Today I went on a mission for energy beverages to give me a boost during my afternoon slump. I came back with two things – Zevia soda (which I’ve already tried) and Zenergize. Both are sweetened with Stevia 🙂
Zenergize are drink tablets with B vitamins, anti-oxidants, ginseng and caffeine. I haven’t tried them yet, but I’m excited to see if it works 🙂
I also walked out of the store with this gum – Peelu Dental Chewing Gum. It is kind of dry and doesn’t have a very strong mint flavor. I probably wouldn’t get it again.
I also made a bathroom break at Starbucks and followed my “don’t pee and run” rule by buying an iced coffee. I worked at Starbucks for two years during college and could not stand the taste of it at all. Now I am burning my money on the stuff left and right. Uh!
I also noticed the unfortunate name of a local restaurant : Coco’s Butter Cafe. Really? Sounds like Paula Deen’s kinda place, or Ben’s, he loves butter and proudly uses it anytime he cooks anything.
When I got home I broke into my new load of ww Cinnamon Raisin Bread and Crunchy Almond Butter 🙂
I didn’t even take a picture until I was almost done. Oops 🙁 I am completely lacking any veggies and fruit today. I better have a veggie filled dinner!!!
I almost forgot I am going to Florida this weekend! This trip means another change up in my marathon training. I can’t do a long run this weekend because of time constraints. So the plan is:
Friday: 10 to 12 miles
Saturday: 8 miles
Sunday: Rest/Walk
And the long run plan for the rest of my training:
12/12 – 20 miles (we’ll see how that goes)
12/19 – 20 miles
12/26 – 12 miles
1/2 – 8 to 10 miles
I am scheduling two more 20 milers because I never really listening to my training plan and will probably cut one short. I’m a rebel like that (or very undiciplined,whatever).
I am very excited to almost done with the long runs because anything over 14 miles and I don’t really enjoy it or look forward to it. I am a half marathon-er like that.
i’m with you on the half marathon. i hope to do another marathon some day but not any time soon. have fun in Florida, it just started snowing for the first time here in New Hampshire a few minutes ago.
enjoy florida! and mmmmmm cinnamon raisin bread. i might go have some now in fact…
I’m a fan of the caffeine idea! I may give it a try too, because at 4pm I always have an insatiable cheese craving for no good reason.
I’ve had that zenergize before, and I thought it was just okay. I know it’s not the most natural food ever but I greatly prefer Crystal Lite’s caffeinated line!
Florida is exciting!
Never heard of Zenergize but sounds interesting
Starbucks are always guaranteed to have good bathrooms. When I drove across the country, I would always stop at Starbucks for the bathroom and free water 🙂
Paula deen is awesome, she would probably love it. Curious to hear how that zenergize is!
Darn, Ben will be very disappointed. I, on the other hand, now want to try it out…
cocos butter cafe is a jazz wine and chocolate place! not what it sounds like at all right?