Details later! Enjoy your weekend
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Disclaimer: Please speak with a medical professional before making any changes to your diet or exercise. I am not a doctor or registered dietitian. The views expressed are based on my own experiences, and should not be taken as medical, nutrition or training advice. Please note that affiliate links and sponsored posts may pop up from time to time. I truly appreciate your support. More »
Do you find that the Nuun bottle works better in your Nathan handheld? My Nathan bottle leaks. 🙁 What cap are you using in the Nuun bottle? I know these are weird questions but I’ve been trying to figure out my handheld issues. 🙂
LOOKS like a GREAT time!! Can’t wait to hear all about it! LOVE the NUUN shot! #NUUNLoversUnite! 😉 There’s a pic of NUUN in my blog post from today too! 🙂
The cupcake just tops it all off! yum!! 🙂
Looks delicious! Can’t wait to hear the details.
your homemade muffins/cupcakes (?) look delicious! i hope you’ll be posting the recipe 🙂
Mmmmm lemmmmoonnnn cuuuppccaaakkke.
Looks like you have a very balanced diet, dear. Healthy juice, a wholesome salad, muffins, and cupcakes. You are a role model to us all 🙂
Yum! Love lemon flavored cupcakes 🙂
I’m guessing that is some sort of single serve electrolyte tablet (I’m curious the brand)? Not to make this PG-13 but it kind of looks like something else..
I think it’s a Nuun flavoring packet. I totally thought the same thing!
It’s a Nuun tablet! Ha, what do you think I do on my runs?
I can’t wait to hear the details! I’m intrigued as to what is in that drink you are holding. Were you at a Whole Foods with the drink and salad? I have never been to one. I feel so out of the loop.
Yeah, it was a juice from their juice bar 🙂