This morning I set out on my run like any other weekday morning… but on the way back ran into this guy! No, I didn’t run away from this man with unruly hair and wild look in his eye. He happens to be that guy I married…
I ended up running 4 miles and walk/running 1 back home with him Ben is still training for his first 5K. He’s getting very close to being ready!!!
After we fought over the shower and iced coffee, we each made our own breakfast. He went with an overflowing bowl of cereal…
Despite his best efforts to make the cereal stay in the bowl, it didn’t…
I made a yogurt bowl with every ingredient I could think of… yogurt, pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, cereals, banana and PB.
Ben made a special request for PB Puffins yesterday, and I was all over that because I love ‘em too! But, they do have the tendency to shred the top of your mouth. Ben says that’s so the food gets into your blood stream faster.
I tried to change it up today with the yogurt bowl, but I’m pretty sure French Toast is my long term favorite these days. This was only so-so in comparison.
I have a very busy day! I’ll see you at lunch
Question: What’s your favorite cereal?
I have to go with that Three Sisters organic version of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Dangerously good.
today my favorite cereal is REECES PUFFS…. terrible i know. I bought my finance a box and cant stop “taste testing”
I LOVE SO MANY cereals i dont know which to choose but im a HUGE fan of mixing 4 or 5 kinds at once 😀
gluten-days = kashi go lean mixed with cinnamon and a very tiny amount of vanilla almond milk
gluten-free now = cinnamon chex, plain
If you can’t tell, I HATe soggy cereal. In fact, if I ever want a little liquid with it, it I keep it on the side and add as I go along. Cereal is one thing I’m very OCD about. (lol…one thing…)
No matter what I’m eating, I always manage to spill things out of it. Cereal included.
Love those cereal bowls, I love the mish mash of goodies! My favorite cereal is a tie between Total Raisin Bran and Fiber One Shredded Wheat….I could eat the whole box of either, which is why they are not kept in the house very often. I have been known to eat un-healhty amounts of All Bran as well….sometimes, I think I am 80 years old!! 🙂
Favorite Cereal, well I dont have just one. I actually NEVER eat just one at a time. I usually combine bran flakes, wheaties, cheerios, and raisin bran. YES I eat 4 cereals at ONE time and I wouldnt have it any other way. I also would NEVER eat cereal without them ALL being drenched in ice cold skim milk!
I have to be completely honest: my favorite cereal is Captain Crunch.
Thanks for giving me my first laughs of the day!
My favorites are Berry Berry Kix and Lucky Charms although I haven’t had either one in ages. I tried a pumpkin spice granola from Whole Foods this morning and it was quite tasty 🙂
Healthy Cereal = Kashi GoLean
Not-so-healthy Cereal = Cinnamon Toast Crunch 🙂
I wish I were a kid again so I could demolish a whole box of CTC or Lucky Charms and not think twice about it!
I’m not a huge cereal person, but granola has my heart!
when i was growing up i loooooved me some kix but now i’m really into the puffed millet/rice/stuff – can’t beat it for the volume to calorie ratio!
also, i saw this and immediately thought of you!
i find that too, with the puffins! they totally wreck the top of my mouth…and capn crunch does the same. that being said, puffins are my fave: the original, the pb, the cinnamon…i love all three! totally worth the resulting mouth situation!
I heart PB Puffins but try not to buy them too often because I have no self restraint and 1 serving does not equal half the box!
I have cereal for lunch today. Then I had some last night after my dinner. It’s so good. I love me some Cheerios.
Yay Ben! I just finished week 3 of C25K. Exciting!
i used to eat cinnamon toast crunch like it was no ones business! like, literally go through a box in like 2 days. theyre so amazing! then i moved on to peanut butter puffins which i no longer buy because i eat WAY too much of those too! currently, i have a boring ass fiber one cereal. which is good bc i only eat it at breakfast! 🙂
fave cereal? i have so many! lately it’s been trail mix crunch…that stuff is like crack! but there are very few cereals i DON’T like if i’m being honest 🙂
I’ve never tried PB puffins but I’m guessing that they’re good? My current fave is chocolate oatmeal by Oat revolution. Have to mix the peanut butter with it, to up the protein, thus the ‘filling-factor’. With some fresh fruit on top it feels like eating a decadent dessert every morning.
mmm I seriously LOVE cereal! I love most granolas and anything Kashi!!
Oh man, I love cereal so it’s hard to choose. I really like cinnamon Life and Quaker oatmeal square. Oh, and frosted flakes and raisin bran and cinnamon toast crunch.
When I was pregnant I ate a bowl of Apple Jacks every afternoon, but I haven’t eaten them since.
Alison…I ate Cocoa Krispies and Cinnamon Toast Crunch non-stop during my first trimester and haven’t wanted them since. I think cereal is a lot of people’s staple during that time. 🙂
They totally shred the top of your mouth, but you’re right they are so yummy! 🙂 Actually, I can’t think of a cereal I DON’T like!
Oooohh. The 2 cereals I can’t have in the house or all bets are off: Raisin Bran Crunch and Rice Krispie Treats cereal.
They do double time. Good with milk. And good when I reach my unsanitary hand in the box and shove it in my mouth.
It’s a toss up between Cracklin Oat Bran and Kashi Heart to Heart (so cute!)… but I like cereal in general!
Capin’ Crunch does the same thing to the roof of your mouth! Why is that?
I don’t eat cereal often, so if I am going to eat it, it’s a “cheat.” I ♥ Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Could seriously eat the whole box. 2nd Place goes to Fruit Loops.