Hello. So, according to the very reputable source Twitter – yesterday was National Have a Bad Day Day. And good ol’ Run Eat Repeat took that very seriously and crashed.
The POTM Check in for Wednesday will be up and available until Friday!! Update that post with your Wed workout and this post for Thursday. Ya feel me?

In eating news… I used a packet of chocolate hazelnut butter to make my favorite easy oatmeal cookie. Do it do it. The original recipe was just one big cookie but I’ve been making two or three small ones.

I also found this picture and a bunch of other random ones from this weekend on my phone. They are so weird, but I can’t share much because my peeps would try to kill me. (Read: I’ll share them when I know they’re too busy to read.)

Also – Pizza Hut tweeted me. I feel fancy like eating pizza.

Me getting ready for Thanksgiving:

Finding the Perfect Running Shoe for You
Since I’m giving away 5 pairs of Mizuno running shoes this week I wanted to share some resources on how to find the right shoe for you. I really believe having the correct shoes are important for running and avoiding injury.
My #1 tip is to go to a running shoe store and get sized, talk with someone about how much you run and have them check your gait. There are a lot of places that have treadmills and/or video options to watch you!
Then, choose the best shoe for you. If you don’t have access to that check out Mizuno’s Shoe Finder…
If you already have a running shoe you dig you can use the Switch from Another Brand option
Most of my runner friends wear the Mizuno Wave Rider which is a neutral, light but still supportive shoe. Two of the best runners I know swear by this pair!!

If you need a little more shoe and/or run long distance and don’t have perfect form the Wave Inspire is a good option.

Pile on the Miles Check in Thursday
Leave a comment on this post with your check in for Thursday! One person will win a pair of Mizuno Running shoes!!
(Leave a comment on Wednesday’s post with your Wednesday check in.)
I’ll announce winners Monday!
What’s your workout today?
Disclaimer: Some of my favorite companies have donated prizes for Pile on the Miles. All opinions are my own.
So many thanks for these tips. I am too adipose and used to expend most of my times lying and doing nothing. So Thursday is the best for a holiday.
Useful tips definitely its informative.
3.5 mile run and 1.5 mile walk
3 miles and some yoga
Signed up for a barre class with my friend!
Rest day
rest day – almost ready from sunday’s 1/2 marathon
Did 1 hour of Body Pump
bootcamp thursday
Pure barre class for 60min and a 3 mile jog with the pup.
Got in a 30 minute walk!
Pilates upper body. Soooooo weak…
Thursday – stretch day!! And I threw in some weight training after
Body Pump class in the a.m. – hurts so good!
Gym time: full body workout and 40 minutes of jogging on the treadmill while listening to Jillian Micheals show.
still so cold out so I took a cardiosculpt class which was awesome.
Intervals and weights!
rest day:)
It was a 45 minute session on the eleptical on Thursday for me.
Rest day unless you count jumping on a trampoline with my 2yr old exercise. 😉
3 miles and barre.
4.5 miles on a treadmill!
Thursday was 2 miles on the treadmill
Thursday = metabolic boot camp!
Rest day for me
rest day 🙂
Thursday I did a BodyPump class that left me sore for days!
Walked 3.5 miles on the treadmill.
Stationary bike riding for 30 minutes.
Completed Insanity Asylum’s strength workout, but took it easy on the jumps.
Got in a good strength training session! Shoulders and low back!
12k at 4.15am. Boooom!
I ran 6.8 miles!
3miles done 🙂
5 miles on Thursday.
On Thursday, half-mile repeats on the treadmill for a total of 5 miles.
Weights, yoga, walk
I did the elliptical in the morning and considered yoga after work but went to happy hour with some runner friends instead =)
3 mile walk with the dog plus a little cross training lifting wts
3 miles on the treadmill and strength training.
Wanted to run but it ended up being a rest day for homework
4.5 miles!
Did core work only today.
