I had my last easy run for a long time today. I wasn’t feeling it and let myself walk the last mile back. This is the last time because I start training for my next race Friday! I cannot let myself off easy again for another 10 weeks! AHHH!!!
For breakfast I had my last bowl of oat bran for a long time. It’ll be a while because I wanted something warm since it’s cold out, but I should have went with eggs. I prefer oat bran to oats, but it’s still just “eh”.
This is my last jar of Pumpkin Butter. I stocked up when they were in season I’ve got to use this wisely, since it won’t be around again until October!!! Oh, and I totally added some to my oat bran post pic.
These will be the last flowers I get from Ben for a long time because using my water bottle as a vase isn’t really helpful to my thirst, or pretty to look at… First thing on my list is to buy a tall blue and white vase.
Last night I had a grilled cheese and broccoli pre-run and a massive yogurt bowl with 2 Vitatops post-run. Just sayin’
Question: Do you remember your dreams?
Most of the time I don’t and I wish I did….
P.S. – This is my 2000th Post!!!
Leave a comment by to win a fun tea pack from Celestial Seasoning with…
- Assortment of Sleepytime tea
- Sleepytime tea lip balm
- Honey sticks
- Celestial Seasonings tea caddy
(Ends tonight at midnight. )
I love TJ’s pumpkin butter. I haven’t had it in a very long time. Makes me miss it!
Wooooh congrats! Hopefully another 2000!
Holy shmoly! That’s a lot of posting!
I love Celestial Seasonings and would love to win this!!
Oh heck yes, tea package!! And congrats on your 2000th post, I loooove your blog 🙂
2000 posts? Congrats girl!
I love Sleepytime tea! Vanilla is the best….
Monica I love your blog! Keep up the good work : )
I laughed out loud at the flower/vase pic! I do the same thing, we get big bouquets and all we have are teeny little vases…..only difference is that my lid is red 😉 You should add some cocoa and SF syrup to the oat bran…a nice little sweetness 🙂
Congratulations on your 2000th post! Ive been lurking on your blog for awhile but don’t think I’ve ever commented. Just wanted to say I love what you say and that you keep it real–toenails and all–and look forward to catching up at the end of the day! Here’s to 2000 more!
Congrats on 2000! I love sleepytime tea! I would love to win this 🙂
Yay for the post and yay for tea!
yayaya 2000th post!
I usually only remember my dreams if I have them close to when I wake up. What a fun giveaway!
Sometimes during the day I get weird flashbacks to my dreams but I can never fully remember them. I think it’s a good thing though, because sometimes I get nightmares that I’m better off not remembering!
Last night, I had a nightmare that I was still teaching (not the bad part) and that I had forgotten to turn in my attendance sheets SINCE AUGUST (BAD PART). I woke up SO terrified.
I still need to try pumpkin butter…it sounds so good. I guess I will have to wait until next year.
Sometimes I remember them, mostly I don’t. Pretty flowers!
I only remember my dreams when I wake up and fall back asleep again. 🙂
I’m a new reader of your blog and I love it! Keep up the good work, and good luck on your training!
Happy 2000th post! I usually do not remember my dreams unless they’re super bizarre, like when I dreamed I was going to start making my own honey. Weird, right?
Good luck with the training! I’m training for a 25k and my mental toughness is TERRIBLE!! I’m running so poorly and just not getting into it. I let myself stop half way through a run if I get tired, instead of pushing through. LAME!!
Maybe better sleep (a la sleepy time tea) would give me a boost! 🙂
Yay for 2000, lol. Yay for oat bran too, hehe, I eat it pretty much everymorning, I never had pumpkin butter, but I do put pumpkin in my oatbran XP
Congrats on the milestone! I <3 Tea!
Congrats on 2,000 posts!
congrats girl!!! lovelovelove the blog!!
tea tea tea tea….x2000. =D
I remember a dream almost every single night (it’s a by product of sleep apnea). The other day I realized that I should start a blog where I write them down, because some of them are funny.
Like my wedding dream the other night where the minister decided to take an “intermission” right before I walked down the aisle. I went around with my hands up in the air screaming “WTF!”, and a friend of mine commented that “What’s with all of these intermissions? And people think that Catholic ceremonies are long!”
i usually only remember the weird dreams that i am embarassed to discuss with others because they are so bizarre! haha
I usually remember bits and pieces of a dream but not enough to form a coherent story haha
I usually remember my dreams but you got to love the nutty ones. Congrats on you’re 2,000th post 🙂
I almost always remember my dreams.
