What do you think about when you’re running?
Today I thought about one thing and one thing only – FOOD.
I think my body is still on island time (aka East coast time) and thought I accidentally missed the breakfast buffet because I was starving this morning.
First, I just kept thinking about what I wanted for breakfast, then lunch. When I started planning my breakfast for the entire week I knew I was in trouble. I ate the energy chews I brought with me, but that wasn’t cutting it.
Finally, I called it a day at mile 12 and called in back up. I called Ben to come pick me up and I headed straight for the kitchen.
Unfortunately, our fridge is pretty bare since we’ve been gone all week. I made a smoothie and toast with cream cheese and jam.
I also ate the hummus and pita chips my mom sent me home with last night when she picked us up from the airport. And by “ate” I mean, “scarfed them down like a homeless dog in a dumpster behind a restaurant”.
And this smoothie with protein powder, frozen berries, almond milk and chia seeds. I topped it with granola for crunchy goodness too.
I remember reading a poll a long time ago that said the top things runners think about while running, is something like:
1. Food
2. Work
3. Sex
Question: What do you think about when you run or work out?
On this morning’s 5K I actually thought about whether I’ll ever be able to a) run without stopping for walk breaks (I currently run 5 min, walk 1 min) and b) if I will ever get under a 10 minute mile. I think it’s random I almost always think about running when I run. Almost never food, I hate the idea of food when I run.
I think about everything…but yeah food would be number 1!
I think about food almost every time I run. It’s kind of pathetic. It usually gets me through though!
I put music in my ears when I run and often I think about nothing.
I think about food and sex…. especially when I run.
I totally think about food #1 and then anything that might be stressing me out.
i go over memories. they could include things from all of the above. 😉
thats hilarious. I think about sex while working out! But thats probs because I am reading Cosmo’s sex articles while on the elliptical…so I know I look like a predator LMAO.
I do not run but I am trying to conquer this mountain. My thoughts are, OMG, I am going to die. How Fricken high is mountain. Oh shit, damn lizard scared me to death. Oh no, coyote tracks. My knee hurts. Can we please turn around. Come on you can do it. You are almost there. OMG … I made it. I made it!! Somebody call 911 and have the helicopter come and pick me up. Pleasseeeeee!!!
Oh man, FOOD, too. I made the mistake of doing a long run on a treadmill today while watching the Food Network. Bad idea, yo. I was starving the whole time!
Today at various points in my treadmill 15-miler I wanted: beer, kiddie juice boxes, smoothies, cookies, peanut butter, cake, pie, and brownies. Bad news.
Definitely food! And music because I love to sing along. I always think I’m singing along in my head, but that’s hardly ever the case lol.
It’s funny, but I usually choreograph moves for my Zumba class.. multitasking at its finest. If I’m not listening to a Zumba song, I usually try to plan my day, but I end up zoning out most of the time.
Food. That is all I think about.
I’d say 95% of the time I’m thinking about food. 3% of the time I’m writing a blog post in my head. And the final 2%? I swear sometimes my mind just goes completely blank. Is that even possible?
When I run, I’m normally thinking about how much pain I’m in.. and how long it is until I can stop. 😉 Yesterday though I was thinking about life goals.. and how I want to get there. When a good song comes on I am usually singing the words in my head and trying to avoid doing goofy arm movements. 😀
Food is definitely one of the top things I think of. I also tend to think about problems I can’t solve, and other times, I just zone out and look at the scenery.
Definitely food. When T.I.’s song “Whatever You Like” came out a few years ago, I changed the words to “You can EAT whatever you like!” and would sing it to myself while running. I still do this sometimes, and plan my many post-runs meals. 🙂 Which reminds me, I think I sing songs in my head a lot while running, but my mind always begins to wander and I never finish the song. Is that strange?!?!
I usually think about food and my to-do list. 🙂
I’d say your list is pretty correct, although I would substitute work for school. #3 would be at the top. [!] What can I say, I’m a pervert.
I usually stop thinking about anything and just zone into my run. I just watch the world around me as I slow-jog by 🙂
I try not to think about the food I want to eat until I’m near the end of the run. Sometimes in the beginning, I remind myself of some of the naughty things I’ve eaten lately to inspire myself on the run. Otherwise, I’m just singing along to the music or observing the passer-bys.
I usually think about how hideous running is! Does that make me some kind of masochist?!
If I’m running in a nice neighborhood, I go house hunting and imagine I could afford any of it.
i’d say that list is pretty accurate. not sure about the order though hahah. i think about my writing a lot too. essays for schools and even blog posts!