Hello from Florida! Last night I spent time hanging out with Ben’s fam. I think I have a new favorite
Ben’s dad made ribs for dinner…
but, I’m not the biggest meat eater so I made a plate of all the sides plus some rotisserie chicken. Ben’s mom and I hit up Publix yesterday so we have a ton of delicious breads and salads and stuff!
I was in charge of cutting and eating the watermelon. Done and done.
I also had a bowl of cereal for dessert later in the evening. Everyone else was enjoying apple pie, but I’m not a pie person. I most definitely am a cereal person
This morning I got ready for my long run before the sun was up. My alarm went off at 3am PST and getting out of bed was not pleasant, but I wanted to ‘beat the heat’. Well, you can’t really beat the heat in Florida since the humidity keeps it hot here even in the morning, but it was cooler than mid-day.
I had some toast, half a naner and packed up some Nuun.
*I also made a video about my fuel belt, but it’s going to take a while to upload. Coming soon!
I realize running in Florida is very different from running in SoCal. My body is not used to the humidity so I wasn’t sure how many miles I was going to do. I left the house aiming for 2 hours today and 2 tomorrow. That’s less than ideal, but realistic given the circumstances.
The humidity was pretty rough so I ended up doing my usual 5.8 mile loop and coming back to the house to refill my water bottles. I also took a few swigs of juice for fuel and went back out.
I ended up running 13 miles. I was DRENCHED. I was so covered in sweat my shoes were making squishy noises like I had stepped in a puddle. DRENCHED.
Ben picked me up at the beach and I’m glad he brought a towel for me to sit on. I was so dripping wet he thought I jumped in the ocean!
On the way back we drove through Dunkin Donuts. Hello lover…
All you need is Love Watermelon and Iced Coffee
I wasn’t hungry when I got back, but after a shower I knew I had to eat something besides watermelon. I had eggs and a bowl of cereal. And more watermelon, obviously.
Okay, we have big plans to relax at the beach today. See ya later!
Question: What do you crave after a long run or hard workout?
I crave watermelon every time all the time.
GIRL. 13 miles in under two hours?!?! You amaze me. That is all.
I crave burritos after long runs, but after hard workouts, I love a fruity sports drink or a protein shake, or a SHOWER as many said.
I crave a really cold shower and a really cold smoothie. Basically, I just crave cold. 🙂
I am so sorry you had to suffer in the Florida humidity!!! I live in Florida and it is so tough!! Once the cool weather comes around it is amazing how much easier and faster running becomes!!
Please tell me the title of this post is serious so I finally don’t feel so alone! Lol. My running clothes after long runs smell like Doritos. What IS that about? So gross!
I love to have frozen coffee after a long run. It hits the spot!
Watermelon fist pump all the way, every day.
I’m caving in and retreating indoors this weekend. The humidity in ATL is bad too, and I just can’t take it now that it’s September. I want hoodie weather!
I can’t eat much after a long run, and the more I sweat, the less I want to eat. So I always chuck a huge glass of dark chocolate almond milk within 15 min. of finishing and that helps to rehydrate and ‘reset’ my appetite, so to speak.
I feel you on that humidity, I live in Charlotte, NC and I headed out yesterday for 10 miles at 7am and only made it 8.25 miles, the heat and humidity almost killed me, I was drenched!
Good job on your run!
Umm…a nap. But since that seems counterproductive I usually opt for a blueberry belvita or some oriental salad. They make my tum happy.
I often crave cheese, normally in the form of grilled cheese. But that was when I was training for a marathon this spring when it wasn’t hot and humid.
Nice job getting the miles in!
You look so pretty in that first picture with the baby. All the food pics look yum and way to go on your time. I hope to be speedy like you some day!
Looks like you are doing well! Running outside of the norm is waaaaay hard so keep up your awesome work! I’m really sad that watermelon season is almost done…NOOOOOO!
I can’t usually eat or have an appetite after a run…it’s the next few days that are “problematic” – I’m constantly hungry and just want carbs, carbs and carbs.
I’m in KY… I get the humidity. Bring on Fall… fast! I usually crave greek yogurt. Matter of fact, it’s the only time I ever want it. Weird huh.
I had 15 miles on my training log today and it was humid in MD!! Hot sweaty mess when I was done!!
When I was in high school & college, during field hockey preason, I would see vending machines and always craved an ice cold diet sprite. Now, I just crave water and a shower- totally lame.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who sweated like a beast on my run this morning! My shoes were squishing by the end and I could wring out my shirt and shorts. I blame it on the humidity!
