Hey! Yesterday I went to hang out with a friend but kept it super casual since the plan was sangria and trash TV.

I really need a hair cut. It’s getting too long for the hot rollers (which were already hard to put in because I have so much hair).

I made brownies to take over because I always bring alcohol and I’m sure the neighbors are all like, “Borracha is back…”
Plus this way I got to eat brownies.
Pro tip: Add chocolate chips to the brownie batter. And cereal. And coffee. Basically anything.

Remember that time I added chocolate chips to an omelet?! #Boom
So… this morning my body woke me up at 4:16am PST. This was extremely frustrating because:
A.) I went to sleep at 12:32am PST
2.) I didn’t even need to get up early to run today because it’s a rest day.
C.) All I could think about was foodfoodfoodfoodfood.
Next thing ya know I’m eating blueberries with one hand and making eggs with the other.

Which brings me to the whole point of this post:
Who made the rule for bread that 2 slices is a serving?
I understand you have 2 slices if you’re having a sandwich, but why does that carry over to other bread enjoyment times?!

I propose we make new rules for bread!
![bread penis[3] bread penis[3]](https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/bread-penis3_thumb.gif)
Three slices is a serving. Well, actually I like to eat in even numbers so FOUR slices is a serving!
Done and done.

Question: Vote – how many slices of bread should be a serving?
We can change the world people!
cinnamon raisin bread is my fave. i’m not allowed to buy it but i love it. which is why i’m not allowed to buy it. choc chips in an omelet?! i might start eating eggs!
Bread is where it’s AT! I love bread, and could eat all.things.bread.all.day.long!
so i am definitely not the right person to weigh in on the bread situation, seeing as I’ve been gluten free for a couple years, but i vote we take this debate over to tortilla chips. ONE OUNCE? aint gonna happen. more like, how many ounces are in the whole bag? and then maybe halve that if someone else joins me. otherwise, ALL MINE.
I love bread too…so I’m with you sister! And cereal in brownies? I need more info about this! What cereals have you tried? And how much? I have a feeling it tastes amazing.
2 slices is more than enough for me 🙂
Shit… You mean I’m not supposed to eat the whole loaf in one sitting…?
Whoa, what time do you usually get up and run?
Can we make the serving size two slices… but keep the same amount of calories? In a perfect world…
Instead of slices I like to measure my bread by eating it while it’s still warm and buttery and repeating this process until I explode and/or the toaster breaks
funny i usually just make one slice. But if it’s pizza then 4 slices. 😉
Oh man 4 slices for sure! I love the bread!
Also, now I want blueberries, and brownies. Fortunately, I made brownies today… 🙂
I could definitely support a movement to increase the serving size of bread. There should be no shame in eating the whole bread basket at a restaurant, for example.
Carbs are not my BFF so I try to limit the serving to 1 piece. #mylifesucks
Cereal in brownies? Is that even a real thing?
I would say 2 slices would be my serving size. But then other times 3. 🙂
Depending on the type of bread I could eat it for every meal!
I think one loaf of delicious warm french bread should be a serving. 🙂 It’s one piece, right? And at restaurants, the bread basket shouldn’t contain calories.
Good question! Serving sizes kill me, because they are always smaller than you expect. Did you know one serving of wine is 5 ounces? That’s barely anything. I usually go with two slices of bread for a sandwich, but when it comes to the bread basket at a restaurant — two is never enough! 🙂
I like to eat in even numbers too and if I ever have bite sized candy I like to put two in my mouth at the same time. Twss?
Anyway, I’m down for 4 as a serving size.
Let’s just measure by the loaf. I like that way better. And not because i tend to eat it that way…well, maybe. Dang I love bread.
This is why I prefer loaves that aren’t pre-sliced. I can rip off a hunk of it that’s basically a quarter of a sourdough loaf and be all “I only had one piece!”. Also because then there are more nooks in which to cram Irish butter.