**I am thisclose to giving up hope that I’ve lost some of my readers 🙁 If you have the time/energy/inclination can you let peeps know that I am not dead and still have a blog? Please update your reader 🙂
Since I am staying in the volunteer camp and eating the communal breakfast and dinner I have no say in what is on the menu. Tonight it was sloppy joes, cole slaw, baked beans, corn and bread. I decided to go without the sloppy joe since I don’t normally eat meat, but I got some of the beans even though I figured they had bacon. I had a less than nutritionally balanced day that pretty much lacked protein and veggies so I decided to make the best nutrition choice (even if it’s not my normal ethical choice).
I also partook in dessert! Yesterday I was strong enough to turn it down, but not today. I had pie and ice cream. Pie and ice cream always feels like a celebration, doesn’t it 😉
Now I am going to sleep. I have an early flight tomorrow and hopefully this trip will go smoother than my trip out here!
Yum. I’ve never been a fan of Pie + ice cream, but I love both on their own(except the crust)
The crust is my favorite part!
Yikes Deb!
I’m here! That’s all ya need.
I still get all your updates and I’m still reading!!
Mmmm, pie.
Hey, I never comment but I love your blog- just letting you know I’m still reading!
maybe people are just sick of hearing you whine about how much you snack. it’s like, we don’t want to hear about how you have to stop yourself from snacking so much – get over it already. i just stop reading once you start berating yourself about the snacking, this is a blog about healthy lifestyle choices, not a nutrition therapy site, come on mon, get back to what you’re all about!
Deb – something similar to that went through my head. I know it must be annoying to read about something complaining about anything all the time. But, I am still trying to learn normal eating and my hunger patterns. It’s a process and sometimes I am going to overdo it and be pissed at myself. I’m gonna stick with the process since I have made great improvements and it’s working overall 🙂
i found you again. hope you have a safe trip back home
hey, i’m still reading! i don’t have a fancy google reader or anything but you are like, number 1 on my blog radar.
and that plate of bbq foods look so good! one thing i miss about summer = bbq!
I love baked beans but when I find out that someone has bought the kind with bacon in them it bursts my balloon 🙁
i had the best vegan sloppy joe tonight! too bad urs was real meat 🙁 and pie and ice cream equal Lo’s fav dessert of all time…best of best worlds in my opinion 🙂
I’m not a reader, because I just found your blog. Love it:) Consider me a reader now, hehe