Last night I was hunting down a crazed woman who cut off the arm and leg of my triathlon partner. She drugged and kidnapped my little brother so I snapped and went all Rocky on her, bashing her head into every available surface.
My dreams aren’t usually that violent, I swear.
I only remember the bad or weird ones, very rarely do I remember a good dream…so either I am always having freaky dreams or the happy ones just don’t have staying power. Either way, it kind of stinks :/
Congrats on your 2,000 post! What an accomplishment.
I want some oatmeal now….
I always wake up thinking that I should tell someone about the dream I had but by the time I remember to tell someone, I’ve forgotten my dream!
I hardly ever remember my dreams!
On a side note, I read your blog every day, but this is the first time I’ve commented. I love your blog!
Congrats on your 2000th post! That’s so crazy and great! 🙂 What a fun giveaway, too.
I didn’t get the apple butter during the holidays out of fear, fear that I would eat the whole jar because it looks amazing! 🙂
Oh and flowers in a water bottle = no bueno for those runs!
2000!!! That’s awesome!! I remember my dreams sometimes….they’re always very random!
I had the craziest dream last night that some killer chopped up a little kid and put him in my backseat to set me up! It was awful.
…and woot! 2000 posts is awesome! Yay for round numbers!
I love Sleepytime Vanilla Tea. I use a lot of their blends. I’ve become a tea-aholic these days.
Congrats!! That’s awesome!
I admire your self-control on the pumpkin butter. Mine is long gone, not to be seen again until next fall.
Wow 2000 posts!! Congrats! 🙂
I loooooooove tea. I’ve been sipping Vanilla Caramel lately and it is SO good.
Happy 2000 post! I hope to get to that number someday! I think that calls for a little celebration- bust out the wine tonight!
Happy 2000th! I usually remember my dreams but wish I hadn’t, like when they are particularly weird.
Happy 2000th post!!:) I can only hope to get that many…
Sleepytime tea sounds awesome right about now. But that may be because I am sleepy.
Happy 2,000th Post 🙂
Congrats on the 2000th post!! That is awesome!
Congrats on your 2,000th post! That’s crazy!
Congrats on your 2000th post!! I’ve loved every one 🙂
Congrats on the 2,000th post! I love me some tea!
Happy 2000th post!! I love reading your blog by the way. You always make me laugh 🙂
congrats on the 2000th post! It takes a ton of dedication to do what you do!
You’re bad run will just make the next one that much more awesome. 🙂
Very cool about the 2000th post! That’s awesome.
I don’t usually remember my dreams. I remember them when I first wake up and sometimes I’ll try to jot down a bit about them, but then later I usually have no idea what it was.
Congratulations–here’s hoping for many more!
As for dreams, I go through phases where I remember them all for a week, and then none for a month or two…
congrats on 2000 posts -zowie!
i know i dream every night, probably 2-3 dreams per night, but i maybe remember one a night…luckily not often are they nightmares!!
sorry that is your last pumpkin can!!!
i only remember dreams that leave me feeling icky. i wish i remembered the good ones. there are some mornings when i know i’ve have a nice dream but i can never remember it!
2000, what a milestone! I have nothing pumpkin, and I keep seeing people refer to their lovely pumpkin creations. This fall, I must remember to stock up.
What race?
I adore natalie dee! Your breakfast looks filling and tasty! I need to get my hands on some pumpkin butter!
I love tea!
I can’t believe this is your 2000th post! I just hit 100 🙂
I think the Celestial Seasonings factory is in Boulder; somewhere near my vacinity. I have to check it out sometime; I <3 tea.
I do not remember my dreams either. I guess I slept well all night 🙂
Which spring marathon are you doing?
I remember bits and pieces, but I usually have really weird dreams about old friends or people from my past dying. I’ll always facebook them the next day and say hi because I think that the reason I’m dreaming of them is because I am reminding myself to not let old friends go ignored.
That was like a million times wordier than it needed to be.
“Oyle”–what a great name! Congrats on the posting accomplishment.
2000?!? dang!!!
i need some sleepytime tea! way too wound up to sleep lately!
I love tea! Especially before bed.
Congrats on your 200th post–that’s awesome! What’s your next big race?
Haha, that dream is awesome! Yay for new training!
I always have really bizarre dreams that are borderline nightmares so I try to forget them quickly!
Happy 2000th post! I’ll be here to read 2000 more.