Hello and Happy Thursday!
Last night I celebrated New Year’s Day with black-eye peas and salmon. I also made brown rice but ate it in a separate bowl because I’m a freaking adult and I can dirty as many plates as I want to thankyouverymuch.
Then, Vegas and I cuddled the night away with hot tea and peppermint bark.
I’m excited to get back to ‘normal’ aka non-holiday/vacation life. I like routine. I know most of you are back to school or work next week but if you want to get back to a balanced, healthy lifestyle may I suggest starting off with working on this simple, sipping check-in…
Today is Thirsty Thursday and I challenge you to drink enough water to stay hydrated and satisfied. I asked for an indoor water filter and BIG water bottles for Christmas and my mom delivered! I plan on filling all three bottles up each morning and drinking them by the end of the day. This way I get nice, cold water all day! (It’s the little things.)
NOTE: This is more than most people need but I am a very salty sweater, eat a lot of salt and have this little hobby calling ‘yogging’ so I need to hydrate according to my needs.
You should drink half your body weight in ounces or until your pee is light yellow. If you’re not sure that your pee is the right color take a picture of it and tag me on Instagram or Facebook* so I can verify.
Run: REST day! This morning I did some strength work and a little plank action.
Breakfast. The same as yesterday, told ya I like routine.
Blueberries gone before I could snap a pic.
Speaking of drinks… Honest Tea sent me this special Holiday Brew before Christmas and I didn’t get the chance to drink it pre-vacation! How cool is that?!
Question: What are you drinking today?
*Kidding. I shouldn’t have to specify this, but I guarantee someone would tag me with their pee pic today and I’d regret skipping this clarification.
Simple and to the point! Water, water, water! People don’t realize that liquids can lower their urges with hunger and is of course great for your body! I just recently finished a new diet and if it were not for water I would have never been able to meet my goals. Great post! Keep up the great work!
I drank a crapload of water today! Every time I have to run indoors on a treadmill I sweat extra (and I already sweat a ton). I also had to have my daily iced coffee because Dunkin is truly a godsend. And a cup of green tea!
Water, water and more water. I get thru 3-3.5 liters before lunch – yeah, I’m a water person too. And a cup of java when I woke up.
lots of coffee for the drive home!!
Today I actually drank a ton of water. I was trying to detox a bit since I’ve been eating too many goodies lately. I just ordered a new waterbottle too. If I keep a large cup or bottle of water on the counter, I’m more likely to drink that instead of teas or *gasp*! Soda! Diet pepsi is my weakness. I’m weaning off…slowly.
My favorite drink is soy latte from sbux, which is amazeballs
I always drink a lot of water, coffee…adult beverages… 😉
I am a big water drinker. I’ve struggle the last few days with it because of morning sickness and the stomach flu. That is not a fun combo! I feel human today and was actually able to get down all my water today. I’m still thirsty. I think I’m making up for lost time.
I drink a lot too, a big glass of water when I wake up, 3 bottles of water at work, 24 oz each, and some more in the evening at home. Add to that 3 cups of coffee, they say it counts for daily liquid intake.
I’m so thirsty right now. Gonna go do what you said, yes ma’am.
They made your own tea blend! How cool is that?
I am so going to be stalking your instagram–someone is going to post their pee for you, I just know it! That is hilarious! =)
Wow, look at that plank form. I am having a nice rest day today too – stretching and now I may just get some plank action happening.
Some of your readers may like to join my 5k free virtual race series? http://www.licoriceandolives.com/2013/12/virtual-5km-race-series-in-2014.html
I had water, coffee, lemonade and then some water with Mio in sweet tea flavor added in. I am TERRIBLE at drinking 1/2 my body weight in ounces of water. I mean TERRIBLE!
I think I’m going to set the alarm on my phone to go off everyday at 11am and 3pm to ask me how I’m doing? Or I’ll have to get Richard Simmons on my a$$! =)
3 Nalgene’s is the way to go, I do the exact same thing each night! Do you use that beautiful treadmill you got?
Funny, today I have especially good about my water intake. I’m catching (aka trying not to catch…) a cold right now so I’m hydrating like crazy! I’m at about 70 oz right now, so just about at half of my body weight. Woot!
Ugh, I’m less good about it in the winter, but I usually get my 64 oz in. Today, not so much, but I’m working on it and the days not over yet. Tonight I’m going to a wedding, so probably some wine. 🙂
i drink so much water that it almost seems mathematically improbable
Coffee is a must every morning. The only other thing I usually drink all day is water, though probably not as much as I should.
I kicked my diet coke habit (it was a bad one) several months ago. I drink water like there is no tomorrow now. Well, and coffee. I kind of love coffee. Yes, this combo does ensure that I pee a lot.
I love your colorful rainbow of water bottles. 🙂
I am a water drinking fool; I have a 22 ounce cup at work that I probably fill at least 4x a day; sometimes 6. Its crazy! I have more trouble keeping that up on the weekends when I am not sedentary and busy with my kids. But I still manage to down at least 50-60 ounces then. I love flavored seltzer water (Trader Joe’s or Arrowhead) and thankfully that counts too!
glug glug glug
Happy New Year!
