Happy Tuesday!
This morning I did a slow recovery 4 miler to check in with my body and see what’s up. I’m feeling good considering I ran 26.2 miles on Sunday. I bet that ice cream, I mean ice bath really helped.
After the race on Sunday I went to my mom’s to hang out with the fam. My dad has a little garden and the tomatoes and zucchini are thriving. I stole this MASSIVE zucchini to make calabacitas.The garden is doing so well, thanks to the fresh mulch we used recently. If you need mulch, definitely Call Cove Creek Industries for mulch Charlottesville, VA.
Calabacitas = Mexican Zucchini dish
Growing up my Grams would make calabacitas with zucchini, corn, beans and tomatoes. Then she’d top it with cheese to serve. It wasn’t until college when I was going through my vegetarian years that I really learned to appreciate it, and now I LOVE it. Her version is soupy, so mine it too.
Except… she used fresh homemade beans for her dish and I’m using canned. Busted! No one tell her or I’m not sharing the recipe.
Crockpot Calabacitas Recipe
{Vegetarian, Mexican, Gluten Free}
3-4 cups chopped zucchini
3/4 cup chopped onion
2 cans fire roasted chopped tomatoes (regular is fine, but requires more seasoning)
2 cups roasted corn
1 can pinto beans, drained and rinsed <- Add when almost done.
garlic powder, salt, pepper to taste
shredded cheese (add when serving)
Directions: Chop zucchini in 1-2 inch pieces. You want them a bit bigger than bite size as they cook down. Place all ingredients except beans & cheese in crockpot. Stir. Cook on low 4 hours. Add beans about 10 minutes before serving to warm. Done! Serve with cheese!
Since this dish has beans and corn it’s pretty filling so you can serve it as a main vegetarian dish over some rice. It also works as a side dish with chicken or meatballs (I made turkey meatballs too).
Question: Do you grow any of your own food?
I really want to move out to the middle of no-where and have a huge garden and chickens.
I just had to tell you I made this recipe last night and it was wonderful!
Thanks for posting such healthy yummy recipes! I tried this one too and it blew me away! I honestly wasn’t expecting it to be so tasty. I hardly had to add extra seasoning. Love that!
I have this cooking in my crockpot right now! It’s looking good so far!
This looks really good. I love finding a new crock pot recipe.
If you want to move to the middle of nowhere, right next door to my house is pretty much dead center of the middle of nowhere. Which totally sucks for running (no street lamps, night shifters half asleep on the way home, not a good combo) but is perfect for gardening. I have a large garden and 20 hens, which is awesome because organic produce and free range eggs in the middle of Kansas pretty much cost your soul.
This summer (for the very first time) I tried my hand at growing tomatoes in a container. I probably didn’t get the right kind of tomatoes because they were an odd size; not small enough to be grape or cherry tomatoes but not big enough to slice for a sandwich. They were good but not what I was expecting and after about a month, I was over watering & feeding them. Maybe I’ll try one more time next summer.
That looks delicious!
I TRY to grow a small garden each year. In return I get a few tomatoes, some Kale and a million jalapeno peppers. Nothing else seems to take..oh well. I love a fresh tomato and trying to grow fresh veggies gets my little ones involved in the kitchen and more willing to try the veggies I give them.
My mom grows bird’s eye chillies in the garden which she uses now and again.
This looks great for a summer dish! Too bad I can’t get any local corn or zucchini anymore 🙁
I have a peach tree that produces an overwhelming amount of peaches. I always wanted to have a vegetable garden, but we have way too many deer!
This looks so good! I’m going to try it asap!
Zucchinis grown from the garden are always a million times better than zucchinis from the grocery store.
Haha….I have a lovely garden as well as 6 chickens 🙂 Though it is harder to run when you live in the middle of nowhere, versus living in town, it is certainly worth it. So I have to run on my treadmill if it’s dark and I don’t want to drive into town…it’s worth it when I pick my own food and collect fresh eggs!
