After having the Jamba Juice Pumpkin Smash Smoothie last weekend I have been obsessed with recreating it at home. Today I assembled my ingredients and went to town.
Pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice are the two main ingredients. I also needed something to sweeten it and make it creamy. For this I decided to use a packet of Vanilla protein powder.
In the blender:
– 1/2c pumpkin
– packet protein powder
– 1 cup almond milk
– ice
– 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice (I like a lot)
– chia seeds (optional)
Then, top it with amazing granola. This is what really makes it so you cannot skip this part! I used Attune’s Granola Munch in Maple Nut.
The company sent me three different flavors to try and as soon as I saw this one I knew it was destined for great things. The Maple Nut is the perfect compliment to pumpkin! It tastes like brown sugar and has pieces of pecans – totally works with a fall flavor like this.
I don’t think this is a perfect re-creation of the Jamby smoothie, so I’ll have to keep working on it. Darn 😉
Earlier today I attempted to clean. I can give you several reasons as to why I’m dirty, but the number one is probably because I am bad at the “cleaning” aspect of life. Well, until today when I put on my big girl socks and cleaned away!
But, I didn’t change when I went to run some errands and just ended up looking like an overgrown soccer player shopping at Costco. Keeping it classy once again.
Lunch was a lame salad, Costco samples and whatever else I could find to crunch very loudly. I felt crunchy today.
Then, I took a step backwards in my attempts to be clean and got distracted by iced coffee and Twitter when I was supposed to be dusting. Dustings not that important in the grand scheme of things, right?
I grabbed a few forkfuls of the most amazing chocolate nut butter known to man too.
Then, in proof Monica is dirty #2, I grabbed an apple out of the container on the way home from Costco. There is a reason apples are part of the dirty dozen, but a little pesticides never killed anybody. Oh wait, they totally do. Grrreat.
As I was writing this post I realized in addition to my hot pink knee highs, I apparently had dirt on my forehead. You’re welcome for the laugh fellow Costco shoppers. And that would be the #3 reason.
The full dirty dozen list is:
- Peaches
- Apples
- Sweet Bell Peppers
- Celery
- Nectarines
- Strawberries
- Cherries
- Pears
- Grapes (Imported)
- Spinach
- Lettuce
- Potatoes
Ah! I really need to start buying organic apples and grapes!
This may look like dirty rice, but in actuality it’s a Mexican Meatless meal a day early. I’m cheating by making it on Sunday, that’s kinda dirty too.
And in case you prefer clean fruits and veggies, this is the list of the least contaminated produce:
- Onions
- Avocado
- Sweet Corn (Frozen)
- Pineapples
- Mango
- Asparagus
- Sweet Peas (Frozen)
- Kiwi Fruit
- Bananas
- Cabbage
- Broccoli
- Papaya
If you have to choose buy the dirty list organic and save money on these as it’s a little safer to buy them “regular”.
Question: Do you buy organic?
I do when I can, but it’s not always available or financially possible. In situations like this I just try to do my best 🙂
obrazy olejne
I buy mostly organic, but hardly ever buy organic bananas or avocados. When I buy from the farmer’s market sometimes I’m not sure if it’s organic, although I’m glad it’s at least local. I would say that 75% of the things I buy are organic, but if I really want something and can’t find it in organic, I just get it anyway.
I try to when I can. I always buy organic spinach, but I’m less good about the strawberries. I LOVE them, and sometimes organic is more than twice the price! I’m just…too cheap!
When I can afford it, yes!!!
Yup. I do, as often as I can. I buy at least the potatoes and baby carrots… The really bad stuff. I joined the local organic co-op, so it just got a lot more affordable for me. The season is November through May, so I’m gonna freeze and can as much of it as possible. Fortunately, avocados are my favorite, favorite thing, so I’m glad they’re on the better list.
I try to buy local from Farmer’s Markets or Whole Foods. Markets are pretty much the only affordable way for me to purchase organic, local foods–though often they are not certified organic, which doesn’t bother me.
Hi Monica:
Why don’t you just buy domestic grapes? It’s grape season right now, and, in my opinion, you won’t find any better grapes than in California!
I always buy organic potatoes, just because those grow in the ground.
i love how you’re keeping it classy! i’ve done the exact same thing: compression socks and shorts and a tee. except mine aren’t hot pink and therefore aren’t as cool 🙂
as far as organic goes: i am not willing to pay the extra money. maybe someday when i am rich and famous but my wallet is going to win this battle
I try to buy some organic stuff but it is sooooo expensive.
I made a pumpkin smoothie last week!
I try to buy organic whenever possible – especially off the dirty dozen list. Organic grapes are hard to find – unless you are willing to pay $4.99/lb which is SLIGHTLY out of my price range.
Since I eat a banana each day I began buying organic, and after a few weeks of that I could honestly taste a difference between organic and non-organic. The organic bananas just seem so much more flavorful!
I just purchased [another] jar of Justin’s chocolate hazelnut butter. I love the chocolate almond butter, too. Justin is evil, because he creates the best and most addictive nut butters ever.
I eat an insane amount of smoothies and green monsters, so I buy organic spinach and frozen fruit.
I need to make a pumpkin smoothie asap. But I’m always worried it’s going to suck, though, and that I just wasted my pumpkin. Hmmm…..
I don’t buy organic like I should. I buy so much produce – it’s expensive enough!
Unless you add extra sugar, I doubt an in-home version of the Pumpkin Smoothie would turn out as good. Blast that Jumba Juice and their amazing creations!!!! 🙂 Yours looks so yummy though.
I try to buy organic but not nearly as much as I should. Now that Honeycrisp are out, my apple are definitely not organic. Local maybe, but I don’t usually find an organic honeycrisp.
I sometimes buy organic but the price has to be right. Why is there flooring in your back seat?
No, I honestly don’t give a crap about organic food. I know that I’m probably in the minority here, but I honestly don’t think they are any healthier for you than conventional. The focus needs to be on getting people to eat more fruits and veggies, period.
I try and buy organic apples, but they are so pricey. At least I buy organic spinach for my green monsters!