“Salad in a hummus container” doesn’t roll off the tongue as easily as “Oats in a Jar”, but I thought I’d continue today’s theme of eating my meals in food containers that are hard to scrape out 🙂
When I saw I had this much hummus left I decided to make a salad right in the container. This is a big Costco size hummus container (yes I eat enough hummus that I can buy it from Costco, I also eat enough spinach, apples, grapes and seltzer water that I require a weekly trip just for me!).
I piled in cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, onions and topped it with cottage cheese for protein. Even though hummus is made from beans it is relatively low in protein and this is a good salad addition.
I made a PB&J to go with my salad. I love PB&J and cannot get away from it! I mixed up the salad after this pic and it was amazing! Do it. Do it.
A bit later I ate a little hairy friend kiwi more out of boredom than hunger, but now I actually feel hungry. A snack is on the way 🙂We’rethisclosetoFriday!!!
*Note one of my peeps said you have to press the orange button to add me to your Reader. Do it before you miss any amazing posts about hummus in salad containers or random stuf like that 🙂
Salad in a hummus container is such a good idea! And don’t worry, I buy my hummus at Costco too!
Love the salad is the hummus container idea!!! i’m going to try that! : )
I wanted to do oats in a cream cheese container but I forsaw the melted plastic disaster that could have been