Hello! How are you? Here is the run-down on my LA Marathon gear.

Running gear notes: Race day was super hot in SoCal. It was a full marathon (26.2 miles). No pre-race/warm up gear needed. I was completely drenched with sweat at the end, but no real chafing to note.
I have spent miles and months and sandwiches and blood and sweat and tears trying to find the best running gear. Here are my latest picks…

What I wore to the LA Marathon:
1. SPF 50 Sport
Pricey, but polarized is helpful in sun shiny races. And they don’t bounce around my face.
4. Long tank. This one is from Costco and they don’t have them anymore. I like a good race back tank that is long and wick wear.
This one and this one are similar.
5. Long running shorts. I recently found out my favorite running shorts are no long being made. I swear by a 6 or 7” short that’s tight bike short style to help prevent thigh rub situations. This pair is longer, but same concept.

6. ProCompression visor and socks.

7. Hokas.
8. Spibelt.
Inside my spibelt I had the hook up of my favorite running fuel! My friends at Clif Bar sent me my favorite Margarita Shot Blocks and Mocha Gels. Love.

Question: Do you have a favorite workout or running top/bottoms combo?
I don’t! I feel like I should though.
I don’t have a favorite outfit, but I think those Mocha Gel Shots are my new favorite THING. Does that count?
I’m obsessed with those Mocha Gels 🙂
Which style of Hokas do you have? Considering giving them a whirl.
I enjoy running in the same type of shorts! I recently found that lulu lemon has a tall size in their stretchy shorts and I got a pair hemmed(because I’m super short) to my desired mid-thigh length. They are pricey-but I have several pairs that have lasted quite a while. Although I do less running than you!
I LOVED the LA Marathon- it was my first marathon and again I appreciated all of your tips and advice. I wore a hot pink Lorna Jane tank (it’s like the most expensive piece of clothing I own haha) and I was so drenched in sweat and water from the hoses/dumping it on me that my bib bled ALL OVER my shirt and completely stained it! BOO. But it was so worth it, one of the most amazing experiences of my life and I’m definitely signing up for it next year.
Boo. about your tank.
Glad you had a great race!!!
No favorite workout combo, but I did just get some new 7″ R3 Compression shorts from Roadrunner Sports that I wore for LAM. Super comfy and didn’t ride up at all!!
Hey Monica! I bought those Moving Comfort shorts you love and am so bummed they’re not making them anymore! I just ran my first marathon in them on Saturday and they were great! Please share when you find another pair of shorts that you love just the same – I can’t seem to find anything similar either! Love your blog!
I seriously take my hat off to you! I don’t think I will ever pluck up the courage to do a marathon! Espicially in hot weather (luckily london is normally gloomy and grey!)
I would love it if you could check out my blog, I have been posting all sorts from healthy waffles to my perfume collection! http://snapgracklepop.blogspot.co.uk
Running skirts for short runs; I like to feel girly. For longer runs, compression pants though I’m not sure if they work…I need the psychological boost.
I love to run in capris! Sometimes I will run in shorts but looking for longer shorts like the ones you have rather than a short pair. Just don’t short shorts will be too comfy on me. 🙂
I always wear Moving Comfort’s Maia bra.
And I almost always wear Brooks Essential running capri bottoms
Tops are v neck long or short sleeve tech tees. And in the cold weather I layer my Nike Aeroloft vest. I am self conscious so I hardly wear shorts or tanks 🙁
I totes love Costco…
It’s my favorite!
I have those same sunglasses, and they are amazing. Well worth the money!
I only have a favorite sports bra which I am definitely going to cry about when it finally falls apart.
Buy a new one before they stop making them like my fave shorts!
I like certain tops with certain bottoms only because the colors match… otherwise, I’m cool wearing whatevers.
I love your shamrock socks! I really like Under Armour’s “Heat Gear” shorts. I actually buy them from the Girl’s department because the fabric is much stretchier and doesn’t compress the way most shorts designed for women do. I like the extra freedom, whacky prints, and lower price point. 🙂 I usually race in sports bras when I can because I’m indecent like that. Of course, I love my Hokas, too; I’d love to hear how you felt racing a marathon in them!
For races I try to at least match and look semi decent. On just training days though I am just wearing whatever is clean and comfortable. Most of my clothes are bright though.
Love the tank! I recently discovered oiselle shorts and I love them so much . They are shorter though but I am picky and they never chafe .
I love capris and a tank for ideal running!
Not pants or tank but new FAV running gear… Injinji toe socks. As a person that always got blisters between my toes, I must say, they are magical! Not a single blister since I started using them.
I don’t have a favourite, because there are so many variables that go into what is the best outfit. Am I running or doing weights (or something else)? What is the weather like? What running shoes am I wearing? I will say that I am a capris fan all the way.
I was wonderingly how the Hokas worked out for you? I also like longer shorts like those, good find!
i would love to hear more about the hokas. i always assumed they were more geared towards ultra running and trails, but i’m seeing them at more and more road races.
I don’t have a favorite, but I always like anything green bc it’s the best color. So props to you on your tank!
I can’t really run in pants bc my legs get angry and hot. Same for a long sleeves unless it is freezing outside in which case you will find me inside on the treadmill.