Last night I had my second favorite dinner after pizza –> salmon, sweet potatoes, veggies…
and wine! I enjoyed a little chocolate after dinner but stayed at the table chatting with Ben instead of eating a pile of it while watching Housewives of America.
This morning it was a little chilly so I busted out my bright pink Brooks running vest. I’m pretty sure you can see me from space in this thing. It is SO BRIGHT!!!
I did 6 miles.
I am still getting to know my new Garmin and a full review is coming,
but my initial thoughts are…
The bezel thing is hard to figure out at first, but I think I have the hang of it. Kinda.
I do not like the plastic strap. My old Garmino had a replacement velcro strap and it was much easier to adjust and didn’t move around.
My arms are hairy, which is weird because my parents are not hairy people. (But they don’t have red hair either so there’s that.)
Question: Palm Tress or Pine Trees? Pick One.
I do love the smell of the mountains and pine trees while camping, but I’m going Palm.
that’s my kind of dinner too! I have that same Garmin & I loved that the strap was plastic- my old velcro one got super nasty & smelly after 1 summer. I’ve had it for a few year & I’m not a fan of the touch bezel- it’s just a bit cumbersome to use at times.
Allergic to pine…. PALM ALL THE WAY. I moved away from TN (pine) to live with the palm trees(CA and FL) I like them so much. I’m determined to finish the Womens Half Marathon in less than a month even though I just got released from PT because I want the PALM TREE MEDAL!
I’m absurd.
I have the same garmin… my only tip is turn down the sensitivity of the bezel… and I always locked it on my long runs… Nothing worse than looking down and the screen has changed…
Although I love the smell, look and atmosphere of the pine, I will have to say Palm.
A few of our neighbors have huge pines trees in their yard, although we end up with so many freakin’ pine needles, pine cones and sap all over our patio/garden/yard, it gets really annoying. (and sap leaves stains that are near impossible to remove-patio, patio furniture, pants )
So ya, PALM!!!
Mmm that’s definitely one of my favorite dinners too. So good!!
How about regular trees? I live in East Tennessee, and I couldn’t live without the tree-covered mountains!
Salmon with veggies is def my favorite meal too! Right now I am going to say pine trees, they definitely help me get in the Fall/Winter mood 🙂
I have the same Garmin too, but mine came with the Velcro strap and I was able to change it so that it wouldn’t be so uncomfortable. Maybe someone bought your watch previously, returned it, and stole the Velcro strap just for fun? Maybe not likely but its a theory…
I like the Pines that are at the top of the Palm Springs Tram ride because they smell like vanilla 🙂
The Garmin bezel works like an iPod, you’ll get the hang of it after a while.
Love the vest. Garmin- I need one. Trees? Who the heck knows. 🙂
My husband says the same thing about his Garmin and we happened to have a dozen green sweatbands left over from little league so he threw one of those on underneath. Problem solved!
PALM!! I still remember how gorgeous the palm trees were out there… I miss them…(PS: GL in the AM!)
Ah! I forgot to call you for tips!
Palm, definitely! Even while swaying in the winds of hurricane Sandy!
Palm, because i’m in New England and I don’t get to see them alot.
AND…I’m a redhead with hairy arms too? I don’t feel so alone now.
But makes me wonder…do all redheads have hairy arms?
Now I need to take a poll…
By far my favorite dinner too!
This looks like the Garmin 410 which is the one I have. It came with a spare velcro strap… Maybe you can find one online?
PINE! I get plenty of Palm here in southern California.
Garmin advice: go to Amazon and search “mizuno wristband” they come in pairs and you can get two for about $6-8 (depending on color). Wear one UNDER the Garmin. Miracle of all miracles. I was hating mine for the first few weeks until I got those. I just wash them with my compression stuff in a lingerie bag every few days.
The bezel can be a little tricky but you can lock it without affecting the start/stop buttons. You’ll definitely get the hang of it in no-time!
