Hello! How’s your week going?
Yesterday I got a very pleasant surprise… Ben has been traveling and decided to bring his cute butt back to SoCal. He showed up around lunch time with flowers, but more importantly – DONUTS. He knows how to get to me.

Lunch was donuts so dinner was a big salad. It’s all about balance.

This morning I opened up this jar of Cashew Butter from Trader Joes. I had never tried it before on purpose – cashews are my favorite nut and I was afraid I’d eat in one day.
Yep, I’m in trouble. I love it.

This morning’s run was good. I went on a new route and just enjoyed it. No time goal, no distance goal, just running….

And when I got back I did the Ice Bucket Challenge – have you heard of this? Sarah Fit tagged me to dump a bucket of ice on my head to raise attention for ALS.
Check out more information on ALS here.
Question: What is one thing someone could bring you that is the way to your heart?
Pad thai from my favorite restaurant. All day, err day
The ways to my heart….
PIZZA. And bacon.
I’m a simple gal 🙂
A nice breakfast spread waiting for me when I get back from my long run. Pretty much all I think about on the second half of my long run is what I’m gonna eat when I’m done, and to have it already made, sitting there waiting for me would be the best!
Cupcakes are my weakness!
Cupcakes and/or French Fries (I’m a weakling for the potato)
Hands down, no doubt about it…Mac and Cheese.
Hmm….that’s a tough one.
Methink toast with a chunk of butter and a dollop of raw honey or jam. That’s my vice.
Dark chocs for me.
I’d say he’s a keeper. Donuts are way better than flowers anyway. 🙂 What would win me over: a nice cheese plate or maybe Starbucks. An apple fritter would work, too.
Chocolate, or pretty much any candy. Or a book! 🙂
Chocolateeeeeeee !
hmmm donuts!!! Champagne or cupcakes…either one will do the trick 🙂
A dark chocolate candy bar or cookies….warm chocolate chip cookies …I’m a sucker for fresh flowers too. 🙂
BBQ food.
in that order. 🙂
Ice-cream hands down, followed very closely by chocolate mousse, but that’s kinda harder to come by. Flowers are ok too I guess 🙂
Nope. Can’t even look at those donuts! Getting married in less than two weeks, so making sure I don’t overdo it on anything and make myself lovely and bloated for the pics!
Exciting!!!! Good luck 🙂 <- is that what you're supposed to say? I dunno.
That is literally my face when I eat bacon. LOL!
Chocolate Fudge Cake. Like really chocolately and fudgy layers. Works every time.
I love cake. Are you more an icing person or a cake person?
donuts — the best!
Groupon got my heart this morning with a TEN Dollar Dunkin Donuts card for only 4 bucks! yeah, I know!
What?! I bet those aren’t in my area since there are no DDs around.