Hello! How is your day going? Mine is going.
I actually didn’t start the day with a run, first I wanted to try on all my cool new clothes from Stitchfix and decide what to keep and send back before my trip.
But this isn’t Clothes, Run, Eat Repeat – so let’s start with the Run…
10 miles to celebrate this holiday!

Then, I made the usual eggs/tortilla combo drowned in Sriracha. And now I’m hungry again so I’m chomping in yogurt and fruit with nuts.

I’m going to Bible study tonight (it’s a miracle I haven’t been kicked out of the group I guess these are good people). I think they keep me in because I offered to bring food. So I whipped up something super easy and delicious!
I’m hoping my cooking skills get me into Heaven somehow…

And I have to tell you about this new chocolate syrup that changed my life!!!
I tried the new NuNaturals chocolate syrup at ExpoWest and kind of forgot about it. The company rep said it wasn’t out at stores just yet. Well, I guess it’s out because they sent me some and it’s better than I remembered!!!
Chocolate.Syrup. It’s made with stevia and love. Believe it.

StitchFix Review
Okay. Now it’s time for me to pretend to be cool for 22 seconds…
Stitchfix contacted me last year about trying their personal styling service – they send you clothes for a $20 styling fee and you decide what to keep/send back after trying them on at home. To start you fill out a questionnaire that figures out your fashion style and preferences.
I was very hesitant because I know what looks good on my body type. I figured they would send trendy stuff that I would never wear because I know how to cover or display my booty body.
But, they reached out again recently and I have a few friends who swear by it. Plus, I heard a rumor they were going to get more casual/fitness kinda clothes soon so I accepted the offer to give it a whirl. I was fully open with the point person that I was hesitant because I didn’t think something like this would work for me because of my build (read: it is hard enough for me to find jeans that fit my ass, I don’t expect some rando to find them for me).
Really, I decided to say “yes” after talking with a friend recently who was asking me for advice on where I find jeans and shorts. I am not the most fashionable person in the world, but I do know how to dress for my body type. And I do love to find clothes that fit me and make me feel good – who doesn’t right?!
So, I’m hoping this will be an opportunity to share some insight with the company and with girls like me who don’t want their butts hanging out of their pants or to just wear baggy stuff and still want to be cute.
Anyway. I got my first ‘fix’ last week and here is the loot:
Green Jeans. When I first saw these I was like, “Nope.” But I was pleasantly surprised that they A.) actually fit and B.) don’t look bad. I’m not sure if I’m going to keep them because I prefer to wear green on top. Still TBD.

Hey buddy butt-y, how do you like ‘em?

^ And this is why we can’t go nice places.
This color doesn’t really work with my hair/skin coloring.


It was a tiny bit long to wear with flats so I folded it over at the top. It’s super comfy and I already have a top to wear with it so I might keep it.

I prefer patterns on top so I’m not going to keep this one. And it needed a belt or something because it only looks good if I have my hands on my hips.


I liked this, super delicate and girly.
Go-go Power Rangers!!!

Oh wait. Just act cool, just act cool…

They also send ideas on how to wear it casual or fancy.

