Hello! I flew home yesterday after the race. The Marine Corps Marathon gives runners a long sleeve, thick and comfy tee instead of the standard race tees. I wore it on the way back. That girl over my shoulder thinks I’m a weirdo, which is accurate so I’m not worried about it.
I made it home last night around 11pm after a long drive, Carl’s Jr. and Yogurtland stop. It was a very long day – I was up since 2am PST! But I’m happy I got to sleep in my own bed for a few nights before I leave again Thursday.
The greasy food pit stop and need to sleep anywhere got me thinking that I had a “Marathon Hangover”. And I put together this list of comparisons…
11 Reasons Running a Marathon is Like an Epic Night Out
11. Your mom calls to make sure you’re alive.
10. You pee in some very risky places.
9. Your friends ditch you around mile or drink #6.
8. You think you’re ready for it “Hey I trained for 20 weeks!’ OR “Hey I was in a fraternity!’” …and yet still manage to get your ass handed to you.
7. You wake up the next day sore in places you didn’t know existed.
6. Around Mile 10 (or drink #5) you start to question whether or not this was a good idea…
5. You slam drinks handed to you by friendly strangers. #WaterStation
4. You make new friends around mile or vodka shot #18 and swear you’ll be besties for life. Drinks and miles both really bond people.
3. After it’s over all you can think about is FOOD – the greasier the better.
2. You walk home barefoot with your shoes in your hands.
1. The next day all you want to do is lay down.
See you guys later
Question: What’s your post-workout OR drink session meal of choice?
I need some Five Guys Fries asap today!
Love your post! I thought you had a pic of ME laying on the yoga mat. My orange tabby does the SAME thing! He comes up to me and tries to get in my hair!
this. is. amazing. How did I never put two and two together before? I even graduated from a party school (WVU) so I’m familiar with both!
These are awesome, and so true! Great list!!
The craziest thing is that once you have finished and say to yourself”why do I do this to me?” you want to do it all over again after a few days of rest!
I love this post. Thank you! And, I will be looking for you Sunday in the hope of cheering you on. See you on 4th Ave in Brooklyn — break a leg out there!
Thank you! See you then 🙂
You are so freaking funny!
After a long race, nothing hits the spot like beer and pizza! Plus you have none of the guilt and hazy memories typically involved with smelling like beer and pizza in the morning.
OH my I die, this is so true. I don’t drink any more, but gawd this sounds like a lot of college nights and the girl thinking you are weird, HA I think that all the time as I’m getting a weird blog photo
LOL, this is great! So far I’ve only had post-training long run meals, and I’ve tended towards frozen yogurt. Nothing like the promise of a bowl full of creamy delicious topped with bona and fruit to keep you putting one foot in front of the other. And when I’m hitting a new ‘longest’ distance, sometimes I reward myself with Fruity Pebbles sprinkles ; )
You are hilarious!!
I’m with you on the grease train – White Castle is my greasy hangover food craving. It sure doesn’t make my stomach happy though!
I can’t help but indulge in some form of chocolate after a long run//hard workout! the reward is the ultimate reason to finish…right? ;)!
Japanese cold udon or soba with vegetable tempura and definitely dessert!
This is so awesome and soooo true!! I’ve got a #12 for you…towards the end of the night or race, the beverages handed to you by friends try to go back to the containers from which they came, if you catch my drift.
HA! This totally made my day. Hand me a glass, I’ll drink it; hand me food, I may not even look at it but yeah, I’ll eat it!! Five Guys sounds so good right now!!
I usually opt for a smoothie but I may change my strategy after this!
Vegas is so cute! I hope you are coming to IL to run the @Naperville26 We will be handing out pretzels and Twizzlers!
I wish I could! When is it?
aw..it was a week and a half ago. Let us know when you will be in the chicagoland area..would love to meet up!
Cute and clevah!
Haha loved this!
Chicken and waffles taste amazing after a night out 😉
This is hilarious and so true (well, I haven’t run a marathon, but after running 3 halves, I still see how it’s true)!!
haha this list was hilarious! i haven’t ran a full marathon yet, but i’ve ran a few half marathons so i can only imagine how accurate this is… and you totally should have asked that stranger for their french fry. 😉
After a really long day at work, reading your top 11 list TOTALLY made my night 🙂 Thanks for making me laugh!!
Ha! I love it. Great list and analogy. I think #5 is my favorite 🙂 Thanks for the post!
Chocolate milk is a huge post workout treat and I always splurge post race and most times it includes fries.
If ever I had a night of partying on-tap, I’d carb-load as if I was running in the morning. Hee hee 😉
hahaha this was a great comparison! After a long hard run or race I usually crave a burger and fries.
You got these spot on!!! I couldn’t agree more.
Haha! SO. True.
Haha nice comparison! I think I would rather run a big race, such a nerd.
haha this is awesome! You forgot to mention you sometimes have to fight the urge to puke, and a game of cowboy face is in order for both!
Haha this is great! My husband ran Marine Corps this weekend and I spectated but had a BLAST!
Our post run meal was grilled chicken and pasta. It was delicious – oh yes and fro yo and candy!
love it and so true!
No marathons for me! 😉
Fabulous post!
Hehehe this was awesome and I’m about to tweet it out as soon as I answer your question! My post-race meal of choice is either a Quest bar and an apple, or, if I have access to a blender, a smoothie full of greens, Vega performance protein, berries, and anti-inflammatories like maca, and ginger.