I managed to sneak in 8 miles just after a freezing rain storm blew threw here in Wisco…Somehow I managed not to fall, but did almost go down about 5 different times! Thank goodness for the salt trucks that were out bright and early!
30 minutes of HIIT, 2 mile run and some weights! Good one today!
3 mile walk with a friend!
3 miles today
I got in a five mile run before class!
Turkey Trot this morning!! 6.2 Miles!!
3 mile treadmill run and body pump
4 mile run-chilly freezing cold! 34/60
Did a 5k on Thursday.
I did an awesome interval workout on Thurs!
Rest Day!
I ran a half marathon, and ate 6 donuts. #winning
thursday was hot power yoga day 🙂
Thursday…60 minutes on the treadmill with Doctor Who.
Thursday was a quick kettle bell workout in the a.m. : kettle bell swings, clean and press, and shoulder raises.
Started my day off bright and early at the barre (Pure Barre that is 🙂 )
5 game volleyball match
2miles on the treadmill and some strength training.
4 easy miles in the drizzle!
Rest day today!
Today was the last taper run before my half marathon. 2.5 easy miles!
I did a strength/HIIT workout
8 (miles) was great!
Thursday was a rest day 🙂
Thursday I did a body pump class and 2 mile walk
4.75 miles on the dreadmill. I did pyramid intervals to keep it interesting.
gym day today
8.3 miles
Ran 4 miles
Easy 6 miler in the dark & the rain!
30 minutes of 9Round + 13k steps per my Fitbit!
I ran 3.4 miles with my dog in the very cold am!
30 minutes on the elliptical and lots of planks!
Thursday plyo DVD. 2 mile walk with the dog.
4 mi run done.
Thursday was a killer WOD!
Short bike ride and a long stretch.
Thursday was a 3 mile run!
Today was a glorious rest day. So I took a leisurely 2mi walk & did yoga for runners.
Got in over 10,000 steps today which included a walk on the beach!
Yoga and 3 miles today
Thurday was rest day (unless cleaning the house counts).
Ran a couple miles on the treadmill. Wanted to go more but left knee was starting to hurt. With my final race of the season next week I decided to play it safe and stop. Please body, don’t fail me now…
I did an easy 3-miler along the lakefront…very chilly!
fast 5k to prep for next week’s turkey trot!
Hooray! So glad to see you up and running again!
Thurs: 3 mile taper run 🙂
4 miles split between the treadmill and the inside track at my gym. Awesome and sweaty.
Melissa- 0. Couch- 1.
I had 6 miles of speed work on the schedule……..unplanned rest day!!!
Rest Day!
2.5 mile walk with the dog this afternoon 🙂
Thursday- 8 mile run in Central Park!!
4.1 in the frosty Florida morning
Ran 4 miles, plus some arms/shoulders/back strength training.
Lifted legs and ran five miles!
4 treadmill miles and body pump
light strength training for me!
I braved the 30 degree high and the slushy muddy road to get in 5 miles! 🙂 So happy to report that I got some more miles in! 🙂
I ran 4 miles this day. 🙂 Mmmk? 🙂
55 minutes yoga
Thursday! Three mile walk
I ran two miles and ate alot of Reese’s peanut butter cups …
5 miles with a headlamp and reflective vest
I took multiple workout classes – One Ab Focused workout, then One TRX class, and then wrapped it all up with a Yoga Class! I was really in the mood to workout!!
Rest day on Thursday!
Quick three mile run after work
45 min tempo run! (6 miles)
Lifting weights!
Much needed rest day 🙂
softball game 🙂
I did a lovely walk around my neighborhood to get my little man some fresh air since he’s got croup.
I ran for 2 miles today and did an upper body workout
4.3 TM miles and PiYo sweat
4.25 mile run.
I went to spin this morning!
Today’s a rest day! Much needed. Got in 3+ mi of walking– not ideal, but better than nothing. 🙂
5 miles and a 45 minute lifting class today!
4 mile run this morning
40 mins of hips and core detox yoga
Rest day so I could go to book club!
