Diet Plan:
– Only eat when body is hungry (still practicing IE)
– No eating after dinner
– Stop random snacking
– Eat less sugar
– Drink 5 bottles of water a day
– Be accountable – write down everything I eat for 2 weeks
Exercise Plan:
Sunday – Abs, Arms, elliptical
Monday – Speed work, Abs
Tuesday – Abs and Arms, Cycle class
Wednesday – Tempo Run
Thursday – Fun run, maybe a class
Friday – Kickboxing
Saturday – Long Run
Balance Plan:
– Get at least 7 hours of sleep
– Research PT certification
– Organize work and personal life
Lose the Dough Progress Report:
Jan. 19, 2010 Weight: ummm…no comment for now. But I did document it in my notebook
Feb. 19th:
March 19th:
April 19th:
May 19th:
Lose the Dough will run from today through May 19th where I will reassess my progress, goals and life situation.*Note: I am still practicing I.E., but am aiming to be more accountable.
Okay now onto my life…
I joined a gym last night and was on a mission to hit up a Cycling class this morning. The problem was I didn’t make time for breakfast and the class was at 9:30am (meaning I wouldn’t get home to eat breakfast until close to 11am). So, before I went I had a few handfuls of blubes and hoped for the best!
The class was fun! I actually love taking classes at the gym, it’s all the other stuff that intimidates me. And I would rather do a boot camp workout outside than be inside all the time. I’m actually considering becoming an instructor since I have had a love affair with classes since last year when I was training for my first mary and only ran 4 days a week. Hmmmm…
When I got back I threw cottage cheese, chia seeds, blubes, 1/2 an apple and 1/2 a banana in a bowl for breakfast.
I also had a piece of toast with PB. I am loving this new bread I bought from TJ’s. It is so chewy.
I was still hungry after this and went back for the rest of the apple and naner…
I’m thinking lunch will be these spring rolls since they’re about to expire…
I agree with what others have said–you NEED a rest day. Also, I see no lower body weight training? The cardio you are doing does not replace leg strength training. Lower body muscles are big muscles that burn lots of calories when you work them so very important especially when trying to lose weight. They are also a place you will lose muscle from when dieting so very important not to neglect that. I think you would see better results if you did less cardio and focused a bit more on strength training.
I cringe when I think about enrolling in a gym. Membership here is ridiculous. But I do like the different classes they offer. Sometimes, I think that I should work in a gym so I can use the facilities for free or for a discounted price.
Good plan!! I like that it’s such a long plan. And I just joined a gym as well! They intimidate me.
Great plan I’m trying to lose some more too! I think ”Lose the dough” is a great way and i like that it’s 5 months.
Love me some spring rolls 🙂
I just want to let you know that because of your blog, I went to barnes and noble and bought intuitive eating! I’m about half way so far and it is truely an eye-opener! thank you for the inspiration and good luck on your 2010 goals!
sounds like a great shape up plan, monica!
Good luck Monica! I know you can do it. I’m working on my own “Lose the Dough” plan to prepare for my wedding in August. You’re inspiring me to actually list my goals on my own blog. I’m a little scared to put things out for the world to see but your openness makes me think it might be easier than I think. 🙂
Good for you on your lose the dough mission! You’ve got groovy, realistic goals so you should do great 🙂
I’m doing my own lose the dough too! Except I’m counting calories (I know, I know, I’ve already gotten a ton of crap for this) for a while to get back on track.
I love fitness classes too! I used to go to spinning and kickboxing but since I moved to the east coast I haven’t gone to too many classes (only a few spinning classes that weren’t very exhilarating).
Just thinking about wearing a bathing suit makes me want to dive off a bridge (and not for swim purposes.) Great goals.
Good luck with loosing the dough! It’ll be hard at times, but worth it 🙂
great plan! i think having something concrete written out like this will totally help you 🙂
Good luck with your new workout plan!
“You might be able to pull you a rapper, an NBA player, man at least a dude with a car.”
All the best to you for your goals! When you’re this organized, I’m sure you’ll do great
I LOVEE how awk Trader Joes is by givnig thier “ethnic” food names like Trader Ming’s.
Or Trader Giotto.
Hey, glad to see that you’re joining the ‘Lose the Dough’ challenge! I also noticed that you’re doing 7 straight days of cardio. As someone who injured themselves 6 months ago from over training, I have to warn you that you need to make sure you give your body some rest! Especially if you want to keep this up until May 2010. It sounds like you’re destined for burn out or worse – injury.
congrats on your plan! I will be following along with you all. a few comments if I may. you can tell me to eff off too 🙂
1) i see no full day of rest in there, but I’m sure you know that you MUST have AT LEAST one full complete day of rest to better see progress
2) I highly recommend that you “weigh in” every TWO weeks. I think a month is way too long. YOu should be able to SEE MEASURABLE progress every 2 weeks and if you don’t, then something needs to change. this is why I highly recommend biweekly checkins.
3) are you just relying on the scale to show you changes? if so , I think you are setting yourself up for failure. I cannot impress enough how important it is to rely on your MEASUREMENTS (I do, bust over nipple, bust under boob, waist, belly, hips, butt, thigh, calf, bicep) to track your progress. I would also recommend perhaps a starting photo in a bikini – documenting front, side and back. pictures can be compared once a month to visually see progress.
you cant just rely on the scale. if i did, id be spinning my heals. i’m still hovering at the same weight..but I lost TWO inches these past 2 weeks so clearly i’m “losing” even if the scale isn’t telling me so!
I like your action plan! I don’t have a big birthday this year, either, but it’s always nice to have motivation to work out a little harder and break the usual rut.
I love fitness classes, but I’m not a huge fan of spinning. I think being a fitness instructor would be a great job, but I’m so afraid of public speaking. I know I’d get better with practice, but the idea of being horrible at first really scares me away from going for it.
Good luck with your Lose the Dough plan!
Love those spring rolls from TJ’s, they are soo good!