1. Last night I went on a walking ghost tour. Ahhhh!

We stopped at one point to grab a drink and I met Dwight, the guy who actually made the moonshine in it! Boom.

2. I woke up before 3am (PST) to run. That is rough – especially considering what time I went to sleep! But, I had to get out before it got too hot and get back in time to film a video for Walgreens.

Sadly I was too early for the Farmer’s Market at Forsyth Park. Boo.

3. Breakfast at Fitbloggin – great start to the day!

4. Then I headed to check out the Walgreens Way To Well Tour Bus!

They checked my blood glucose, blood pressure, weight, body mass and more! I’m pretty healthy but should probably bring down my BMI. My muscle is 32% and visceral fat is low though!

You can go check their Balance Rewards site for more info!
Video time!

5. An Emergen-C before my noon meeting. I do these when I’m traveling since my sleep is low and stress is high

6. My panel at Fitbloggin went well (at least I think so, we should ask the audience).
Um. Drew has trained Ruby. Hello! Ruby is part of the reason I love Savannah. I cannot even.

It was great to meet so many readers this weekend! Angela from WeBeatFat had been tweeting me before hand and I’m glad we finally caught up!

7!!!!!!! After the session it was time to party. Hello no open container laws, how are you?

Dinner at Shrimp Factory because it was right there.

Then, it was on to Top Deck. Go there.

See ya later!
Loved following your antics on instagram!
Thanks 🙂
Dwight exudes that nice grandfatherly vibe :). Ok, that’s just one observation. Will you be posting your FitBloggin notes/presentation? What did you speak about?
I was on a panel that chatted about fitness activity tracking devices and how to make them work for you. Yes, I’ll be posting notes this week 🙂
Yeah I get up at 4am for work but NEVER for working out haha. Good for you!
Obviously it looks like you had fun (no open container laws?? seriously!?), but did you already/are you going to recap the learning sessions? I’m super curious to see what those were like since I’ve never been!
Yes, I’ll recap some of the highlights of the sessions! Any specific questions?
So while procrastinating doing hw for my first day of class tomorrow I read far too many of your old posts…including one that mentioned Spirit of the Marathon. So yeah just watched the whole thing. Thanks…but actually it was amazing & now I need to run a marathon!
I still love that movie! Thanks for reading 🙂
This is making me very excited for my upcoming vacation in Savannah!!
Have fun!!!
Waking at 3 am to run is scaring me more than the ghost tour.
I love Savannah!
I can’t believe you ran at 3 am!,
Looks like a great time. Savannah sounds pretty cool, that shrimp dinner looks yum and I can’t figure out what that drink is. Is that the C you were talking about from having high stress and low energy?
Laters, 🙂
Yeah, it’s just (probably off brand) emergen-C
Walking ghost tour…scary! I watched pretty little liars before bed last night and could hardly sleep, ha ha.
Looks like a ton of fun! Savannah is such an awesome city!
I went on a ghost tour once and I had to sleep with the lights on – freaked me out!
Looks like a great time!
I was really afraid that I would be scared forever – I CANNOT do scary movies. But it was fine because I thought of it as the Pirate’s of Caribbean ride. Kinda sorta.
I so feel your pain on the 3 am wake up call! That’s my life everyday at 4:20 am.
Looks like a really awesome weekend! I have a feeling I’m going to regret falling back asleep after my alarm, making me head out at 8 for my 9 mile run in this crazy humidity…eeps!
What does moonshine taste like?
Poison. But, in that mixed drink it was delicious 🙂
Fun, I LOVE Savannah! Wandering around the squares is my favorite part.
Boo! (Figured I would give you a bonus ghost tour) 🙂
Love the bridge sunset pic. I am a sucker for bridges and sunsets so it’s a win win photo in my book.
Glad you’re having fun and hope you found an okay running route.
Thank you for all your suggestions!!!
I went on a ghost tour in Scotland once, really fun, and really, really creepy. Really creepy.
And I love places without open container laws, it’s so nice to be able to head outside and walk around if you feel like it!
Oooh, I feel like a ghost tour there would be super scary!