Today we’re talking about self defense tools for runners. If you have knowledge or experience with safety tools to use while walking or running please chime in below.

This morning I set out for a short run with 10x 100m strides at the end. I usually don’t enjoy speed-work but these are short enough that they’re fun. They make me feel fast and are over quick enough that I don’t mind ‘em!

I used my one ear bud trick for a little bit, but while I was doing the strides I had both in because I was right by a park with people around (no cars since it was a path) and just wanted to get in the zone.

Vegas likes speed work too. Sometimes he runs from one room to the other like something is chasing him. I hope it’s just in his imagination and we don’t actually have a ghost!!

In very important coffee news… I got this new stainless steel cup from Target. I used it this morning for iced coffee and it made me happy. It’s the little things, right?

SR and I were texting yesterday and I told her I am obsessed with popcorn and went to the store just for that. (I didn’t come out of the store with only that one item as other things jumped into my arms.)
She thought this was super weird. Is it? If I have an intense craving for something I’ll go out and get it (within reason). I think she’d do this with pickles. What would you do this with?

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Runner Safety – Personal Defense Tools for Runners
Welcome to day 4 of Runner Safety Week!
At this point you should have:
>> Thought about where you are running
>> Have someone in mind you can run with
>> Made sure you are visible to others and listening to what’s going on around you
Today it’s all about personal defense items and tips. First let’s talk about the safety tools you can use…
Three Self Defense Tools Runners Should Consider
1. Whistle or alarm– A loud whistle on a keychain or one that’s small enough to fit in a secret pocket can help draw attention (and help) your way.
Personal alarms also give off a loud sound that could scare someone away or get attention to your situation. These are a bit bigger but might be louder/scarier.
2. Pepper spray – A pepper spray with a band that fits around your hand is made for runners and walkers. Just make sure you know how to use it!
Damsel in Defense sent me one of their pink pepper spray products that comes on a cut off glove so it’s easy to carry. I haven’t felt the need to use it yet (given where I run) but I am motivated to at least take it on a test run now!
*Note: All pepper sprays are restricted in the following areas: MA, MI, NY, WI and DC
3. Sharp ring – Go Guarded was mentioned on the Runner’s Connect Safety podcast. It’s a ring with a sharp spike that you can use to help defend yourself against an attacker. (I’d suggest a personal defense class along with this.)

Other Self Defense Tips for Runners:
– Take a self defense class. Look up a local brazilian jiu-jitsu class or a martial arts studio and ask them if they will teach self defense. I found the Best BJJ Gi at If you can get a group of runners to work with the studio for a short series of classes to keep costs down. If you prefer martial arts, I recommend enrolling in One Tao Kung Fu Academy.
– Attend a Run Safer workshop. The Runner’s Connect podcast I mentioned above featured Todd Williams. He is former professional runner who created Run Safer and now does workshops teaching safety for runners all around the US for FREE.
– One of my favorite ideas of Williams was – if you’re ever attacked scream someone’s name, “TOM!! Tom!! Help!” this way the attacker will think someone else is coming and most likely want to get out of there.
– Bonus idea: Throw away your laundry detergent and just stink really bad so any potential bad person will be disgusted by your smell. (I may or may not have been accused of doing this by someone who loves me. Today.)

Hi Monica! I really appreciate you doing this series on runner’s safety, as unfortunately, it is very much needed right now. One of my worries when going out for a run is not only being attacked by another person, but by a dog. Do you have any suggestions for dog attacks? Thanks!
I also go to the store for whatever I am craving!! Especially if its a situation where I can drive there. If I have to walk to the store, I need to really really be craving it. I’ll usually try to think of something else I need while I’m there so I can buy more than a pint of ice cream or cherry bubbly water 😉
I carry a runner’s mace with me in my purse! I take it on runs in certain neighborhoods or in new routes. But the time I take my mace most seriously is when I go out at night (like to a bar, not running haha)
I once had a running buddy who had done a lot of thinking about this. Her plan was to pooch out her belly and loudly announce that they were attacking a pregnant lady. It was a terrible plan and luckily we never had to put it into action. These are good tips – thank you for sharing.
AH! Oh my gosh. Original plan, but yeah not sure if it’s the best.