Happy Thursday! Today is a rest day from running so I started my morning with a 2 mile walk. It was nice
Breakfast was a scramble with toast. I want to eat this again for lunch.
I was going to hit up the gym for a strength workout, but I’ve decided I should really just get to yoga today (the sooner the better!).
So, I just chomped an apple and some cashews to hold me over until lunch and I’m headed for some “Om” time.
Winner of the Sambazon drinks is: Andrea! (I’ve emailed her.)
I found this article “The Problem With Health Food” by Barbara Damrosch yesterday and loved this little snippet:
Health food these days tends to define itself by prohibitions, including those that should apply only to people with genuine food sensitivities. Gluten, lactose and salt are treated like poisons. Fat is the road to hell, and red meat is the road to the grave, even if it’s from a happy, local, organic, grass-fed, free-range, hormone- and antibiotic-free animal, a distinction that eludes the fervently herbivorous. Asian food is prominent on health menus because anything Western in the world of alternative lifestyles is disdained.
I think it’s so true that many things are labeled by what they’re NOT these days. And certain foods are viewed as poisons or evil. While I am working on cutting out sugar I don’t want it to seem like I think it’s poison. It’s a trigger food for ME and I’m working on setting up a detox. But in the long term, I want balance not extremes.
I am going to yoga! See ya later
If I didn’t have to be gluten-free I would be so happy! People who do it to lose weight are crazy. It’s a pain!
One of the reasons why I read your blog and continue to do so is you are one of the only people who address their sugar issues. It is a trigger food for me too. For me, even one RPNButta Cup will just set me off and I am obsessed will sugar again. I have committed to eating no dessert until my Bday this summer (as a short term goal) but hope to continue so I can break free of the sugar monster.
You said it right – to treat the food that one cuts out, as the food that triggers you to eat more of it and thus gain weight. Brilliant said.
I too agree with that article.
Everything inmoderation is what I use for myself. If I restrict anything( I don’t have any medical reasons to) then I find myself craving it more, this happens even with things I don’t really care about. So I eat healthy foods and some not so healthy foods, but workout hard to balance the not so healthy foods.
SO excited about the Sambazon drinks! Thanks!
Sometimes I think health food is getting to complicated with its packaging. I say just eat non packaged real food. Hopefully grass fed and organic. And its all in moderation. As long as I know I am eating the rainbow… I am doing good. 🙂 {chocolate is in the rainbow, right?}
I don’t think any food should be “good” or “bad”. I believe in everything in moderation. I do have to stay away from donuts though, because I can’t eat them in moderation. I want 10.
Have fun at yoga! I’ve been going at least once a week, and I love it!
I love this quote. Thank you for sharing it. I try to eat foods based on their benefits and not get caught up in avoiding things. I was reading a blog post the other day, where the author mentioned that she had just learned this cool thing about a certain vegetable … it was gluten-free! Somehow that seemed to make the vegetable (which shouldn’t have gluten in it anyway!) that much better to the blogger. When really, we could have celebrated the high level of fiber, vitamin A or K, or really anything else positive about what it added to your diet instead of something else to avoid.
I think the healthiest foods aren’t labeled at all. Produce, whole grains (bulgur, quinoa, rice) and beans come to mind.
Good point!
Have fun at yoga!! 🙂 I need to do some soon!!
I have Celiac disease so I HAVE to be gluten free. I can’t imagine anyone volunatrily doing this. Its such a pain in the ass
Same… especially eating out. Talk about a headache (or stomach ache, depending).