I had no idea what calabacitas was before reading this post, but it sounds like something I’d LOVE! I live in a condo and don’t have much room for a veggie garden, but in my ‘grown up house’ (LOL – whenever that happens!) I fully intend to have my own mini produce department!
Mmmmm, this recipe looks delish! And healthy! That 26.2 mile run sounds even more delightful. How do you train for something like that? The most I’ve ever done is 5k. Your lengths are super admirable. Congrats! xoxo
That looks awesome and tasty! I have a little mini garden behind our townhouse, mostly full of stuff that’s hard to kill: tomatoes, jalapenos, banana peppers, basil, rosemary, and cilantro (though I did kill the cilantro). I try to only grow stuff I use all the time!
I have that same dream. I want my own garden and chickens. I currently am not eating meat/dairy/etc so this recipe would be great for me. I am always looking for new stuff that I can actually eat these days. I am also in love with my crockpot.
We had a lot of tomatoes and peppers this season — I miss them already! The growing season in Denver is way too short.
That is some zucchini!!! 😉
I can’t even keep cactus alive! 😉
Yum 🙂 That looks delicious!
Thanks for the recipe…my mom used to make something like this when I was a kid. I’ll have to give it a try! 🙂
I read crockpot as crackpot but it’s okay because that didn’t deter me from reading and I’m totally making this.
This looks great! Thanks for the recipe. What are “homemade” beans? Dried ones that have been hydrated or fresh from the garden beans? Once I get a house (hopefully this winter!) the first thing I am doing is building a garden!
I meant dry beans that have been cooked 🙂
Cool. I like to rehydrate beans, too. I didn’t know if it was “authentically Mexican” to use fresh from the garden beans or anything.
Yum – this looks tasty!!! This would make great lunches for me (I guess I could share with the boys but…) I don’t garden – too expensive since I keep killing things I try to grow!
Thanks for the recipe, I’m always on the hunt for more zucchini recipes. We have a garden with zucchini (they grow like crazy), tomatoes, red, yellow and green bell peppers, jalapeños, Serrano peppers, eggplant, and lots of herbs. It is really great to have!
That looks so good!! I need to try it!
I don’t grow any of my own food yet. But I live in a tiny studio apartment and barely have room for myself. 😉
I would love to plant a garden but we just don’t have the room right now! Maybe in the future 🙂
This looks DELICIOUS!
My neighbor came over and put a tomato plant in my front yard, so I’m growing those! haha. It’s pretty cool. I don’t have to do anything to it. She takes care of it, and I get tomatoes….which my 7 yr old eats like their apples!
Yum, saving this one! I also want a hobby farm with a big garden, chickens, lamas, a few sheep would be fun too. One day, one day!
I’d love to start a garden!
Aw, I feel the same. I used to grow some salad leaves and herbs but I’d love a real kitchen garden.
that looks delicious! I don’t have a yard, so that makes growing things difficult…next spring I really want to do a small boxed garden on my porch for herbs and tomatoes….and mint leaves for delicious cocktails.
We get fresh produce from a local farmers program…one seasonal membership for more veggies than you know what to do with.
We had a small garden that is done for the season here in Seattle. We had tomatoes, lettuce, peppers and herbs.
WOW that looks awesome!!
My mom has some huge zucchini she wants to give me. I can’t grow plants. And if I somehow did, they would die!
My mom grows sooo much stuff. Cantaloupe, zucchini, acorn squash, yellow squash, tomatoes, lettuce, kale, string beans, hot peppers, mild peppers, corn, broccoli, cauliflower and I think that’s it haha.
i’ve been craving a vegetable stew/chili-type dish and i have tons of zucchini – this recipe looks perfect! thanks for sharing =)
Last time I planted a garden I got…. one tomato out of it. I can barely keep the basil alive and even the mums on the deck are dead- No green thumb here!
my dad grows zucchini, corn, peppers and tomatoes. He makes me a ton of tomato sauce for me. and recently he gave me a huge ziplock bag of corn kernels that he took off the husk and I made corn fritters out of them. SO DELISH.