I did 8 miles on the treadmill. A little fold in the RVA!
hour on the elliptical and lower body strength
Thursdays are for Crossfit!
3 miles on the creek path!
pushup & plank routine for today
No running, just walking and core work
Ran a little over 5 miles, and ran outside for the first time in awhile!
Sorry if this posted twice… 2 very cold miles Thursday morning… and I came inside to thaw after that!
Strength training
6 miles this morning
3.5 easy miles
Still recovering from the flu…rest day again!
Yesterday was a lunchtime yoga sesh to help mend the muscles!
Rest day!
5 miles!
Today was a rest day from running. I had a workout fail when I somehow turned off my alarm and missed my strength and conditioning class. I did make it to deep stretch yoga in the evening. My new favorite class!
Thursday I walked a bunch and crushed my 10,000 step goal with my fitbit! Woot woot!
2 miles running on the treadmill, 4 miles walking. Piling on the miles!
40 more minutes ofcardio today
Thursday was back and biceps plus elliptical
Thursday was a rest day for me
Rest day today!
PiYo Strong Legs for me! My legs are on fire!! New Mizunos would be great to start my marathon training!!
Rest day – long run scheduled for tomorroww
Thursday was 4 easy miles!
Rest day + taught 2 jazzercise classes!
So, I sat on the couch. I was going to do yoga, but I realized I’m now in my 30s and staying up later than 9pm on a weeknight is just unacceptable. I was beat so I took a rest day!
another rest day
Thursday, I ran 3.75 miles.
Yoga, weights and lots of stretching!
Rest ! I needed it 🙂
I strength trained Thursday!
4,1 km today in the mornig. Getting really cold here 🙂
Thursday was a three mile run
getting in those steps today!! My fitbit is loving me
Thursday…I did 4 miles of hills and may have sung some numbers from the sound if music…
I did a step aerobics tape this morning and yoga in the afternoon…along with shoveling!!
3 miles today.. still sore and IT band is tight. When are you fully recovered from 26.2?? Grrr
Thursday – 3.5 mile run in the morning and 30 minutes walk in the morning!
walk in the afternoon 🙂
Boot camp!
4.02 miles after work!! This has been a great challenge and I am so thankful for it!! 🙂
Rest and recovery for me today
Rest day for me but had an assessment with a personal trainer in the morning and did a 2:30 plank and 30 push-ups as part of the records.
Hot yoga before work!
40 minutes for me today!
I am dancing in a Burlesque show tonight. Saving up my energy for that!
Last Girls on the Run practice and a rest day
30 minutes on the stationary bike with a 10 minute speed walk and 10 minute elliptical
rest day, glorious rest day
4 miles
walked 5 miles and ran 80 minutes with my elementary P.E. students!! Perks of the J-O-B
4 lunch miles with my co-worker. Woot woot!
Went to a class all about hamstrings
Sprinted a mile…that’s been a while
Early morning spinning class!
2 miles!
Still recovering from being sick, so a rest day for me. No fun!
I played pool. Which you can do while lame. So… that’s something?
This morning I did a 4 mile “HIIT the Hill” treadmill workout that I got from Fitnessista’s site awhile ago. I increased the speed and times to make it a bit more challenging for me. It’s a good one!
Still taking it easy on my foot – no high impact or running 🙁 But did some strength work today!
I did a super hard shockwave class. Definitely hurting today
Thursday was rest day!
It says I’m posting comments too quickly when trying to check in for friday, thursday and wednesday.
2nd attempt at 5 miles, but my numb fingertips had me quitting at 4 again :-/
Cut my 7 mile scheduled run down to 5 due to nagging hip pain.
Rest day on Thursdays for me!
Rest day, so I just took the dog for a walk!
8 miles of hills today.
2 miles on the ‘mill!
Lunchtime yoga!
2 mile walk
just did 30 minutes on the bike, started to feel better from this cold!
Rest day for this girl
I did a 2-mile treadmill run and a Tone It Up yoga routine. Stretching felt great!
