Hello! How are you? How was your week? I’ve been busy but made time to get my nails done today. It was a necessity because my toe nail fell off and needed some help with that. #RunnerProblems
So my toenail falling off is a #Fail
But saving it to mail to my brother is a #Win

Most people have heard about “Meatless Mondays” but certain religions don’t eat meat on Fridays during Lent (and it’s the Lenten season right now).
Oddly, fish isn’t considered meat for meat free Fridays so the Shrimp Stir-Fry I made works is that’s your thing. This is the easiest dinner ever, but it looks so fancy plated nicely and served up with wine.

Dinner is a #Win

Bonus tip: If you want to bulk it up throw the rice and shrimp stir fry in a pan, crack a few eggs in it and top with cashews for a fancy fried rice.

Breaking 3 shot glasses and one margarita glass while trying to put dishes away is a #Fail

Cindy lost 12 pounds on the Advocare 24 Day Challenge!!! That is a major #WIN
She’s super happy with the results and wants to continue eating clean and sipping Spark. Love it! (I didn’t share my results because I was sick for a week of the challenge and don’t really think it would be a fair recap because I wasn’t eating or breathing like a normal person.)

I allllways make egg fried rice! If i’m not feeling the need for all the fats, I’ll usually do egg whites and maybe one egg. It’s one of my go to meals, and I usually make it with frozen veg cos I’m super lazy when it comes to shopping!
Also, I’m injured so today is rest day which means mani pedi time. Frankly my feet have been needing some love from this training season!
Win: I got in a 30+ mile bike ride this week because the weather was so warm.
Fail: I’m so out of shape that my hips hurt for two days after I rode my bike. Time to get out the foam roller.
Did my long run midweek due to the forecast and weekend obligations, 24 miles with my last at a sub 6:45 pace. Great boost to my confidence for an upcoming marathon!
Win is that I got a lot accomplished this week and a fail is that I can’t break my popcorn addiction!!
LOL this post made me laugh. I needed that. You sent your toenail to your brother…LOL! Really?
It’s been a tough week for me. I’m working toward not letting the negative, down days win though anymore.
I have the biggest fail. I opened a bottle of salad dressing and then forgot I already opened it and shook it. The salad dressing went everywhere! In my eye and dripping from my hair, all over my shirt, the kitchen walls, fridge and on the clean dishes drying in the dish rack. Needless to say i didn’t bother eating a salad.
Ugh. That is the worst. Boo.
Win – had awesome work outs, actually taking a real rest day (something I am working on) and had positive feedback from my work presentations.
Fail – did not finish folding my laundry yet….where is my mom when I need her? OH YEAH 2 hours away.
Great job on the workouts! You earned that rest day!!