My throat started hurting last night and I HATE it! I knew it was coming and lo and behold I woke up this morning with a slight sore throat. BOO. Anyways, I had a bad 6m run this morning, but I am trying to stay on schedule so I ran anyways.
Quote of the day: “Life is short, running makes it seem longer” – Baron Hansen
I think it’s funny and true 🙂
I ate a bunch of watermelon on the way to work (no pic) and made oat bran with naner, brown sugar, splash of milk and PB at work. Delicious! This combo is amazing. Too bad it’s still pretty warm here and hot cereal isn’t a good option when I’m already sweating.
I bought Kashi U this weekend! I have been putting off buying it because it is so expensive. It is $5.00 a box and the box is a lot smaller than other cereal boxes, which is kind of a rip. I was hoping Kashi would just magically send me a box since I LOVE KASHI and I am a totally loyal customer, but nope I had to fork out the change and buy it myself.
I will be doing a video review tonight because it is a lot faster and easier than writing out a whole spiel. I’ve been messing with the recorder option on my camera and actually recorded some video of Half Dome that I didn’t post. I want to start posting videos regularly since that’s what I went to school for and all, at least I can use my skills here…This way maybe won’t fill like all those freakin’ student loans are mocking me for not actually utilizing my education. Stay tuned!
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