This morning I used my cute little tea cup for juice. I love using smaller dishes to help with portion control (and of course it doesn’t hurt if they’re cute!). These tea cups are from a set my Nina bought me for my bridal shower and I adore them.
I think of them as super tiny tea cups and don’t really feel guilty about refills. Well, this can defeat the purpose of using smaller dishes! Today I measured out how much liquid actually fits in the cup. To the brim it is one cup. That means I easily could drink 2 cups of OJ thinking I was drinking little girl sized portions. Noted.
Question: Do you know how much your glasses/cups hold?
Ben and I took a walk this morning. It was gorgeous out, but all the trees look a little tragic without the leaves.
I have been craving an egg sandwich for a while and finally had the time to make it today. I cooked up some mushrooms and spinach then added egg beaters and topped it with cheddar cheese. I am kinda disappointed that the cheese got lost in the mix because I really wanted to taste it! But it was still dee-lish 🙂Happy Sunday! I am off to run errands, and by run errands I mean get a Dunkin Donuts coffee 🙂
CUTE dishware! I love anything with polka dots!
So cute!! I love Polka Dots- I agree– just looking at them makes me happier!! I used to have a great set like that for Target–but misplaced them somewhere..hummm
Wow That’s a very lovely tea pot set! I have quite a few collections of tea cups, love those little things:D
Monica. Thanks for your answer/comment on my blog! I hope you don’t mind me using your Start, Stop, Keep.
P.S. That is a really cure tea pot!
Dunkins is always an important errand 😉
omg those are the best tea cups!! and i have no idea how much my cups/glasses hold but prolly a whole lot more than i think haha
and i’m with evan, i love eating with a teeny tiny spoon 🙂
oooh girl im lovin those cups!
Your tea set is adorable!
I love a good, tiny spoon. It doesnt change the size of the bowl, but it’s fun