Omg! This is hilarious!!
Love it! You truly are my FAVORITE running Blog to read!! 🙂
i had a monster omelet right after the race, then a southern feast for dinner after MCM! this post is hilarious btw.
Ha ha! Great comparisons–funny and true!
SPOT.ON! Freaking hilarious, though I’m not one to crave anything greasy. After my two half marathons all I wanted were orange slices and coffee.
I LOVED it. Awesome! Laughed so hard….yet it’s true! Great post.
Love this. Two words – french fries. Also, I guess the DIFFERENCE would be races, the order is gatorade and then beer, and for nights out, it’s beer, then gatorade (the next day). 🙂
You hit this one right on!! Hahaha!!!
Any food….dang you just ran a half marathon or a full whatever…
Died laughing! This is HILAR!
Pizza! Burgers! Fries!! Chips! Pasta! Chocolate! Haribo!
Not really hungry afterwards. Just lots of fluids (Shakes, Kefir, etc.) for me. I usually eat a couple hours later – by then I am usually “safe” and stay away from all those “feel good foods” because they usually end up as love handles … ha ha
This made me laugh out loud! All so true! Congrats on your MCM finish.
Those are great! And completely true! I love eating a bagel, egg, ham sandwich with pepper jack cheese!
After my half marathons, I used to crave a grilled chicken sandwich & fries from Wendy’s but lately I’m just not hungry afterward. Of course I’ll eat some cookies that they might be handing out at the finish line. However the following day…watch out! I want to eat everything in sight!
This should be a comedy skit. SO beyond true.
And my favorite post meal — anything with a CARB. After my race I ate both of my parents fries yesterday, with my salad…because thats how I roll.
hahah!! Too true! I love a biiiig breakfast, whether after a long run or after a long night out. 😉 Pancakes & chocolate milk make anything feel better!
Love your post! 🙂 Your shirt too, that’s awesome.
Should I ever make it to and through a marathon, I’m going to nom down on some Japanese Pan noodles from Noodles & Co. They were my obsession before I decided being healthy and fit was more important than yummy food. 🙂
Bloody, rare steak for both situations. Like 2 or 3 of them. I can eat rare red meat till I’m sick after a long run/race or night of drinking.
Taco Bell bean burrito!
Haha they all made me laugh. Hopefully one day I can agree and say ‘that’s so true!’ 😀
If I run in the morning, I LOVE to crush a hearty breakfast…veggie omelet is the way to go!
This was hilarious and sooo perfect.
Funniest. Post. Ever.
Regarding your question… Regular post-workout drink/meal: chocolate milk. Post long run/race meal: pizza with triple cheese, onion rings, fries…as you said: the greasier, the better.
These are all so true. I have to have a good burger after a race. Love Five guys!
Running a marathon is like a night off for me because I always swear that I’m never going to do it again while I’m lying on the floor the next day, but then I sign up for another one the day after that!
soooo true…mom’s around the world that always tell you to never take food from a stranger, have clearly never run a marathon 🙂
A big burger, greasy fries and a beer… for both post-long runs and a night out 😉
Toasted banana, nut butter and jam sandwich.
Best post ever. I love most of your posts anyway, but this one really had me laughing.
Oh my gosh five guys may be the worlds best recover food for a marathon hangover or a regular one.
Beer, definitely a nice cold beer with 2 limes
French fries for sure!
Oh boy. I’ve had some nights of hard drinking and hate the feeling afterwards. I hope my post marathon feelings don’t run along those lines. eeep.
I was still laughing out loud with this list 🙂
ha ha ha- so true! Great post!
Pizza, perogies, or Kraft Dinner. Comfort food at its finest, and lots of dough to absorb whatever is in your stomach!
#12 Your clothes, makeup and hair end up sweaty and a mess by the end of the race or night.
Nice add Kellie!
Love this post! Funny comparisons!!!
hahaha some of these are hillarious, but so true!
I love/crave Denny’s or IHOP for the following couple days after a race. I nearly end up eating my body weight in pancakes and syrup. haha.
uhh….this is totally how I feel today. Like I got hit by a Mack truck. Atlanta Marathon is no joke!!
That is hilarious, because after I completed my FIRST RnR St Louis 1/2 marathon yesterday (darn hilly course!!) I wanted Five Guys Little Cheeseburger and fries and so that is where we went! 🙂
Love this! Amazing accurate, but constructive instead of destructive!
Beer does sound like a great recovery drink, but Shakeology has fewer calories so I’ll stick to that for now. Once I run a marathon though, I’ll be expecting a keg to greet me at home
Thank you for all your post, I know what to look forward to for my 1st marathon this weekend (NYC) … had me laughing! Youa re an inspiration and a little book full of so much knowledge!
LOVE this. I ran the MCM yesterday too! It was my first marathon and today I’m reveling in all the soreness and post-marathon TV watching. My couch and I are BFF today. After the race, I came home and drank 3 beers. It was glorious (I also ate some food), but I’m pretty sure it was the beer that helped with my recovery.
Post workout, I like to make a protein smoothie. It’s so refreshing and the best way (for me) to refuel.
pancakes!!!! or a BLT and fries. Depending on if i’m craving salty or sweet =) And that’s for both post race and post drinking