Hello! How’s it going? I’m over here just running and eating and stalling until I can eat again. I’m hungry today! Nothing new, I guess…
This morning I rolled out my new chevron rug to check it out and try and assess where to put it… Vegas approves!

I don’t want to keep it here because it’s too big and random, but I do need a little bit of a bigger rug in this area because the floor keeps getting gross from hairspray on the 1 day a week when I actually do my hair…

Okay now the run…
I wasn’t sure what my run would be this morning and randomly decided to do a few speed repeats as my workout. I really need to focus on more quality runs if I want to PR.
So, even though I’d rather just run long and slow with my head movies I made myself run short and speedier than usual with 5 x 800m (= half mile) with half mile recovery. It isn’t my favorite thing, but after a speed or tempo session I feel so proud of myself

If you come to my house and you’re 7 feet tall and I make you breakfast it will look like this…

I have no idea why I took this picture, add it to the “further evidence that Monican is a weirdo” file. Thanks.
You should also know that I have a ton of energy in the morning so I yell a lot and dance with Vegas and make a mess and get excited about random stuff.

![paris hilton cook[3] paris hilton cook[3]](https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/paris-hilton-cook3_thumb.gif)
Breakfast is served!

Here is my super healthy snack of raspberries and Blue Diamond Coconut Almonds x10

Here is my super unhealthy snack of Sonic PB Oreo Blast. Note my Sanuk Shuffles I’m trying to wear them a few more times before it’s 100% sandals all the time.

You crack me up! I’ve been enjoying apples and nut butter or greek yogurt as snacks!
haha your posts area always fun little pick-me-ups in the morning. i’m not much of a cook either but eggs are one of my go-tos also. so we don’t have Sonics around NYC or upstate NY (where i grew up), and i knew this guy at home who was convinced Sonic was a made-up chain that existed simply for marketing purposes to drive us crazy — those commercials with the limeades or whatever they are — because nobody upstate had ever seen an actual Sonic. 🙂
Ha! There used to be Dunkin Donuts commercials here in SoCal but there were none (until this week hello). That always confused me – why advertise here?!
Can we do a donut tasting breakfast?
you need to have us all over for a GiAnT PlaYDaTe.
Ill bring the boring pistachios and million mini cadbury eggs I have in the freezer.
I love pistachios!!! Come on down 🙂
I’m coming over!
kind bars!
love the rug is there space by your bed?
I think I’m going to try it in the bedroom but I have to move a book shelf first.
My snack is homemade almond butter and dates. Erryday. I have probably said that 231654657 times on here, but I can not break my habits apparently.
Neither can I 🙂
Snacks! I had raspberries and Easter candy today.
My snacks today have been an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie that i stole from my parents on the weekend, a pineapple and yogurt smoothie and some trail mix. I thi k I have snacked more than I have eaten actual meals!
Also i agree with Vegas – nice rug!
my snack is all the snacks. ive been so good about my nutrition, but my cat was hit by a car on Saturday, and i ate my feelings all day Sunday. I was such a mess, and still am. I want to come over! hahaha if only to play with Vegas…
I’m really sorry Mary. Are you okay? You can totally come over and play with Vegas 🙂