Lunch! I wanted eggs and a salad for lunch so I decided to make an egg salad, just not the “usual” kind. I made an egg patty and put it on top of a big ol’ bed of lettuce, onions and tomatoes. Lot’s of hummus, hot sauce and almonds rounded out the meal.
Now I’m munching on open faced PB&J. Yes, both sides are open. I don’t do singles.
It’s my best friend, Cindy’s birthday today! She and I have known each other since 1st grade. The day she met me she went home and told her mom, “There is a girl in my class with orange hair. And orange these and these” (pointing to her eyebrows and eyelashes).
Luckily, my alibino-like appearance didn’t deter her from being my friend.
We really have nothing in common, but we’re soul mates at the same time.
Here are a few things my best friend taught me…
1. How to pluck chola eyebrows…
Hey, this was important stuff at the time!
2. If some stranger gives you a really random nickname, just smile and take a picture with him. (You don’t want to know why I still call her Kibbles.)
3. Where babies come from. (She was 16 and pregnant before it was cool a show.)
I’m holding her baby Jay here as we get her ready for prom.
4. You should take an entourage to prom. (She ended up at a different high school than me and snuck into my prom. Then, we after-partied.)
5. Despite everything, sometimes you just gotta smile. (Even when you didn’t realize someone wrote “boob-less crew” on your sandcastle.)
5. We may go separate paths, but we’ll always be there for each other
6. God has a plan for us, even though we may not see it at the time.
7. Cry over big things, not boy things.
8. You can be small, but have a really really big heart.
9. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
10. And we still have a long way to go…
Happy Birthday Cindy! I love you.
Question: What has your best friend taught you?
“Boobless Crew”
Holy crap, you always make me laugh.
You would fit in with our humor (even though you have big ol’ boobs).
awwww! Seriously the sweetest post ever! Thank you so much for the sudden burst of tears and laughter as I thought about my best friend and I growing up!! Cracked me up about the chola brows…I went through that faze with a really good friend of mine in Jr High…we had the moussed up hair and dark lipstick too…oh yeah and dickies overalls with cropped tops (so many memories!!).
My best friend and I knew each other from Kindergarten as well…and we didn’t always go to the same school either…we are still great friends to this day, and I am so glad I have her! She taught me that it’s okay to be weird and silly and still be smart…for instance: we decided to eat every vitamin in her mom’s cabinet one day…oops…but we somehow didn’t kill too many brain cells from that and were both great students…lol!
Scuh a sweet post! Happy birthday to her 🙂 My best friend and I met when we were 14 and she has taught me so much about being a great friend and how to be a wonderful mother. Her four children are like my own and I hope one day I can have my own so she can teach them things too!
My friend Ashley and I sound very similar to you and your friend.
We grew up together and don’t hang out as much as we used to and have very little in common, but we’re always there for each other when it matters. She also got pregnant at 16 before it was a show. Because of this taught me that it’s not what life hands you that defines who you are, it’s how you handle what life hands you. She married the jerk that fathered her child and dealt with the emotional abuse while working full time, raising their child, finishing high school, getting her bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and getting an awesome full time job. She divorced the jerk and is dating someone who treats her and her now 9-year-old son the way they deserve to be treated. She wasn’t the only girl in high school to get pregnant, but rather than let that define her, she defined herself. She’s awesome.
Happy birthday to your BFF 🙂
happy bday to your bestie! i don’t know what i’d do without mine, so i know how important she is to you 🙂
What a sweet post, Monica! Reminds me of my first friend from elementary school, she has always been at least 1 whole foot shorter than me, but we are pals just the same!
How sweet! Happy birthday Cindy!!!!
We did have great times together. Many more to come! Thank you for making me feel extra special today. You made me laugh =) and cry 😉 I was just telling Evelyn the other day about how I peed my pants on your bedroom floor. LOL! Long story I’ll tell you later. I love you lady.
Awesome post. Love all of the photos, looks like you guys have had some great times together! And your captions have me cracking up.
ahhhh…love the best friend post. i’ve known mine since i was 4 years old in kindergarten…and she’s taught me the meaning of love. sounds silly but she has, and not just towards boys. towards everyone and everything.
My best friend and I have had very different paths too. She’s taught me that female friendships are so important and there are people out there that will love you no matter what and just be uplifting and encouraging because they love you for you. She’s the best!
Wow, that is one gnarly prom dress! Love it! Such a great post – happy birthday to your friend.
What a great post! You’re lucky to have a life long friend like that:)
I’ve known my best friend since Kindergarten – 29 years now. And she taught me about the birds and the bees. Her mom told her how babies were made, and then she RAN to tell me right away. I was mortified.
I love this Olivas. We were not the normal teens. Who throws baby showers for their friends at 16, oh we do. Those memories will be with me forever. I love that march 4 hunger picture. Can u say vasoline? Love you guys
Not normal teens at all. lol. I love you girls!
This was so so sweet. My best friend Caity is coming to visit me this weekend! This might sound corny, but my best friend has taught me how to make decisions on my own. When coming to her for advice, she would always ask.. “Well, what do you think?” Making me think about the answer myself to the question I just posed to her. Now I find myself doing that to other people too!
OMG! I laughed out loud again! you seriously have funnest posts around. The boobless picture just kills me. I think it is awesome your friendship has stood the test of time and that just shows how special it really is. Thanks for sharing!
OMG! I love this post. You had my laughing out loud at he boobless crew pic. So funny! You guys are lucky to have each other and it is so neat your friendship and stood the test of time! That’s wonderful!
“And orange these and these”…that made me lol! Cute post!
Aww, this is so sweet! 🙂 My best friend taught me that people respect you for being different…if you go about it the right way. 😉 No need to be part of the status quo!
how to hide the bodies
what a great tribute to your best friend! i loved seeing the photos of you two together. and i am so glad that she pointed to her eyebrows and eyelashes and not her you-know-what.. that would be awkward…
also very impossible in the first grade, actually, now that i think of it. which i shouldn’t be.
AW, this is such a sweet tribute to your best friend! I love it!
I love this post!!!
My best friend taught me how to talk to boys… lol. And this was last week. 🙂
Love this. I have a good girlfriend from kindergarden and we still keep in touch. We met at the water fountain during snack time 🙂 She has super curly hair, and I remember introducing her as my clown haired friend. So flattering.