I have always said that I run because I like it, well actually – I love it. It’s my favorite hobby after blogging 🙂
But, I think I need to take it more seriously since I’m training for 26.2 miles and all. I had another super crappy run this weekend and it’s very frustrating. I’m at a point where another bad run is going to break my spirit. Boo.
After I walked a lot of my 11 miler this Saturday (that was supposed to be 14) I was mad/sad/embarrassed/hopeless/insert other tragic feeling here. Then, I realized I’m really not taking this whole “Training for a Marathon” thing seriously enough. I am not a “natural runner”. I am not built like a runner…My legs aren’t gazelle-like…
You get the idea. Anyways, I have not been mindful of all the key factors that go into Marathon Training:
– Running (obviously)
– Fueling – pre-runs and post-runs
– Training – making sure I am ready for the runs my plan calls for
– Rest – Rest days and actual Sleep
– Motivation – staying positive, even on bad runs
I took some time this weekend (after sulking about my bad run) to re-examine my current training. I haven’t been fueling up with the pre-run fuel I swear by – rice and soy sauce 🙂
I probably wasn’t ready for the long runs I put into my training plan – I am just “recovering” from planning and orchestrating a wedding, taking a week long road trip across the country and starting a new job. All of these things cut into my training.
Oh, and I’m going to take a full week off training for this little trip down to Belize aka My Honeymoon.
So, I need to accept that I probably won’t be ready for the MCM Marathon. I will finish it, but I probably won’t beat my previous time.
But, I can be ready and kick ass for the Disney Mary and that’s what I’m going to focus on. I’m switching few things around in my training and I’m adding a few training races. I’m going to consider the MCM a training race for Disney and make the best of it. Wish me luck!
Let’s get serious about running! Oh, and still have fun!
I felt the same way last week. I was so bummed and hadn’t met the mileage goals of any of my long runs. At. All.
On Sunday, however, I ran farther than I’ve ever run–15 miles, and my hope is restored. I did totally tweak my IT band again, but I’m feeling good today.
I don’t know about you, but for me, running definitely has its ups and downs. It seems like I can have a few crap ass runs, but then I have a descent one that restores my faith in myself.
On Sunday, I had no idea if I was going to be able to do 15 miles, but I just went out with the attitude that I didn’t give a sheet how fast I went, as long as I had the time on my feet and the mileage on my old body. =) I think that’s really what it comes down to.
Finishing is really the most important part. You’ll get back into your groove.
I love running,too. Sometimes I thnk to myself, ” even a bad run is a good run”–just for the way I feel like I’ve accomplished something after. If you are interested to see why I love running so much, I’d love for you to read my most recent post http://experimentarianism.blogspot.com/2009/08/why-i-run.html
I’m sorry about the bad runs. That can be very defeating. But you might actually be rejuvenated in Belize. My husband and I have gone twice (he, many more times) and last time we spent a week on Caye Caulker. I ran every day, 2 laps around the island (it’s not a big island). It was invigorating. The island slogan is “Go slow,” and the locals would call to me “slow down!”
I can’t wait to hear where you go. We have planned to go explore the rainforest each time because my husband has wowed me with stories of the ruins. But each time, we went to Caye Caulker first and got so relaxed snorkeling and swimming and reading, that we never went inland!
That sounds like a good method of training using the other race as practice. Good luck with your races, i know that method works for a lot of people to gear up for the ”big” one 🙂