Hello! How are you doing? I’m doing great because I just spent the most romantic evening with a special someone…

I think she’s just saying that because I still refuse to hug my friends. Except large guy friends because they’re the only ones that know how to actually hug and not make me feel like a giant.

I drowned my sorrows of rejection in some baked Quest bars and PB then called it a night.

This morning I went on a very short run just to shake it out and spend some time stretching when my muscles were nice and warm. But, I could tell that was not going to be enough so I decided to hit up yoga too.

Pre-yoga lunch was a salad with a side of bug. Check out my instagram for a video of the bug just crawling along like there ain’t nothing wrong.

I made myself a big cup of a Spark to drink on the way to yoga for a boost! Unfortunately I SPILLED IT ALL OVER. Ugh.
I refused to let it stop me from going to yoga though – that would have only made it worse.
So I threw my sweaty sweat towel down and went with Spark everywhere (including on my yoga pants).

Yoga makes me feel so good. I prefer Level 1 classes that focus on stretching and breathing.

When I got back Vegas showed me how he does yoga.

Casual fist bump or high five!
I am usually not a hugger. Except with my dad’s side of the family and with my boyfriend. They are the only good huggers I know. Everyone else….I avoid hugging. Sorry friends!!!
I’m not much of a hugger either. I’m good with just a wave.
I’m definitely the awkward hugger…no kissing or fist bumping.
Hugs. I love hugs. 🙂
Totally nod across the room I am not a fan of touching lol. Level 1 yoga is the best 🙂
I find a little smack on the ads does the trick…
Oh I will hug you and give you a kiss on the cheek! Yup. Watch out. I’m that girl.
I usually let the other person initiate whether it’s a hug or a cheek kiss or a wave or a fist bump or whatever. Unless we’re making out, I’m cool with it. 🙂 Also, baked quest bars (just a few mins in the toaster oven) are the best.
I’m a head bob from across the room, you may get a smile if I actually like ya.
It takes a lot for me to feel comfortable enough for contact other than kids and my spouse.
Hahaha! You made my day. Hugs for sure!
I guess a bug just means extra protein, right? 😀
Fist bump. Yup.
I can’t even with the bugs in the salad – it makes me never want to eat again! Lol!
I prefer a mental high 5!
HUGS and lots of them…
I need that yoga sign for my bedroom door!
I’m a hugger but only with those I know well. I don’t like to do the hug goodbye when there are big crowds like at a family function.
A ha ha ha ha ha!!! Love it!!! I’m a hugger, but it is super awkward when the person you hug doesn’t hug you back. I’ve become more of a “kiss on the cheek” lady, since there are so many Hispanics in my area and that’s how they greet and say goodbye. I did see your bug lunch on Instagram. Sooo gross!!!! Today for lunch, I’m having steak salad. I can’t wait to eat!! Have a great day and I hope you have a better run.
I feel like every human interaction I have I’m like, okay we’re friends but do I want be be the kind of friends where we hug everytime we see each other/leave each other?