I walked 10.3 miles around Zurich, Switzerland today!! It was gorgeous and very Christmas-y.
barbell strength workout
Today is a rest day. I want to thank you for this challenge. As I said early things have not been good and I lost my love for running. The first day I walked the stairs I was not sure if I would continue or if it would help. On Tuesday I told myself with each step that I was climbing out of the negative space. I was hit with more bad news but today I am feeling stronger. It is cold here in Chicago but this weekend I am going to try to run again. Now all I need is a new pair of Mizuno running shoes. LOL… Thank you for your blog, it has help me in so many ways.
Rest day
Skipped a Thursday workout because I had to watch focus groups for work until 10pm. Does it count if the focus groups were ABOUT running?
Strength training with extra ab work…fun, fun!
10 miles on the elliptical. Not feeling like a run today.
Nike training club 30 min workout
Rode my bike to work… and ran 4.7 miles after work 🙂
30 min strength training and cardio!
6 miles with Run Club.
Thursday I went to crossfit and had a long foam rolling session
I did upper body workout, 2 miles on the treadmill and core.
8 mile run, heading into what I hope is a relaxing weekend! 🙂
10.5 miles! Surpassed my goal of running 200 miles this month…. Up to 203!!!!
And did piyo: buns…. Dang! Ouch
5 miles and Crossfit!
Thursday was a rest day for me, so I went to see the new Hunger Games movie!
10 km during lunch time on a cold crisp day !
Another boring 4 miles on the treadmill.
Thursday was a rest day for me! Spent the evening relaxing with my fiance, and enjoyed every second of it.
5 miles tonight! It’ll be a chilly one!
Yoga day!
Thursday: 4 mile run. Today hoping for 10 miles before sunset!
T25 Week Three!
I did some interval speed work and ended up running a total of 3 miles and walking about a mile. And then some weights!
I gifted myself 4 miles and some walking on my Birthday!
first lunch time run at work, 3 miles!
I don’t know if you can read my comment all the way down here. But all the same . today I am running a 30 min tempo run before heading to the movies to watch Mockingjay with my girls.
Rest day for me!
8 miles today!
FAST 3.1!
Rest day. : )
10K treadmill run to complete my weekly goal! Yeah baby! Now ready to open a bottle of wine to celebrate! Cheers to POTM!
Cardio blast yesterday! Intervals and some light strength training!
I’ll go to yoga tonight. only 2/3 classes this week…oh well.
3.6 miles freezing my arse off but ran them like I stole something!
2 miles for me!
Thursday was a rest day for me – making up the miles on Friday
Thursday was a stretch/yoga day 🙂
Four miles of intervals on the treadmill, no less!
snazzy looking running shoes!
Thursday was PiYo workout and 24 burpees. Didn’t walk the pups since it was 23 degrees out at 630am. BRRR!
I really hurt my back and was hobbling around all day, the tears ready to spring, so I was going to take Thursday off to recover. But after work, I felt like a short easy run might loosen up my back. I only ran 2 miles, but it did the trick! I’m not fully recovered this morning, but I am sooo much better. Yea! Ready to Pile On the Miles again!
Thursday I did 30′ Cardio and upper body. 🙂
The right shoes are so important! I ran 5 miles this morning!
Thursday I ran 3.5 miles and did 30 min. on the elliptical!!
An easy 5k to push me over my goal for the month (way to underestimate myself!) I’m working on a new goal for the rest of the month 🙂
I met with a personal trainer on Thursday morning for an hour. She kicked my butt! Everything hurts! At least I know I got a good workout.
Some runner’s yoga and a short HIIT workout in the morning!
5 miles today , 47:58, and one of the fastest non race 5 miles I’ve done. Still learning and getting faster. Love your site.
Thursday was a 3 mile jog and foam rolling.
Elliptical and strength training, feeling the burn 🙂
An hour spin class!
Thursday – precision running at the gym in the morning, and Pilates at night!
Thursday was a rest day.
