Hello! How are you? I’m very set in my lil ways when it comes to running… I like to wear certain things when I run, hit the pavement at certain times, cover my favorite routes.
But, this week I switched up my run two times. Look at me doing something different! Feels weird at first but I dig it.

First, I tried a route I don’t normally do on the weekdays. On Tuesday morning I had to drop off a friend at the airport super early. I showed up at their house in my running gear and planned to stop at a park to run after the drop off. This was actually super fun since I think of this park as more of a long run place, but getting in a few miles there was a nice change of scenery.

I changed up my route again yesterday. This ended up taking me to a very hilly street. It was rough! But it’s kinda like a vitamin and good for me, right?

Why it’s important to change up your running routine:
1. Safety. It’s not the best idea to always run in the same place and the same time – especially if you run solo. Change up your routine periodically so you’re not predictable.
Tip: Let someone know where and when you are running and when you’ll be back. Get in the habit of texting a friend or someone who would rather you not die or lay injured on the side of the path when you get back.
2. Challenge your body. When you run the same route/mileage/terrain every day your body gets used to it. The challenge of those miles and the results you get from them hits a plateau. It’s good for your fitness level and goals to change up the route by adding in more hills (or less depending), doing some speed work on a track, finding a flat route and doing a tempo run…
3. Beat boredom. Even if you do love your local running route you can fall into a boredom trap if you don’t change it up every now and then. Prevent this by switching up your route or even doing your normal loop backwards.
Switch It Up and Ford are collaborating on a fun show that challenges experts to try something new on YouTube. Blogilates’ Cassey Ho is actually featured in this episode where she teaches an interviewer how to lead a Popilates class! That would definitely scare me. But getting out of your comfort zone also makes you brave, right?
Question: Would you lead a fitness class? What kind?
Disclaimer: Ford is sponsoring the Switch It Up series and has challenged me to switch up something in my fitness routine. All opinions are my own.
These are some great tips here! Making sure to switch up your run is an important thing to do so that running doesn’t become a chore. Thanks for sharing your advice!
I’m visiting my parents in France, and normally I just run on the local lanes. Okay, but a bit boring. This time, I braved the local forrest and it was AMAZING. Yes, I got lost. Yes, it took an hour an a half to run eight miles. Yes, I got muddy. But I got to see some lovely countryside and cannot wait to do the same again tomorrow morning.
I guess I’ll just enjoy this wine and cheese until then….
I completely agree with changing up your running route! I have to switch up my playlist most frequently and then secondly the route to stay motivated. If only we could snap our fingers and decide where we want to be when we step outside to run 🙂
I always think I would love to be a barre or yoga instructor, but then I think I’d get mega stage-fright.
I have ~7 miles around my house and ~6 miles around work and that’s typically where I run. I’ll always run different sections, but I hate stoplights so I stick to the same-ish areas unless it’s a special run-casion.
If I had to teach a class it would probably be a weight training class. Zumba would be fun but I’m so out of practice!
I feel like I am the opposite. I get bored very easily and need constant change. If I lead a fitness class it would be bodypump something like that.
I’m definitely trying to change my all-treadmill-all-the-time-please attitude – it’s hard to get up early but I agree; it ups the ante!