Hello! How are you doing? How was your weekend?
I did the usual weekend stuff… run, eat, rest, repeat. So let’s discuss what is the point of the weekend…
1. Run.
I ran around Orange County and had to skip my usual pee/water stop because there was a shady character sitting right there. That never happens around here (in comparison to a lot of other places I’ve run).
Anyway, this meant I had to stop at McDonald’s to pee. And I had to take this classy picture as proof. You’re welcome.

2. Drink.
Except this time I mean Spark and fancy coffees. I’m not drinking alcohol for a few weeks during the 24 day challenge.

3. Eat.
I went out of Mexican with my fam.

4. Love.

5. Laugh.

(This is paper towels that I was using to clean up a pee accident and both the puppies started ripping it up and it was so cute I let them for a little bit. I thought I was going to be a strict mom one day, but I might be a sucka.)
6. Say “Hi” to God.
I went to a class for my niece’s baptism.

If you’re sad hold a puppy. Trust me.

7. Rest.
Hope you had a fun, relaxing, delicious, happy weekend! If it’s a special weekend, you may go on an adventure and do activities like skydiving, rock climbing or bungee jumping.
Question: What was the BEST part of your weekend?
Chime in with something good to remind yourself of the good things in your life!
What does the older dogs think of the new additions?
They are not the biggest fans of them so far. We’re trying to slowly let them get used to each other, but right now they are not interested in making new friends.
We spent a lot of time w/ friends this wknd, including a 25 mi. charity bike ride, which was a blast!
Puh – peeeeeeeezzzz! I want ’em!
Best part of my weekend was getting to spend time with my hubbie. It seems like we just are always passing each other during the work- week.
the best part of my weekend was that there was no humidity during my long run! hallelujah.
Your puppies are adorable! I have a rescue puppy and think it’s so funny when she gets into things she’s not supposed to so I am a ‘bad mom’ too. 😀
The best part of the weekend was picking up my kids after summer vacation. Young children after a week will look and sound different. I also got to spend the week running in a different city.
That mexican looks so yummy. Thanks for the new craving lol The best part of my weekend was getting crafty with some DIY, and spinning.
We had the most amazing weekend. Went to Erie, PA for my cousin’s wedding. They had a pirate themed wedding, on a boat and everything. A three hour cruise on Lake Erie, which included a lot of fun activities, followed by dinner at an amazing steak house. We really had a nice time. Drove 7 1/2 hours home, unloaded our vehicle and then drove two hours to Boston to pick up my son from the airport (he got home from Ireland yesterday). All in all, it was fantastic!
Saturday evening. My boyfriend surprised me with a visit. We had a lovely walk with the dogs on the board walk. I hadn’t seen him since the Monday prior and wasn’t supposed to see him until tomorrow so I was thrilled to see him. 🙂
The best part of my weekend was my first park run. I’m an addict.
But that was closely followed by the news that WE’RE GETTING A PUPPY! Yay for puppies! It’s second cos it’s a rescue puppy so we’re only like 80% sure that we’re getting it at this stage. But exciting nonetheless!
The puppies are just so cute! I would be a sucker for that cute face and let them get away with anything.
If you’re sad, hold a baby. Works like a charm for me every time. 🙂
I had the most relaxing Sunday in a while; finished all my shopping/house chores by 12pm then rested on the sofa reading/watching a new show/chatting with people. Not activity packed at all, but definitely a needed rest day.