I’m going with Pine trees! They smell like home 🙂
Pine trees!! Moving to the land of palm trees hasn’t been very nice to me. Maybe once I get the hang if things in this part of the country I will change my mind, but for now, I miss the east.
Why not both?! 🙂
I miss the palm trees from FL and my Pine trees from Eastern Texas- I see Mesquite trees everywhere here in West Texas.
Do you ever post in spanish?
No, I don’t speak Spanish fluently 🙁
girl it’s all good- write it up mocho 😉 we understand. I love it when you throw Spanish in the posts.
Palm trees! Except at Christmas time, then there’s nothing like a beautiful, natural smelling pine tree all decorated and lit up.
Palm trees. 🙂 I love summer. Though pine trees do smell great!
Palm trees. Not a winter fan at all!
Born and raised in the Inland Northwest… Pine all the WAY!! I hate racking the needles though.
Neither-above tree line! If I have to choose, pine trees.
Pine trees all the way. They smell delightful and I wouldn’t be a good Minnesotan if I didn’t choose that way!
Well the Pine trees where I live are dying of some horrible tree disease (Pine wilt)…so I’m going with Palm.
Pine trees! Because they smell like the holidays (yes, I am thinking about that already, turkey and pie!!!) 😀
Palm trees! Pine trees remind me of winter and snow and I hate snow!
That’s easy. Pine trees. Definitely pine trees.
My vote goes for pine!
Let me know if you figure out the Bezel–I have had my garmin for almost a year and still find the thing annoying/non-cooperative!
I’m pretty sure that’s the same garmin I have – mine came with a small and a large velcro strap and I switched it to the large velcro strap so I can share with my fiance. My wrists are too small for the plastic strap!
Palm, it’s all I know.
So beyond jealous of your dinner. I tried making salmon (which I love) once since I got pregnant and could not handle it – so yuck. And though I would LOVE some wine I take growing human baby parts pretty seriously. Really think of all the parts you have to grow just right, it’s overwhelming. So ya, jealous over here.
I would take that seriously too! You made an organ today, I just worked on a few spreadsheets…
That’s my kind of dinner, too! And I pick pine trees…even though they make me bust out in a rash. Just picture a 10 yr-old girl decorating a Christmas tree with thick snow gloves on. Pathetic, ha!
Palm. Reminds me of the beach.
The Kidless Kronicles
Neither. FIR trees are where it’s at. Those are the good kind. Very pretty, fluffy, smells great. 95% of your typical Christmas trees are fir trees so I can only assume Jesus also prefers fir.
I LOVE that vest! Still such a good color on you! I’m gonna go with pine trees…..
I have that garmin! I love it, but completely agree about the straps and it moving around. I wanna hear your full review on it! 😀
I love pine trees because they smell so good, and remind me of camping and Christmas and being in the mountains. I love palm trees because they remind me of the beach and being warm and relaxing. In south Texas we don’t have either, so I guess it doesn’t really matter…
UGH…I have seen my share of Pine trees living my entire life in MN…I am going with the PALM trees for sure. 😉
Hmmmm…maybe a palm Christmas tree this year??? I wonder how lights would look on one? I suppose you know though…
My dad does put lights on the little palm trees in our yard for Christmas 🙂
Pine! I’m surrounded by them and they smell SO good!
Pine trees. I grew up with pine trees, and nothing beats that scent. Palm trees provide no shade, no scent, and just drop fronds that either smack you on the head when they fall, or get stuck under your car and do damage. (Can you tell I miss pine trees? 🙂 )
Sometimes I’ll see a palm branch that looks like it’s about to fall and it’s scary. Those things can do damage!
PINE trees.
Palm. I was so pumped when my boyfriend and I moved into our new house because it has a palm tree in the backyard!
Palm trees for sure!
Palm at the moment. Just because I just spent the last few years living among the pine trees. So I’m ready for some palm trees!