I just ‘discovered’ your blog, so I have been frantic the last couple of days because I couldn’t get on your site! So Thursday I was supposed to go on a long tempo run but I got a bit down and spent it on the couch instead. It’s o.k. to skip once in a while without beating yourself up about it, right? Right?!
Ran 3 miles on Thursday!
7 k run today!
Thursday I got in a 2 mile walk at lunch!
Thursday morning, two hours of surfing!
I got in a solid 6 mile-run before work this morning! I’m not going to let this cold weather stop me from achieving my goals!! 🙂
Barre class and a 40 minute walk.
bootcamp this morning 🙂
Spin today (the best). 21 miles.
Rest day today.
Thursday was a rest day!
Thursday I ran 6 miles with 6 hill repeats on a cold snowy morning, but I had a great running buddy (my bf) so we rocked it!
Thursday morning: Pilates class!
Yesterday I ran my scheduled 2 miles but upped the speed on the treadmill from 5.0 to 5.3, which is pretty huge for me 🙂
Walked 2 miles, ran 2 miles. Indoors!
4 miles. Done.
thursday 4 miles
wednesday 7 miles!
Rowing on the rowing machine at the gym- hate it, but the body needed a day off from running!
Three Thursday miles in a local park I’d never tried before!
An upper body workout from Purely Twins and a plank workout from Carrots n Cake is on the agenda for tonight!
Did a 1 hour Pure Barre class Thursday evening
Got off late & hit traffic, but I still made it out for a two mile run w/some core work at home before we went out! 🙂
Thursday I went to the gym in the AM for abs and back but took a break from yoga cause my to-do list at home was growing way to long………..
Thursday – 3.3 mile run AND 3 mile walk – loving the POTM!
my check in for thursday…i ran my longest distance ever: 19.5 miles. i also ran it way faster than i thought i would. got it done in 3:57:37! BOOM! i felt great the whole run, it never felt hard and i never really got actually tired. makes me excited to run 22 miles next week!!!
Yay! I think I can comment! Thursday I ran 5 miles! yeah!
10.5 before work!
4 miles!
On Thursday I ran 6 miles in 25+ mph winds and temps in the teens. I used to love running in the fall…now, not so much!
I did 20 minutes of sprints, about 3.0 miles total.
Forced day of rest #2 – not happy about it. Does it mean I’m becoming a “runner” when I get antsy and irritable when I have to take two days in a row off from workouts?
I tend to be so cheap I’ve avoided a proper fitting at a real running shop, but I think I may treat myself to that soon 🙂
I did a nice 3.5 mi with friends and then a few fun sprints at the end! I never run sprints as fast alone as I do when I’m racing someone 😉
2.4 miles on Thursday. It was raining 🙁
Walking on lunch break and after work with my dogs. I’ve been running about 3 days a week so I have a lot of walking days.
Thursday turned out to be an unexpected rest day due to my boyfriend’s broken clavicle and a surgery.
Thursday was a much needed rest day! If you get a chance to repond, can you tell me why you picked the shoes you run in? You mention the Wave Riders above, but you run in the Hitogami, right? Why is that?
Yesterday, I ran 6.27 miles in the morning and then did another treadmill workout in the evening while watching the football game (3.54 miles). Followed that up with some light stationary pedaling.
Ah, Friday…rest day!!!
40 minutes of HIIT today! 🙂
thursday was a rest day, which was a good thing because my kindergartner got sent to the office again and i had to deal with the drama. kindergarten, i tell you.
Thursday ended up being a unscheduled rest day. Pinched nerve in my back so my workout instructor told me to take a rest day. Boo! Friday is a scheduled rest day so I’m hoping to be feeling better and be back running Saturday morning!
On Thursday, I did 30 min of cycling in the morning, then went back in the evening for a 1 mile warm up and a 45 min spin class!
Today is a rest day but still need to get my 10K steps!
30 min HIIT treadmill workout!
Rest day Thursday!
Thursday! Did a 2 mile run to the gym to take a BodyPump class!
long walk later today 🙂