My new Marathon training plan calls for me to run 4 days a week. Since it is only 4 days a week each run really has to count. They are all hard runs (for me)…
Monday – Speed work
Wednesday -Temp Run
Thursday – My choice 🙂
Saturday – Long Run
But, since my long run was yesterday this week (due to travel) I didn’t have a Rest Day before Monday Speed Work and I just couldn’t do it. I knocked out 5 slow miles, which is as good as it gets after 12 miles yesterday.
Breakfast was a big bowl of cereals with yogurt, soymilk, banana and PB 🙂
This Monday calls for coffee! I’m back to work and feeling tired…
Hypochondriac News…I woke up this morning and one spot on my arm pit hurts – it may be an ingrown hair or something else gross like that, but I have no idea.There is no mark or anything there (??).
And I have a rash on random parts of my body – legs, side, back…Maybe my body is reacting to being back in MD?
Question: How many days a week do you workout (or run)?
Me: I am hesitant to only run 4 days a week when I’m used to 5 days a week, but I’m going to be doing strength training and elliptical on Tuesdays and Fridays. I am hoping to become more fit overall & tone up too.
Contest –RhodeyGirl‘s contest for a SodaStream is rocking my world today!
i run 5 days a week. but short runs. aroun3km each day at an ave of 9km/h. I find it amazing u guys can run like 5-6 milers! I can’t!
Good question! It’s interesting to see what everyone else says. Right now I’m doing bootcamp 5x a week and starting a 10k training program (tomorrow!) that has me running 3 days a week. But once bootcamp is over and I do the 10k, I *might* follow the 1/2 marathon training plan I wrote for myself (if I can gather the guts!)…it has me running 3x a week, strength training 2x, yoga once and one rest day per week. That doesn’t include doggie walks though. We’ll see how it goes…but I think for me, running 3x a week is enough (since I’m a total newbie).
5 X a week. yum cereal. =D i try to lift every day, but i usually end up lifting on tuesdays, thursdays, fridays, sat, sun.
mmm delish cereal mix! I never thought about mixing milk and yogurt together in the same bowl. Guess what! I’ve never had Dunkin Donuts before and I go to school in Boston where it’s basically a sin if you don’t drink DDs haha.
I usually try and workout at least 4 days a week.
welcome back! i tend to take a rest day every 10 days or so, therefore some weeks i’m working out 7 days a week. it took me a while to get to this point but i like it so far
I workout 6 days a week, taking off on Thursdays. Sometimes I do easy walk around campus, but nothing too strenuous. I lift 3 days a week and usually do cardio 6 days. I am trying to lose weight, or else I would prolly only hit the gym 4 to 5 times.
I’m running 3 time this week, not many miles.
Monica, how many miles would you suggest for training. my first 5k is not till November though.
ooh i hope you are un-itchy and un-rashy soon 🙁 thats no fun!!
i try to get in exercise every day!! at least 30 mins.. whether it be cardio/stretching/or strength!!
cardio.. eh, im not a fan.. i run about 4 – 5 times out of the week, maybe about 20-30 mins.. always followed by stretching and some strength
generally i like sticking with my pilates. or yoga booty ballet!
I try to run every day I can, usually 7 days a week. I’m not training for anything, though, so I focus on going the distance/speed I’m feeling at that time
I’ve had that armpit thing too – but it always goes away. I think it’s either a) hormone changes or b) ingrown hair / shaving related issues.
I always train with a 4 day plan! I think you will love it :).
That sounds about right. I ran 4 days/week when training for my marathon. One day of speed work on the track, one long run, one hilly run and one easy run. Four days a week definitely felt like enough, especially once the long runs hit 15 miles or so…
You might have an inflamed hair follicle- that happened to me and it was painful! If it doesn’t go away, your doc can prescribe antibiotics for it.
Lacey – yep, with some changes – it is hard!
man, people sure do talk up those lattes, i will have to try one someday, if i can ever find that donut place
i run 6 days a week 🙂
I work out everyday, whether it be something small or crosstraining to running 10 miles. I’m not training for anything right now, but when I get into marathon training mode this winter, I will probably cut it down!
are you following “run less, run faster?” i have two friends who use that — same idea, 3-4 quality runs a week and they love it!!
I workout 5 days a week. I used to be a runner, but I’ve had 3 knee surgeries, so all I do are workouts from home. I alternate my DVDs between cardio and strength. I also like to add yoga in after workouts or on my rest days.
When I was running a lot (training for 1/2 marathons) I would only run 4 days a week. I found my body needing more rest, especially after long runs.
Just listen to your body, it will tell you when it needs rest. Have a great week!
Awesome job on the 12 miles yesterday 🙂
I aim to workout 5 days a week…but running is usually only 3 or 4 of the 5 days. I think switching it up every few days with the bike, elliptical, weights, yoga, pilates etc etc makes my running days more productive – a little break goes a long way! Plus you’re still exercising on the 5th day which is what counts!