Hello! Happy weekend time! How’s it going? SoCal was still riding the heat wave all week so my long run was less than amaze.
At some point in my life I had a yogurt bowl with pumpkin spice almonds. I’m in love.

Since Ben was in town for his birthday I got him an Edible Arrangement. I just got him a box because I didn’t want to embarrass him (he was doing some contract work at an office this week). When we were first dating he was working at Boeing and I sent a Singing Gorilla to his office to seranade him. Find new love interests at luvfree.com. It probably would have been more fun if we were all drunk, including the gorilla.

He must have forgotten that traumatic memory because he shared his treats with me!

I am re-reading parts of the Integrative Nutrition book as I go along with the lessons and left it out the other day. I guess Vegas wants to become a health coach too? Impressive lil furry one!

But I’m not going to praise him for that because he is the WORST. And I woke up to this yesterday…

(If you can see past the cat barf, those are yoga mat sandals and the most amazing flip-flops ever.)
I attempted a longish run yesterday morning and ended up with about 12 miles. I blame the heat and various other things like… all the wine I drank Friday night and the fact that I wanted to stop and get an iced coffee.

In other news… I saw this dog at a pet adoption event and love him.

Post-run fun…

And for some reason (probably because I make bad decisions) I agreed to take a red eye flight to Florida last night.
I have taken a lot of red eye flights from LAX to FL and NYC in my redheaded life. So, I come prepared with eye covers, socks, a sweater, ear plugs and Sleep Works.

Randomly, I was in the red head section of the plane because there were three of us gingers on the entire flight and we sat in a group. I am a totally creeper and took this pic tho.

Chocolate covered strawberries! I used to work at Boeing in Southern California (Huntington Beach), too! I can only imagine how the office reacted to a singing gorilla lol.
The best part of my weekend was breaking four hours at my marathon!! 🙂 🙂
P.S. Vegas is so adorable – makes me want to get a cat again!
Ginger section of the plan. Hilarious. The best part of my weekend was the facial I got yesterday! Weirdly my cat likes to puke near shoes as well. Nasty.
Those pups are adorable! I don’t know how you didn’t come home with one…
I loooooove chocolate covered strawberries. Because strawberry means healthy, right?!
Going to F-L-A is never a bad decision.
I’ll take the drunk gorilla … just for fun.
Best part of my weekend was getting back home after a little road trip.
Lol I think that’s awesome you got him a singing gorilla!!
Got a new pair of running sneakers today which automatically makes it the best part of my weekend. Lol.
I actually got to go to a yoga class! That was the best part. Or maybe our new fridge (although that cost abut as much as two hundred yoga classes, so I’m not so sure about that one). Have fun in Florida!
red-eyes suck. i flew from LAX to Cleveland on a red-eye once years ago, before i had kids. never again, especially now that i have kids. is that ben in the front row? i have been reading your blog for over a year now. i am trying to figure out if you guys are still married? it seems like you are, but i know you don’t live “together”…or am i wrong? i’m confused, even though i know it’s not my business. :p
Chocolate covered strawberries. Every day, no questions asked. Favorite part of the weekend was having my godson here. We had a great “spoil Sam rotten” time. Trying to teach him to ride his bike, went hiking and spent some good quality time together. I hate when my cat vomits. Yucky mess to clean up. Glad it didn’t land on your flip flops.
Chocolate covered strawberries every time. Always. Luckily my cat doesn’t vom too often… It’s been like, twice in 5 months! I do a lot of flights too, or at least did when I was doing sober transports a lot. Flights for daaays it was exhausting but fun!
Chocolate covered strawberries if your offering 🙂 we got a cool front here which made for a nice run yesterday and a great day to spend outside today. I hope it cools down for you soon!