I try to aim for a gallon a day, before 5pm (so i’m not up all night!) then, when I go to the bathroom 38297 times at work I go to the downstairs bathroom to get my steps in on my new fitbit! win win!
I love the idea of putting pre-made water in the refrigerator! So smart so you can see how much you are really drinking.
I definitely need to be drinking more water and not losing my giant water bottle. That’s probably the first step.
I’m usually pretty good about drinking water but sometimes it gets swapped out for coffee and I realize I’ve had 3 cups of coffee and only 1 glass of water…oops!
I’m usually great about drinking my water, but it’s harder for me in the wintertime. And it isn’t even cold out right now (getting up to 70* in Northern Cali, what?). I’ve been drinking more Ultima hydrator, which helps me feel more hydrated and tastes better than water unflavored.
I go in spurts being good with my water – and I’m usually very “not good” with it in the winter when I’m slugging down coffee & tea all day – so thanks for this post to remind me to get on it!! BTW, way to go the extra mile for your readers with the offer of urine analysis!! 🙂
Even with the clarification…I would still guess that someone will sadly probably send you a pic…lol
I’ve been living on hot tea the past few days to kick whatever bug this is that is lurking.
I want to Instagram my pee just so my friends can be like “She’s lost her mind” 🙂
I, too, suffer from the must-pee-every-30-minutes syndrome, but water is so good! At the moment, though, I’m chilling some seltzer to mix with a little pomegranate juice because I love me some bubbles.
Monican, Maybe you know that I am a water geek. I always want the cleanest water which is difficult to find in most areas where people live. I found Pristine Hydro 4 years ago. They are located in Laguna Woods. It’s the best water around and close to you. I have had their counter top machine for the last 4 years. My water is clean and alkaline. I also recommend a shower filter. There are too many reason to list here but both are great investments in your health.
You are such a hippie.
Water and green tea for this girl! Happy Thursday!
I drink water all day. Today I did add Emergen-C to one glass so I don’t get sick.
I’m a huge fan of Emergen-C!!
My New Years Resolution is to drink more water! I am sooo bad for not drinking enough. I find I drink way more when it’s in a bottle, so I’m using my Contigo water bottles, also helps me with tracking amounts. I’ll send a pic of my urine pre/post and send it to ya;)
I’m dying with your suggestion of posting pics so you can verify pee color! You are awesome! That Honest Tea is pretty neat too! I hate having to pee every 30 minutes when I drink tons of water, oh well #firstworldprobs
I drink water constantly at work. I love it, especially because it lets me get up from my desk and re-fill water/pee 10-20 times a day. It’s a natural time-waster. Is that a bad thing? … hmm.
Most days all I drink is water and coffee and seltzer. Oh and wine…lots of wine 🙂
Since it’s winter, I have a hard time getting my water. Really need to just suck it up 🙂
Thanks for this post. It is a good reminder for me on how to get back on track. You look great!
I always drink water, and I honestly would rather have it than other drinks. The only other thin I really drink is unsweetened almond milk in the morning. I like routine too. 🙂
It’s crazy how much more water I need to drink here in CO rather than when I’m in Florida. My body definitely let me know that this week.
And I’ve never had black eyed peas!
Not to brag or anything but I think I am a water drinking champ. Haha. Luckily I work from home so it’s not weird when I get up to pee every 7 minutes. Also I hate cold water. It’s gotta be room temp or even a little bit warmer. Is that weird?
Brag away!!! I love it.
I always drink room temp water or hot water….except for when it’s 86 degrees and 100 percent humidity and I’ve run 20 miles….then I might just go for cold water.
So far just lots and lots of water – oh yeah and COFFEE!! I can’t forget that as it is my very first drink every morning! 🙂
Haha glad you added in the extra note, I think you may have had a few pee pics to check out otherwise. Totally agree though that staying hydrated is a top priority when getting back on track. Not only does it keep me hydrated but it helps control my appetite so its a win win!
hahaha when I read the Insta-pee suggestion I totally believed it for a sec and thought sheesh this poor girls is probably getting tons of tags of pee on instagram! (and also, who would Instagram their pee?!)
I’m definitely on board with drinking TONS of water. I always fill up my giant water bottle in the morning and have two alarms (one at 11am and one at 5pm) to refill. That way, if I haven’t finished the water when the alarm rings, I know I need to step it up and finish it to refill it! That 66 oz (the bottle is 22oz) plus a cup of tea in the morning and two at night is my daily water! 🙂
Lisa @ The Skinny on Health
Your dinner looks awesome! Love the idea of the water in the fridge I like to drink water all day at work!
this is hilarious! I actually just noticed my pee was a little too yellow before I even read this post and was about to chug water. I’ll have to keep an eye out to see if someone actually does tag you in a pee pic!