Wednesday I was back in business, sort of. I tried to run, but it was still a little painful since I didn’t exactly fuel myself well yesterday and because my body was still recovering from Monday night’s violent shaking. I ran about 2 miles and took the perros for a walk. Breakfast was a mix of cereals : Clifford Crunch, Fiber One Carmel, Flax Plus and some Shredded Wheat with almond milk and less than 1/2 cup blueberries.I ate about 3/4 of this apple at work. It was a normal sized apple. My massive hands make it look so small. Don’t get me started on these huge hands and feet I inherited from my mother. That lady can palm a basketball. I love you mom! (She hates when I make fun of her massive manos.)

Yeah, I used to eat these all the time and forgot about them until I saw you eating them a little while back. So good!
I love Adora! Best calcium I have ever tasted! 🙂