Even though this Amy’s soup was the “main dish” of my lunch…
I was most looking forward to the bread! I am loving this GH bread, I just wish it wasn’t double the price of the usual bread I buy.
Soup, carrots with hummus and glorious bread. I ended up leaving some of the soup and putting AB on the crust of the bread 🙂 So good.
Since I haven’t been running my appetite is a little less today. I’m not used to this! I have noticed that both yesterday and today my only exercise was a 30 minute walk and I was definitely less hungry.
What’s weird is I am usually the most hungry the day after a long run or hard work out – not the same day. Does this happen to you?
How does working out/running affect your appetite?
I’m now running a measly 3.2 km per run. My appetite has increased considerably! It’s scaring me. But I think I’m still not eating enough because I’m always hungry. I really need to adjust.
Once I take a break from hard exercise my appetite sky rockets! My rest days I have a never ending pipe. Then days when I do workout, if I get in one good meal then the rest of the day my appetite is little.
I can believe that exercise acts as an appetite suppressant. I usually have to force myself to re-fuel after a run, chocking down a protein Odwalla drink, but the next day I’m ravenous.
I’ve actually noticed I’m less hungry/eat less on weekends, which is really weird since you’d think it’d be the opposite. During the week when I’m working I can’t go longer than 2-3 hours without physically needing to eat. I try to stretch it out as long as I can so as not to eat too much extra stuff, but its really embarassing when you’re standing in front of a classroom full of kids and they can hear your stomach growling!
Running makes my appetite go NUTS. Now that i’m not running or doing any cardio, it’s gone way down. But weight training does make it go up as well.
i definitely eat more on days that i do long runs but i almost think its a mental thing, like oh i can eat and munch more because i burned more calories.
My hunger is always wacko. Yesterday was a log run and today was a good amount of moving and still no hunger 🙁
Very vigorous exercise definitely increases my appetite, in fact when I am trying to lose I cut back on the intensity of exercise and focus more on long walks, yoga, and just getting more activity throughout the day (stairs instead of elevator, parking farther away, etc) it makes a HUGE difference for me. The times in my life I have worked out the hardest (training for a long bike event, races, etc) is when I usually weigh more and have higher body fat because my appetite is so huge.
I just realized I live about 5 miles from a Great Harvest. OMG I am SO going to go there soon and get some bread! Thanks for the head’s up!
Normally when I am running, I am ravenous (esp. the day after a long run) but since I’m not running right now, it’s less so…but I still feel like I have an overly active appetite in general. Maybe because I’m a bit hyper and twitchy and can’t sit still??
The two days after my 18miler I couldn’t eat enough. I felt like I was starving all the time. I actually sent my poor husband on a frozen yogurt run at 10pm because I was so hungry. I started running again after a recent injury and am not looking forward to the return of the hunger.
I worked out late this morning and found it was very hard to push myself because my body was ready for breakfast. However, I find that if I fuel myself properly before a run (and wait the appropriate amount of time so my stomach doesn’t start turning!) and then again, after a run, I’m usually fine throughout the day.
I’ve started up an exercise regime that is a lot more intense than what I’m used to. I’m eating throughout the day (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, maybe-a-snack) and making sure I’m eating balanced, healthy meals and snacks and haven’t noticed my hunger levels rising.
PS – That bread looks amazing!!! I wish we had GH here in Canada!
I usually rack up 34 miles a week running/walking. The two days I don’t run/walk I am RAVENOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exercising definitely works as an appetite suppressant for me. I workout between 10-1 and I get really hungry after I get home but can only eat a carrot and then I’m stuffed. I don’t like to eat late at night so I basically shove food down my throat so I don’t go crazy at 9m.
If I work out regularly, which I normally do, my appetite doesn’t change that much on an off/light exercise day.
However, due to some crazy circumstances, I haven’t exercised much in the past two weeks and I have noticed a dip in my appetite. It took a few days for my body to adapt, but it did happen. I’m kind of glad because I’d be in serious trouble if I ate as much as I do on workout days.
That bread looks seriously good.
I hope your physical therapy appointment went well.
Isn’t it weird how much our appetites can shift?! Mine fluctuates BIG TIME dependent on whether or not I have a monthly visitor. I’ve also noticed that I seem to eat more on days that I don’t workout, although that could be my bodys way of continuing to refuel from the previous days workout… hmmm… who knows!
That happens to me too. I am starving the day after a longer run! I am new to running so it’s tough for me. I always end up eating too much and justifying it with, “oh I burned X amount of calories yesterday.” I’m having a tough time balancing it all out!
The same thing happens to me, I am hungry the next day!
Its funny sometimes I really only feel it about 24 hours later…so if I did a double workout the today I would only feel a larger hunger the day after…I am really trying to find the right amount of food I should eat and at what times…
I’m less hungry on days where I workout longer than 45 minutes or so. I eat the same things at the same time of day every day so my hunger pretty much goes by that schedule at this point. I’m trying to change it up though.
I don’t find that my appetite is at all affected by my workouts but I don’t do very intense ones like you do. I’m not a runner and I’m sure that I would be changing my tune if I were.
I find that a short workout at moderate intensity for about 30-45 minutes/day is all I can handle.
I’ve read that exercise works as an appetite suppressant. Makes sense that you wouldn’t be hungry the day of but the day after instead. Same thing happens to me.
That bread looks delicious! I wish I could get my hands on some!