Hello! Yesterday I picked up my little brother from school for my mom and we stopped for a Friday treat. I got a massive iced coffee and added fancy creamer when we got back to the house. Cheers!

Then, we walked the perros.

I had a dream I got into a fight and woke up with a bloody lip!!
Okay, the dream part isn’t true but the lip part is. What the heck?! I’m usually so good about chapstick so this is disappointing Monican.

This morning I hit the road for a long run that I had to cut short. I have a friend coming over to help me move some stuff around and had to get back since I was running slower than expected.

It was warmer than I was ready for too! But so so pretty out!! I didn’t have the best run because I’m still dealing with a lot of personal stuff and it feels like it’s physically weighing on my chest sometimes. I’ll fill you in as soon as I have the words, but right now ‘it’s complicated’ is the understatement of the year.

At dinner last weekend my brother was surprised I put so much salt on my food.

I tried to explain to him that I’m a salty sweat-er and he was like, “GROSS!”.
I think he thought it was gross because he was assuming I tasted it? I dunno. But, I told him about how I get a film of salt on my clothes after longish or hot runs. And even though this run wasn’t that long or hot it happened, so I have proof (under the wording on this tee):

And now I’m going to eat and stretch. The end.

Question: When was the last time you saw your siblings?
While going through my divorce (I am still going through it technically) I had an easy time running at first, then could only go on walks, and then lifting weights went out the window. I could try to push forward with it but I also felt really heavy in my chest, like I just couldn’t breathe deep enough to push forward. I am taking it slow, and taking care of myself, but I hope to be back at it soon enough. I guess i just wrote to be like I definitely understand that feeling and it is nice to know I am not alone.
Obviously I am not trying to imply you are going through the same thing just that emotional complicated situations can do this to you.
I’m a salty sweater too. It’s kind of embarrassing since it’s super noticeable lol.
Last time I saw my brother was during the Christmas holiday. My mom and I went to visit him and his family in Georgia.
Last time I saw my brother was at my niece’s 5th bday (after Christmas) and saw my sisters Friday night. We’re all local in SoCal so it’s just a matter of timing. We are super close and text or use gmail chat quite a bit.
Family always has your back: I tell my kids, “you’ll always be home with your sibling; so even though they might pi$$ you off, remember the love”.
I saw my sister last weekend – yay! We probably see each other once a month, because we live in different towns. It’s always good to catch up with my little sis, and my parents.
My two sisters live half way across the country, but my brother lives about 4 minutes away from me, so I see him pretty regularly! I am a salty sweat-er also. My hats all have white sweat marks on them!
I was able to see all 5 of my brothers and sisters for a few days after Christmas. It was the first time in two and a half years we were all together. I am glad to hear I am not the only salty sweater. My kids always want to know what is on my face, arms, clothes after a run.
I just moved halfway across the country so I havent been able to see my family like I used to. I used to live 5 min from my sister, but now I think we may only see each other a couple times of year if that. My brother is in the Navy and has just started going out and protecting the world on submarines, so I think it’ll be even longer before I see him again
My oldest brother lives 35 mins away, so I see him about twice a week-ish.
And the middle brother lives in NC, which is pretty far away from Michigan. So I saw him over Christmas.
I saw my siblings over Christmas but I miss them! I wish we all lived closer!
I’ve had a rough couple of months too, so I feel ya’! All of sudden, working out is really hard and I’m like “oh, cookies are fun.” Wishing you peace.
I see my sister 2-3 times per year – I live out of state from the rest my family. I text with my mom every day though!
I love salt – I figure it’s due to all the sweating too. My body craves it!
Sorry about your hard times (((HUGS)))
Sending lots of positive vibes your way. I know what it’s like to be going through a tough time. Stay strong and close to your family.
Thank you <3
My brother and I live far from each other, but he always comes home for Christmas and at least once more each year. We talk on the phone all the time though. I’m so grateful for him.
Sorry about your rough times, Monican.
I saw my sister tonight and it was just what the dr ordered! Sorry things are complicated, but way to stay positive. When things get hard I like to eat copious amounts of ice cream and wallow in my sorrows so thanks for being a good example 🙂 I sweat a ton too, like I can’t stay in my workout clothes like everyone and their sisters do because I have salt stains everywhere… Even my face!!
I need to add more ice cream to my life!
I don’t see my siblings nearly enough. We are all flung across the country or city, but I love them and think about them all the time.
Salt is my weakness but I can go without sweets except in my earliest cup of coffee.
I really do hope you’re ok. I know it sounds a bit trite, but please try to think of the best possible outcome of whatever you’re dealing with.. It makes a difference. Someone above me here said you have a huge support network amf I suspect that’s true. Thanks for writing!!
Hugs from Oklahoma XOXOXO
Thank you for the hugs <3
Last time I saw my siblings was on December 27 for Christmas. Probably wont see them until June.
I make it a point to see my sister and brother at least once a year even though they live over 700 miles away. We make it happen because family is family and they will always have your back. 🙂
Last time I saw my siblings was last summer, we live approx. 700 miles apart, so it is hard sometimes.
I am sorry to hear about the hardtimes. I will pray for all involved(including Vegas) 😉
Vegas appreciates your prayers 🙂 and I do too!!
Take a photo of your brother, would ya? I didn’t know you had siblings!
Will do! They are my favorite people 🙂
I saw my sibling briefly in 2013
I haven’t seen my brother in almost a year. He lives in England and I live in Canada so we are pretty far from each other. He is coming to visit next week so I am super excited!!
That is far! Hope it’s a great visit!!
It’s been about 3 weeks since I saw my brother. I usually see him at least once a month.
Hang in there. I have a gazillion quotes for inspiration 🙂
Just remember sometimes things fall apart so other things can fall together. 🙂
Thank you Sally 🙂
I am sorry you are going through a tough time. Hope things get better. being with family is the best when going through tough times. I just got back from seeing my family. I can’t tell you how great it felt to see them.
Hi Monica, I haven’t commented on your blog before but have always enjoyed your uplifting, positive posts! Wishing all the best during your struggles. I know running has always been a great outlet for me during difficult times:)
Thank you Rebecca 🙂
I forgot my chapstick on my run today and I was not happy, as my lips are already chapped, then 5 miles in the sun and wind didn’t help.
Glad you got in a run, sorry you’re dealing with a lot of stuff. Hopefully the running helped, I know it’s my therapy.
I saw my siblings in early December. They both live in Kansas and I’m in Iowa so I don’t see them as often as some people see theirs.
Wishing you nothing buy happiness and joy! Love your blog and read it everyday!!
Thanks for reading 🙂
Ugh I feel ya on the dry lips. If I don’t put on a THICK layer of vaseline at night in the winter I wake up with cracks. It’s so painful. Especially for someone who loves to drink grapefruit juice in the morning
Just saw my sister today been a while since I saw the bro though.
Sorry about everything you’re going through. Be strong and know you have a HUGE network of support behind you.
It’s been a few months. Your salt is fancy. It looks wavy.
Hey Monica, sorry you are going through a hard time. I don’t comment on your blog, but I read it almost every day and you always make me smile. You are a strong person with a great sense of humor and I hope you find peace soon <3
Sorry about your dry lips, but all I could see was your amazing skin. I’m so jealous! What’s your secret??
I watch my niece so I see my brother all the time! 🙂
I haven’t seen my brother in over a year, which is a bummer, because that also means I haven’t seen my super cute niece in over a year. She’s 3, and adorable.
Looks like a gorgeous run, we got over 5 inches of snow, so my trail run didn’t happen this morning. Boo.