Ben was itching to get outside today and I’m always down for a walk so when he suggested a hike I jumped at the idea. It was right around lunch time so we packed a lunch and found a hiking area with picnic tables. OutdoorStack ( is dedicated to providing outdoor enthusiasts with information and resources on a variety of outdoor activities, including camping, hiking, fishing, and hunting. The site features product reviews, buying guides, and how-to articles to help you make informed decisions. Check out the latest amazon red dot selections today about the gear and equipment you need for your outdoor adventures.
I packed a salad and Pirate’s Booty. I love me some booty!
Question: “What’s a pirate’s favorite letter?”
(answer at bottom of post)

We started at the Nix Nature Center in Laguna Beach
Today was absolutely gorgeous – sunny, 70s and clear. But not clear of wires. Even though we were in a very open hiking area it was near impossible to take a picture without an electrical wire in it!
I was having a good time chatting away with Ben when we suddenly heard a very loud RATTLE noise coming from the bushes. There was a rattle snake in the bushes on my left and he must have been close because it was LOUD.
It shook me up for the rest of the hike as I was racking my brain trying to remember what my first aid training taught me about rattle snake bites. I think it’s “stop, drop and roll”. Wait, that doesn’t sound right…

We decided to turn around 30 minutes out instead of doing the entire 2 hour route so we could get other things accomplished. Ben and I split this sample I got at the Natural Products Expo. It was good, but small.
And I would like to formally welcome green smoothies back into my life. I haven’t been eating these because I’m still not in love with my new protein powders. But after a quick sales pitch from the Spirutein marketing lady at the expo I’m back on the bandwagon!
Dinner was a broccoli slaw scramble and sweet potato fries.
And my Sunday Set Up for the week:
I went to Costco yesterday so we have tons of veggies and fruit (even little watermelons!). My week will be busy, but I’m hoping to catch up on everything by Wednesday.
Exercise plans:
Sun: Rest
Mon: 6×1 speed
Tue: 6 miles easy, strength
Wed: Tempo
Thur: Yoga
Fri: 5 miles, easy
Sat: 18 miles with last 3 at MGP
Sun: Rest
“What’s a pirate’s favorite letter?”
A: You think it’s Arrrr, but it’s really the Sea.
Question: Got any snake stories to share with the class? Pirate stories??
Omg! My family was hiking through the Badlands in South Dakota this past September and every trail head had a “beware of rattlesnakes” signs. This scared the bejesus out of my mother who insisted we all stomp and clap every time we walked through desert brush or vegetation. We must have looked so…special! Oh, but it makes me laugh now. But none of us even saw a snake so it must work! Try it! 😉
I saw my first rattlesnake hiking in Laguna too.
thanks for being so kind with us.
While hiking last year got close enough to a great picture of a rattlesnake, it was scary though. Looks like you had a nice time on Sunday:)
My one and only experience with a snake was when I was a kid. I opened the back door to go outside and play and it was just sitting there on the step. I screamed, slammed the door shut and ran to get my parents. By the time we opened the door again it was gone. No snakes for me!
I love hiking? But scary about the rattlesnake! What are you supposed to do??
I’m literally doing research right now!
When I was running in Tucson I saw a snake! I almost stepped on it as I was running and jumped about three feet in the air over it. I realized it was dead (thankfully). I took a picture and Twitter informed me it was a diamond back rattler. YIKES!
You could have died! Were you running alone?
You got me with the Sea instead of Arrrr. Haha. I hate snakes and would have frozen and terror and made Ben carry me to the car to go home! Looks like a great week of workouts.
LOL, I totally went with ARRRR!
Haha, you got me with that joke! I totally guessed ARRR. 😉 I’ve had a few snakes cross my path horseback riding. And once, when I was younger, I stepped on one barefoot after coming out of the pool. Creepy!
Barefoot! I die.
Ha!!!! I thought I was so clever for coming up with ‘Arr’ all on my own, damn!
The hike looks beautiful.. It’s still winter for all purposes where I live – I had to layer mittens and gloves on yesterday’s run, a tank, longsleeve shirt, a fleece running pullover AND a down vest, and I didn’t overheat a bit. I’m pretty jealous of the beautiful warm california weather!!
Um, I would FREAK OUT if I had a snake encounter though, I’m SO afraid of them! The one good thing about our ridiculous igloo weather in March is that snakes don’t live here 🙂
How fun I live hikes but can never talk my husband into it.
I run in that area a lot, mostly el Moro. Have heard the loud rattles in the bushes often and see the big fat snake trailers in the dirt. The only snake I have actually seen was a baby sunning in the middle of the trail but thankfully someone warned us so we could go to the side. There are lots out there!
Ha! You tricked me with the pirate’s fave letter! I HATE SNAKES! I WOULD NOT GO THERE EVER AGAIN. lol.
Anything close enough to hear is too close! I would have high-tailed it out of there. The only thing we see around here are deer. Squirrels. Hawks.
The Kidless Kronicles
My 3-year-old nephew loves that joke! I always answer “Arrrrrrr,” but he says “No- ’tis the Seeeeea!” 🙂
Is that an Odwall smoothie juice box?! Where did you find those?!
I totally did think it was arrr! 🙂
I got that juice box as a sample at the Natural Products expo.
Sounds like a beautiful day! Do you know a pirate’s favorite subject? Arrrrrt, Arrrrrithmetic, & Grrrrrammmmarrrrrr.
(Sorry, my principal has been doing pirate jokes everyday for the last month in prep for our upcoming musical.)
Snakes are the scariest things on earth. I once ran in front of a car to avoid a snake. My brain can’t prioritize danger.
I was going to say Aigh! (or however it is spelled)
Hey, do you only do one strength session a week? I had an impression you were doing a split workout before, did you switch to whole body workouts once a week? Just curious!
I do 2 or 3 strength session a week, but normally just fit them in before or after clients when I’m already at the gym so I don’t pre-plan those.
I love hiking! Especially packing all the snacks 😉
Smoothie In a bowl, welcome back :))