I actually haven’t decided what I’m keeping for sure yet. The top and dress are a “No” for sure but everything else is TBD. Even though I really like the jeans in pictures, I don’t want to keep them if I won’t actually wear them. So, I’m going to sleep on it until tomorrow and then send back what I don’t want. Easy peasy.
Question: Do you wear bracelets?
I like them, but always forget to put them on. Oddly, I don’t forget to put on fake pearl earrings…
Full disclosure: Stitchfix gave me a credit to try their service for the first time for free. All opinions are my own.
I love that you just ran 10 miles… for fun. I’m not a runner, so to me, that’s amazing! I love those green jeans, the dress and of course the bracelet – too cute! I’d rock it!
One of my friends has been trying to get me to use stitchfit too. I’ve also been a little hesitant. Shopping is not somewhere that I need help-LOL. The dress is cute!
I love the dress on you!! I just got my Stichfix in the mail and also received the green jeans and the long-sleeved shirt. I went back and forth on the green jeans and decided to keep them- they suprisingly fit really well! Good luck!
I enjoy reading through a post that can make men and women think.
Also, thanks for allowing for me to comment!
Love the green jeans. I covet those. I kind of need them. Also that skirt is super pretty and looks comfy! I bet you could get it tailored for a few bucks or maybe find a crafty friend to fix it for you if you don’t have sewing skillz (like I don’t have). I kind of agree with you on the rest – everything is cute but you could probably find better if you don’t love it.
Almost always have on a bracelet, if not, definitely a hair elastic or 3. Today I have on turtles and some beads.
I got the same jeans and 3/4 sleeve top, but in different colors, in my last StitchFix box! I got the 3/4 sleeve top in white, but now that I see that coral color I wish I had that one too!
I think the green jeans and the pink/coral top look great together and on you! I’m a redhead too, very close to your coloring, and I’d wear that. It’s so tropical and summery!
Green is IN! 😀
I personally think the chevron print dress looks amazing on you. You should show off your legs. You work hard for those muscles, own em!
I REALLY like those green jeans! I’ve heard of stitchfix but I’m always hesitant with online clothes shopping…I always get discouraged when something doesn’t fit me….I also have a big butt and know only a select few places where I know the jeans will fit me correctly. Question: how much do their clothes typically run if you don’t mind me asking. Like how much are the green jeans and the flowy top? I’m trying to figure out if I can even afford this! lol
Keep the Chevron Dress, the maxi skirt and the bracelet. Say good bye to rest. Not a fan of the green jeans.
The bracelet is adorable! I have several and always forget to put them on too. I’m bad at accessorizing.
Never wear bracelets. I put on a watch every morning and promptly take it off as soon as I arrive at work because it bothers my while I type. The chevron dress looks great on you!
I LOVE that bracelet!!!!
i think that chevron dress looked adorbs on you!
Yay! I ran 10 miles yersterday too. I really like the skirt and think the dress is cute. I love the bracelet but I never wear them.
I hardly ever wear bracelets because they get in the way when I’m at my desk and I usually forget to put them on, but I always wear a watch (unless I’m running)!
Mic check passed Assassin.
I think you look great in the green pants, followed by the skirt outfit.
I also just signed up for Stitch Fix after, oh, maybe a year or so of contemplating it. Like you, I feel like I know what looks good on my body and am hesitant to buy trendy stuff, but I have seen so many wonderful pieces and I hate shopping, so I decided to jump in. I love the jeans and think they look really nice on you. I actually also like the pink top on you, but you have to like it.
I am not really a bracelet girl even though I own a few that I really like. I wear my watch every single day and feel naked without it. I’m also on the computer at don’t like to wear more of the dangly type bracelets because they bang against the keyboard when I type.
One of my best friends gave me the cutest bracelet for graduation and I can’t stop wearing it! Also I love Alex & ani bracelets/I love shaking my wrist when I wear them.
One of my best friends gave me the cutest bracelet for graduation and I can’t stop wearing it! Also I love Alex & ani bracelets/I love shaking my wrist when I wear them.
I say keep the green jeans and Chevron dress.
Love the green jeans. Keep them! I actually have a similar outfit – green skinny jeans with a bright pink shirt.
Mic check mic check…any other dudes out there?! Keep the Harriet Chevron dress, cut it shorter and be twinsies with Skinny (see race photo of OC). Now can I have my man card back?
I really like the Maxi shirt. I tend to wear alot of skirts/dresses in the summer like most of us. I like the bracelet, but I am not a bracelet person. I actually don’t wear any jewelry except for one ring.
We should probably play fashion blogger one day. I’ll photograph you! (I’m ridiculous and always looking for photo subjects other than my boyfriend and nephew)
I’m totally down for that.
I have to say, I love that dress on you! It’s fun and modern 🙂
I love bangles for a mix and match bracelet style!
I laugh out loud every.single.time I read a post of yours. Thanks mama!
Um, you better keep everything from that Stitch Fix cause it looks AWESOME on you! Super flattering! Love love love the green jeans!
And yes, I wear one bracelet from Guatemala all the time, and then these two bracelets from Alex and Ani that I feel like protect me and I like the way they jingle too!
That chevron dress looks AMAZING ON YOU!!!!!
I adore that bracelet!
I really love the coral shirt on you! And with the green jeans it kinda reminds me of a watermelon, which is AWESOME! I wear bracelets All.The. Time.
I love the green jeans and actually I like the pink on you. The color looks better than the blue on you.
i was going to say the same thing! keep the pants bc they are super cute and you can wear a pattern on top. i would keep the pink top too! i’m a strawberry-blonde so i kinda feel you about the coloring. but i would keep it 🙂
You rocked all of those outfits…even the stuff you say doesn’t look good on you but totally does. We are always more critical of ourselves than how others see us. Enjoy the new clothes. You are gorgeous 🙂
I usually don’t wear bracelets either…I only have like 1 and only wear it once in a while when I think of it. I love the one you got and the dress and the skirt too! I have never tried Stitchfix but have heard great things about it!
I very rarely wear bracelets, I’m kind of a klutz and run into things/talk with my hands too much, so I hit bracelets on things when I wear them. That, and I’m too lazy to be bothered with putting them on most of the time…
Hi! I think the short dress looks great on you! Anneli