My quads are still unbelievably tight! What gives?!
I had a longer-ish run scheduled for today, but I feel like my quads are a super tight rubber band about to SNAP so I did 4.5 miles to shake it out and stretched when I got back.
I think it might be time to put my Garmin to sleep During the relay one of the buttons collapsed in and I’ve been changing the screen by using the end of my shoe lace and sticking it in the hole.
So this morning I busted out my MotoActiv to use. I’m still learning it so we’ll see…
I had one lonely pita leftover from pita pizzas past so I used that for breakfast.
I slathered a layer of whipped cream cheese and topped it with 2 eggs and cheese.
This was delicious, but I’m in a weird breakfast funk where I don’t know what I want, and no matter what I eat I feel unsatisfied. When I have something savory, I’ll crave something sweet after and vice versa – every morning. I think it’s more a psychological thing than physical since I hit all the nutrient bases. So I’ve got to fix my brain. Or my tongue.
Yesterday I got a letter in the mail from the Cinco de Mayo Half Marathon peeps. I somehow managed to win 3rd place in my age group and got a gift card to Dave & Busters and $1.00 off Cold Stone Creamery. I really need more than one dollar off ice cream the way I eat it though…
Sometimes I kick off my shoes without untying the laces, but I feel super guilty about it because my 7th grade teacher said that was bad. She said it stretches out the shoe! I never forgot that and try to get myself to untie them because of that lesson. Isn’t that a random thing to remember?

Question: Is there any random life lesson a teacher told you that you still remember??
Do you untie your shoes before taking them off?
Mr. Rogers taught me to get out of the bathtub before all of the water drains out so that I don’t get cold. I remember that until I heard him say that on the show, I would always stay in the tub until the last of the water drained. Never again!
the watermelon just gets you
Exactly 🙂
I always wondered if pulling my feet out of my shoes was a bad thing. I guess so. I will now start untying my shoes. Thanks for giving me yet another thing to think about!! 🙂
I’ve been in a breakfast funk too. Neither eggs or oatmeal sound good. I’ve had a pb&j the past 2 days!
My 7th grade teacher told us to always “THINK ABOUT WHAT MAKE SENSE!” I use that with my third graders all the time!!!
Our 7th Grade Health teacher told us that it was much more sanitary to flush public restrooms with your shoe rather than your hand. I still do that to this day!
I never untie my laces…maybe I’ll rethink that.
I don’t remember any random lessons from my teachers, maybe that teaches me I need to listen better.
My 6th grade health teacher was on a mission to promote no smoking & focused on it heavily. This is a great message however it was discovered at the end of the year that she was a smoker & we all felt duped/betrayed. It was scandilous. That is the message I remember from a teacher, and I’m sure it stemmed from her wanting to prevent us from having to go through what she did quitting.
It sounds like you need to give your body a few days of rest. I have a hard time taking rest days because I LOVE the activities I do, but it’s necessary sometimes – especially to avoid injury. Would you rather take a few days off running or a few months?
I’m too lazy to untie my shoes before taking them off 🙂
I took 2 days off after the relay and took it easy Tuesday. I take rest seriously 🙂
I’m usually too lazy to untie my shoes before I take them off, and I can tell over time it messes up the heel!
How germaine, I was just watching this super crazy cartoon-y video on how to tie/untie your running shoes more easily. Check it out: Sorta looks complicated. I also worry about stretching them out especially since my feet seem to do that on their own and running shoes are so expensive!
I NEVER untie my shoes. Waist of time and energy (althoug of course, when i put them back on i still have to untie them…)
I recently went with one of my friends to get her first pair of running shoes. She kicked off her shoes with her feet and without untying them, and the guy said scolded her (humorously) for it! It really does damage the shoe!
My 3rd grade teacher taught me to not pass gas – this isn’t a joke either. One day in class a kid broke wind and she questioned all of us on “whom done it, and if they did, they should go to the restroom” and then she walked around the room trying to figure out the guilty party! In the end I think she sent 6 boys to go use the bathroom but seriously that haunts my dreams haha
Since I’m like…a million years old..I can’t remember anything my teachers told me, but I do remember what my son’s kindergarden teacher told him. He was 4 then, almost 20 now…
She told the class that when they wash their hands they should count for 60 seconds. Well, it takes a four year old about 3 minutes to count to sixty. Poor kid had these chapped little hands and when I asked him about them he told me he HAD to count every time!! I told him it was okay to count to 10…that took about a minute…:)
My mother told me that ‘all the women in Montreal wear hats’. It was so wierd, even when she said it 15 years ago. Now it’s just nuts. We tell the kids ‘don’t believe everything I say, parents say crazy things all the time’. They just look at us blankly but one day they’ll know we’re right. Oh, also from my Mom, did you know cats smother babies, maliciously. Apparently they can’t figure out how to judge the edge of the couch reliably but they can muster the intent to kill a baby. Nice.
