Back in the day when I was a little gigolo RER was supposed to be all running or eating. Then, it turned random real fast because that’s just me. Today is a glimpse of what I ate yesterday because it’s pretty usual…
But first, I’d like to give myself a nice ol’ pat on the back because yesterday was National Drink Wine Day and I didn’t drink all my meals. Since it’s National Drink Wine Day, find out what are wine cabinets used for?
Breakfast: Eggs. For days. This time courtesy a Toufayan Gluten Free Wrap and drowned in Sriracha, per usual.
Snack: An orange and some almonds. No picture because my hands were sticky, hello.
Lunch: I spotted some salmon on sale and made a FANCY salad! I’m pretty proud of this since it’s usually leftover chicken or something not as delicious.
Snack: Quest Bar.
Later, some Food Should Taste Good Crackers with avocado. My mom’s avocados are ripe and amazing right now!!
Dinner: Pintos Pizza. I’m eating solo tonight so I just threw together another one of these. So easy and tasty.
Dessert: I tried to create a protein muffin recipe with some overly-ripe bananas and they were way too moist. Fail. But, I put them in the toaster oven and crumbled them over yogurt with come sf chocolate syrup. Boom. Problem solved.
I don’t know: Also, randomly found this picture on my phone so I must have ate this too at some point unless Vegas is using my phone to take pics of his snacks…

Okay. Then, it was time for an adult bev.
But not really because it’s a school night and I have to make sure to get Vegas off to preschool with his other cat friends bright and early*.
*All not true since A.) He’s a cat and I’m not that drunk. B.) He wakes up at 4pm PST
The end.
Question: What are you eating today?
Can I have a bite?
Thanks to el’ FLU my eats have been all super boring. I will never take good food for granted again. NEVER.
It’s lunch time now…and I’m having bread with amazing PB my sis bought for me (Pinderkaas).
That pic of Vegas is ridiculously cute!
That CAT, come on…he’s beyond cute!
I had a very weird craving for iceberg lettuce so I ate a whole head of it in a salad today…I may need a vitamin
I just polished off some tortellini and have my eye on a Klondike bar for dessert.
I’m jealous of your avocado access!
I almost bought some Dove bars since they were on ‘manager’s special’ yesterday. Now I regret not buying them…
I cheated on my “healthy eating plan” and ate at Taco Time (totally Americanized Mexican fast food chain in the Pacific Northwest) today for lunch. They have tater tots with seasoning salt. ‘Nuff said!
Taco Time sounds like a made up restaurant, like something they’d have on a movie 🙂
HAHAHA. Loved this. Um…. my avocados are reckless lately. either too ripe or too un-ripe but looks ready on the outside. FAIL FAIL.
Ok, so this is my first time reading your blog and i’m thinking to myself “Hmm… Vegas must be her daughter or son since it has the ability to use her phone…. Maybe their name is Vegas because he/she was conceived in Vegas..?” LOL totally normal thoughts for first-time readers? Probably not. haha lovin’ your blog, though!
Ha! I’m sure a lot of babies have been conceived in Vegas, but I haven’t made one there. Yet.
Happy belated drink wine day. A great day indeed!
I had a green smoothie, red curry and brown rice, and a salad for dinner. Didn’t have sriracha today, but that makes everything nicer!
No work for me on Wednesdays, so my sweet mom treated me to lunch at this great little café : ) We both enjoyed the tastiest chicken salad wrap with pineapple relish…yum!!
Your avocado and cracker treat looks delicious – I don’t know why it never occurred to me to just dip on into an avocado like that!
That wrap sounds good!!
I was so excited when I found out yesterday was drink wine day. I mean, that’s every day, but yesterday=excuse!
salad and hummus. my favorites!
I have been chomping on the individual Sabra containers every day and never really ‘count’ them (not that I could calories, but I forget I eat them). Busted!
I can’t get enough of eggs lately! And I finally got my hands on a Quest bar and I’m in love!!!!
I’m eating all of the food today, it seems. Woke up and had one egg and three egg whites…..then carrots and nuts…..then more carrots and nuts……then a quest bar…..
I’m getting back in to running after taking 8 weeks off for an injury. Now that I’m running again, I can’t seem to fill my face fast enough (though, I want to get rid of some of the holiday jiggle that I got from not exercising as much with my injury). You can have another Quest bar that I have stashed in my purse….
If you cut back on your carbs when you weren’t running make sure you work them back in and hit all the bases with your meals – this can help satisfy your hunger.
Hahahah love getting him to preschool! I made some overnight oats and would gladly share if you want them..which you probably don’t haha
I made overnight oats the other day, but ended up eating them at night! So, I guess they weren’t really “overnight” more like 30 minutes later…
I have had many baking failures where I just end up putting it in some yogurt or smothering it in peanut butter, usually does the trick.
I just ate some spaghetti squash w/tomato sauce and ground beef on top (covered in Siracha. LOL. I’ve definitely put hot sauce on my salad before!) and some triscuits with swiss cheese.
Avocado and chips is like a dream snack! Today I ate eggs, eggs, almonds, veggies, veggies and apples lol. I have been eating those pizzas that you are making a lot and LOVING them!
ME LOVES THAT KITTY! He’s so precious!
Thank you 🙂
I love those Food Should Taste This Good chips! I’m eating chickpea & tahini sauce today. New recipe I tried & was delicious!
I wish I would have known about national wine day because I could have used an excuse to have some yesterday.
i missed national drink wine day! bummer!
i’m eating oatmeal right now, but your egg wrap looks delicious… that will be today’s lunch 🙂
I love avocado’s, but I live in NY, no ripe avocado’s here 🙁 I make a kicka** guacamole with lots of fresh lime and cilantro. I plan on making a smoothie with some spinach, banana and chocolate almond milk today.
Cilantro really ‘makes’ a good guacamole to me.
National wine day?! I’m so excited! No doubt, I’ll be sipping some Chardonnay tonight after my attempted run (I’ve been taking time off due to an injured leg…if it doesn’t feel better soon, I’ll be going to the doctor).
Boo. Feel better lil leg 🙂
YAY! I’m glad I’m not the only one who participated in National Drink Wine Day! They say a glass a day is good for you right? I just choose to use a bigger glass than most.
I wish we had tasty avocados over here! Every time I buy some at the store and have high hopes I am left with tasteless avocados, fail!
Boo. That sucks because they’re so expensive too.
I agree! Avocados aren’t so great here either.
I wish I could have participated in drink wine day. Being pregnant is super cool and all but I really miss wine. I like the idea of dipping a chip directly into an avocado.
It’s kinda messy on your hands, but saves cleaning a plate 🙂 I sprinkle some salt first and go at it.
Is that sriracha sauce I see on your salad? LOL!
I had oatmeal cooked with egg whites, banana, and coffee for bfast so far. Can’t have any cause it’s in my tummy
Yep, sriracha on the salad. I’m addicted.
I was gonna ask what the sauce was! great minds…
i’m eating oatmeal right now, as i read this! pictures of siriacha sauce while eating cinnamon sugar oats is a weird feeling, but i’m going to get through it
Hahaha Vegas cracks me up!
Vegas to preschool bwahhhhh!!!!
I was all set to bring an avocado with potato chips and tomato soup and clementines to work for lunch and then remembered we have a meeting with clients from 10:30-4! They usually get wrap sandwiches and a big salad (arugula goat cheese and cranberries) for lunch meetings. So I left my lunch bag in the fridge. I’ll have it for dinner and enjoy probably a grilled veggie and chicken wrap and some of the salad.
It’s the only twinkle. I hate long meetings.
That salad sounds great!