Monica, Nice job! I would love to see a 1:58 tomorrow with the same mileage.
I walked 10 on the dreadmill, it took me 2.5 hours, I was drenched. We have Issac’s humidity.
I crave an iced coffee with Click protein powder after a long run. Which is exactly what I had after 18 miles today. I’m on vacation in Carlsbad, California and I came back drenched from my morning run. It’s hot and humid out here (I am coming from dry Albuquerque, NM). I can’t imagine running in Florida!
Agh I would be so DIZZY after all that sweat! I usually crave a granny smith apple…something to get the blood sugar back up and fix that taste in my mouth! (Apparently I need more water.) Did you change something with your website? It’s causing my Blackberry to free and/or shutdown, and it never used to do this. 🙁 Anyway, love your blog as always, love YOU!
Nice run!! Humidity does suck it out of you, Oklahoma has been crazy humid this summer!!! I love breakfast foods after a long run!
When I seen your post about going to Florida, I almost emailed you to say start early!! We went to Destin this week and I attempted my long run yesterday morning.. Luckily this was a scale back week and I needed 13. I made it to 12.5 and thought I was going to die. I know exactly what you mean about how different it is running in humidity. I’ve gotten use to north Alabama about 65 early morning… 90 degrees with humidity is torture. I wasn’t as smart though I didn’t start until 6. There wasn’t a dry spot on me either and my shoes were squishy when I walked in the condo too. I couldn’t even see walking in the door because of sweat!! Oh, me! Dedicated runners right there! Thank goodness we don’t live there year around. Enjoy the rest of your family time!!
Ice cream. A lot of it. Because I’m insane and ice cream is yummy.
Ok, that’s what I crave, but I usually have a protein smoothie with extra banana for that same creamy taste.
like you today I usually am not hungry at first….but I need my food about an hour after….after our last half (sadly back in April) as we were driving home we passed a Chipotle….stopped, ordered and inhaled …it was heaven.
But, water immediately after is my refreshment. 😉
I always crave watermelon, grapes, and/or nectarines immediately following a long run. A few hours later I crave a cheeseburger, which is weird because I almost never eat red meat.
How come I bought the heaviest watermelon and it tastes like crap and is not even red. Hmpft!!
I think the season is coming to an end, this one was a little too ripe 🙁
I crave salt and hamburgers.
I ran in Georgia this morning, it was horribly humid! I love cold watermelon after a run, and Gatorade!
Haha I understand the problem of being drenched in sweat. It’s super humid here in south Carolina and I am so gross after a long run. Then I just want to eat pancakes! I always crave pancakes.
I see that you and skinny runner meet up a lot. If you guys ever do a big blog fro yo date or something, let me know because I just moved down to this area for grad school and dont really know anyone besides people in my class. And I have been following you, her, and hungry runner girl for A LONNGGG time 🙂
Hello! Where are you going to school?! I’ve never put together a meet up, but maybe this is a sign that I should 🙂
its a school just for physical and occupational therapy, but its called University of St. Augustine.
I am such a cereal lover. I honestly could eat it all…day….long. That said, after a long run, I always want a bagel & cream cheese. I usually spend half of my long runs thinking about what type of bagel.
You look very gorgeous in that first picture 🙂 Just thought you should know.
Wow! Thank you!
My go-to meal after halves is always froyo and a simple bean burrito from Taco Bell. So basically massive carbs with a side of protein.
Can you believe there are no self serve fro-yo places around here?! I mean, it’s Florida – that stuff would sell year ’round…
Crazy. Perhaps you guys should move there and open a franchise? By the way, I bet that cute little blue-eyed child is not helping Ben’s baby fever!
I crave almond butter on pretty much anything with carbs-crackers, a banana, a bagel etc. On another note, I ran in my new Brooks Pure Cadence shoes today and I LOVED them, thanks for putting them on my radar!
Yah! I still love my pure flows too!
Nothing tastes better (to me) after a long run than chocolate milk. And I actually prefer the TruMoo stuff to actual chocolate milk. Strange, right?
After long runs I usually crave something heavy in protein – but this a couple of hours later – right after a run I want something refreshing andy light!
I know what you mean about being drenched in sweat. I have a friend who organizes floor hockey games. We usually play for 1.5 or 2 hours. Though we end up taking a couple of breaks, I’m always soaking wet from sweating so much. I always feel so gross when I leave, but it’s worth it every time cause it’s so much fun!
Smoothies. Jamba Juice Mango or Strawberry smoothies. The make at home kind is fine.
The Kidless Kronicles