I know it’s never a good idea to discuss politics with friends, but I’ve finally decided to bring up a very controversial subject on RER. And I welcome you to weigh in on what side you’re on…I promise I won’t judge.
Are you a Straw person or a Spoon person???
Whenever I drink a smoothie I have this inner struggle with myself. Do I choose based on how I was raised or do I remain true to myself and my current views on proper smoothie etiquette?
I hate sitting on the fence about anything. I am normally hold very strong and definite opinions on politics, religion, and smoothies. But – in this one case I love both equally.
I often use BOTH a straw and a spoon to eat my smoothies!
Does this make me a hypocrite? I think not.
And if I’m really going to share my most firmly held views on this subject I have to come clean and let you know that I sometimes just take a swig straight from the glass.
It’s not something I am proud of, but it was one time at a party in college…I’d had way too much to drink and one thing led to another….
I’m sure it was going to come out in the tabloids at some point anyways…
So, there you have it – I am a smoothie drinking, straw slurping, spoon scooping sometimes chugger girl. And I have the green mustache to prove it.
Question: How do you drink your smoothies?
yeah for smoothie staches! i chug as well 😉
I’m late, oh well! I usually chug it! We don’t keep straws in the house & sometimes I use a spoon; however, usually it’s just me and the glass.
I’m loving the green mustache!
I use a straw most of the time. I love slurping away!!!
If I want to drink it, I use a straw (although currently we are out so I’ve been tipping it up as well). When I want smoothie in a bowl, I add a little xanthum gum and some granola and spoon away.
Um..none of the above? I have weird food texture issues so I don’t think I could handle drinking or eating a smoothie or a milkshake. Yes. I am difficult. I know that.
Straw for sure. I don’t want chunks of any sort, so anything too big won’t fit thru a straw!
For me it just depends on how thick the smoothie is. If it is super thin, straw. Super thick, spoon!
Like the mustache 😉
~Christie http://rollerkoesterrun.wordpress.com/
Haha what a great pic! I go both ways…if I put my smoothie in a cup I’ll use a straw but if I put it in a bowl I’ll usually add cereal to the top and use a spoon!
I have to use a straw!
Spoon all the way!
Love the stache and think you should be spokesperson for the green smoothie LOL Great picture!
I always loved having them with spoons as a kid and still do! Now I like both for maximum benefits!
neither! i just drink it!!! sometimes though its harder cause i make some of them too thick..
I like spoons because it seems to last longer that way 😀
Straw! I have pretty neon colored straws.
Straw! I use straws in everything though, even milk!
I like my smoothies extremely thick (as in the blender is screaming thick) so I typically use a spoon and pretend that I’m eating ice cream. Straws are ok but I’d rather stick with a spoon, the smaller the better so I get more bites.
I love using a spoon because I think it fills me up more- I know this is totally in my head though. I hate slurping smoothies for some reason, I know that’s weird. Love the ‘stach though. You should do a “Got Green?” commercial- perfect time of the year too!!
Straw all the way!
I usually use a straw, unless it is really watery then I slurp. I am a serious straw snob though, I only use one specific kind (no bend, med width, neon). Like I said, straw snob.
Straw person, all the way. Love the ‘stache!
Love the stache! Lol! I am a straw girl all the way. I have run out of straws a few times and panicked didn’t know what I was going to do. Just never thought about drinking them like anything else. I look at my Green Monster as a treat like a healthy milk shake. So a straw is a MUST! 🙂
I like to sip from a straw–preferably McDonalds or Starbucks strawbucks because they are wide and awesome but if not, just sip from the cup.
I just drink mine from the glass! And then use a spoon (or a fork or a knife or whatever’s handy) to scrape out the extra bits of goodness from the bottom.
Oh I’m a spoon girl all the way. I eat them in a bowl, much to the confusion of my boyfriend 😉
I hate using spoons on smoothies! I use straws if we have them but usually I just slurp!
i slurp mine! if i had to choose i’d go with the straw. spoons are for frappes (although i will admit to using a straw there on occasion too)
I’m a stache-sportin’ slurper too!! I hate washing straws and spoons are just morally wrong 😛
I like to slurp mine personally! So, neither! Sexy mustache you got there! haha