Last week I decided to take a week off of running to let my knee relax and heal. I planned on running again today, but between the snowpocalypse and a late start to my day, I ended up taking an hour walk on the treadmill after breakfast.
I have a new friend at the gym (Hi Stephen!) and we chat it up while walking. And by “chat it up” I mean, I bitch about the snow and he proceeds to think I’m crazy. It’s funny because it’s true…
After my walk and shower I decided to get some veggies into lunch so I could cross that off my list early in the day. I made a big salad with spinach, onions, carrots, tomatoes, kidney beans and hummus as dressing. Love it with hot sauce too!
One the side I added an apple and a vita muffin. I love a lot of health food, for not a lot of calories, don’t you?Now I have to write out a study plan for my Personal Training certification. I haven’t started at all since I’m still finishing up my HTML class, but I want to get on that so I can be done before we move. The most intense study calendar is 12 weeks – and that would be cutting it close!
People deserve good life time and mortgage loans or term loan can make it better. Just because people’s freedom relies on money state.
I have a question about your running…Do you ever have leg cramps or “restless” legs after running? It happens to me mostly when I’m sitting or trying to go to sleep.
How can you stand not running? I’m so in love with it now. But I think I have to take it easy for a couple of days because the outside part of my foot hurts. I’m so sad. I actually cried.
That salad looks yummy! The only thing I would change is swapping the kidney beans for black beans, but that’s just because I’m a black bean fanatic.
I like making things like carrot fries, or squash fries, baking them in the oven with minimal (if any) oils. That way it seems like I’m eating bad food, but it’s actually good!
Your salad looks amazing. Love all the different colors.
I cannot wait until warmer weather to get outside and exercise.
LOVE spinach… and that salad looks awesome! 😀
yay for gym buddies!
good luck with the study plan!
That dish looks delicious 🙂
Mmmmm…that lunch looks perfect! I love new gym friends (who let you bitch) 🙂
MMmmmmmmm, after eating a big ass chocolate chip muffin and a huge ass cookie, I could really go for that salad.
I love vitamuffins. I really have to limit myself. I could eat the entire box in one sitting. It is almost a good thing they are so expensive, it makes me pace myself.
YUM! that salad looks awesome!! I love beans in salads 🙂