I am participating in Vegan for a Day, part of Vegan Week hosted by Katy and Michelle. I don’t eat meat, but do eat dairy, fish and eggs. (I usually refer to myself as a pescatarian.) But, I knew one vegan day would not be hard for me. I actually had a day recently that was completely vegan “by accident” = Breakfast: oat bran made with soy, Lunch was veggie burger/hummus/fruit, Snacks: cereal with soy and naner with PB, Dinner: chickpeas, brussels, bread.
What I eat right now… I don’t cook fish often and until recently wasn’t feeling dairy (my current obsession with cottage cheese is a new thing). But, I do not want to be completely vegan because I think it will hurt my efforts to become an Intuitive Eater. I really want to figure out my body’s needs and hunger.
Restricting myself to non-animal products would put a burden on my already very damaged eating patterns. I completely disagree with the way animals are treated in factory farming, but I also disagree with how I have treated myself and my body regarding restriction and binging. Getting to an place where I am an Intuitive Eater and feel healthy is vital to my physical and mental health. That is my priority right now. I may become completely vegan in the future, but for right now I will continue to avoid meat and cut back on dairy – without labels or restrictions. I need to discover the best places for vegan meals for future vegan me.
Vegan Breakfast is easy. I usually have an animal free breakfast with cereals, soy milk, oats or PB&J on vegan bread (that’s just the bread I buy). Today I made oat bran with soy milk, naner, almond extract, topped with flax, pineapple and trail mix. It was lacking a little something so I added brown sugar too 🙂
Training: Before I ate breakfast I did Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred level 1 and went for a 4 mile run. Before I left for the run I had a small bowl of cereal (vegan) with soy milk.
I’ve decided to try to 30 Day Shred Challenge and use this as Day One. I really want to get stronger and feel fitter. I took my measurements and some pics this morning too 🙂 I got a few okay pics, but am too embarrassed to show them right now. Here is one that caught me before I was ready…
Vegan Day – I have the best idea for Dinner! It involves a crockpot, tofu and coconut milk…you will love it (but I get to eat it).
HOTTTTTT stuff! You are brave…I took pictures for P90X and I’m still afraid to post them. You have inspired me, though, so stay tuned…
Thank you so much for supporting #VeganWeek — it’s been an incredible experience and it has rocked my world seeing so many bloggers take part.
I agree, I think it would be too tough with intuitive eating to be restrictive. I can’t give up dairy for that reason.
You guessed it!
You’re lookin hawt in your picture!!! 😉
Can’t wait to see dinner….curry tofu perhaps??
The breakfast looks very fresh! I love fruit and nuts toppings:-)
it’s a great idea to get Vegan day – helps to clear up the body, right:-)
I should learn from you to set up a 30 day challenge for myself too! 😀
Is dinner a curry?
And you look great!
Your dinner already sounds good
You look great! Good luck going vegan!
Love the picture! 30 Day Shred is tough! I have it and did it for a while but fell off the wagon when I moved to upstate NY because my apartment makes too much noise when I just around… should I not be embarrassed/concerned by this and just do it anyway???
You look great. No need to be embarrassed!
great picture! working hard! 🙂
i just started meeting with a personal trainer, she told me i was strong! i didn’t care for the shred, too many lunges and with all our running it was just too much. have you ever seen oxygen magazine? it’s a great woman’s weight lifting magazine.
It’s so hard to get a good before photo when there’s noone else around, I did the 30-day shred before my wedding in May and it took me dozens of tries to get a good one. Then I posted my before and afters on my blog on my wedding day, how embarrassing.
Yay for Vegan 4 a Day!!
You look fabulous in your picture!
I am doing the 30 day shred too. I’m on day 4 and I am already soooo sore. (but I am also way out of shape!)
Good luck to you with it. Maybe you will encourage me to finish the 30 days!
I know – last week I did 1 and 2 on the same day = super sore!!!
I think you look GREAT in your picture! 🙂