I hate tying and untying my shoes. Lazy that way, so nope I just yank them off.
Congratulations on your win! I untie shoes too. Someone told me long ago that it was bad for your shoes, too. I had a class in third grade where we talked about airplanes and my teacher’s name was Mrs. Green. To remember that the green light was on the right wing, she had us memorize, “Mrs Green is always right.” Now, when I look up at a plane, I always look for the green light 🙂
I just bought new runners last week so I’ve been good at untying them. That will last for about..2 more weeks. Tops.
My mother told me it was illegal to drive barefoot because “there might be something sharp on the brake and then you’re dead.” There are a lot of times when my shoes are killing me and I want to kick them off before the commute home, but I just CAN’T. I’m 99% certain this isn’t true and I’m a lawyer and I guess I could check but it might ruin my entire childhood…
Oddly, my mom had me first learn to drive barefoot because she thought I could feel the acceleration better. I’ve been breaking the law since I was 16 😉
In 4th grade, my teacher told us to never assume bc you “make an as$ out of u and me”. Lesson learned. And also how to spell the word 🙂
I’m definitely not a shoe-untier.
Random # 1 – my 4th grade teacher (who knows why) told us to match foundation to your jawbone in the winter and to your collarbone in the summer. Not that I even wear foundation now…
Random # 2 – My 2nd grade teacher taught us to spell encyclopedia by having us repeat it over and over. To this day I spell it out in my head with the exact same rhythm.
I untie. When I was a kid I liked to retie my shoes after taking them off b/c i thought they looked better with bows.
I absolutely never untie. Who are these patient people that can untie their shoes before taking them off? They must have a lot to teach me!
I love my MotoActv! My Hus and I both got one and he’s been using the golf app on it. I love that you can do indoor activities too, plus it’s so sleek looking. I’m sold on that guy.
Come show me how to use it 🙂
I still remember being in 2nd grade, and on the way home, somebody pulled out in front of us and made us slam on the brakes. The lady driving the carpool said “I HATE people who do that!” then quickly rephrased it, “No, I don’t hate the person, I hate the action.” That has always stuck with me.
I always make sure I untie my running shoes before taking them off!
I was crippled for a week after running Hood to Coast! My quads were completely trashed! Swimming helped me.
Congrats on placing in the half! I never untie my shoes before taking them off. It’s sheer laziness on my part!
I got the same advice from my 5th grade teacher! But, now I don’t untie them b/c my trainer said once I get them right, I should leave them alone. It hasn’t wrecked my shoes yet 🙂
My dad told me the same thing about untying your shoes before taking them off…so I always untie my shoes!
I remember in middle school, our lady PE teacher got on a tangent about hip width so she measured all the girls hips and which every girl, she would make an “assessment” on ease of childbirth based of hip width. The girl in line in front of me had wider hips “great for child birth!” the PE teacher said while mine were more narrow “Not so good” It was so weird…even more so now!
That is so weird!
I never untie my shoes…not to put them on and not to take them off! That’s probably a habit I should try to break.
I still really love this race and winning things and getting mail, but for some reason Coldstone and In N Out (yes I got a free burger/fries coupon) don’t really scream “WAY TO GO, RUNNER! LOVE, A PUBLIC HEALTH COMPANY.”
Maybe that’s just me, though.
I hardly ever untie…but now I will! Don’t want to stretch out my shoes.
Lefty Loosey was something I heard on TV before that always stuck with me, that is funny Jennifer!
I never untie! I’m waaayy to lazy.
My 12th grade physics teacher taught me the phrase “lefty loosey, righty tighty”. It has come in handy all these years.
My second grade teacher taught us a song that I sang in my head as I read that question:
Of all you learned here, remember this the best.
Don’t hurt each other and clean up your mess.
Take a nap everyday, wash before you eat.
Hold hands, stick together, look before you cross the street.
And remember the seed in the little paper cup.
First the root grows down and then the plant grows up!
What was the tune? I want to sing it!
I just googled the lyrics. Clearly, it was not that profound in my life because it wasn’t second grade that we sang it, it was Kindergarten. The song is called Kindergarten Wall.
Mr. Waugh in high school once told our class to not take life so seriously. That definitely stuck with me!
I untie my shoes before taking them off, as well.
Good advice.