HELLO!!! Yesterday I drank so much iced coffee I thought I might never sleep again in my life. Luckily, a lil melatonin saved the day night. And I actually woke up feeling great.
But this is a super random tangent-y blog post that does tie in to running.
Run the Tangents!
In long distance races you are supposed to ‘run the tangents’ = try to run straight lines on the course and not big wide turns or la-di-da. This is challenging with tons of people around you AND when you are kind of tired or in the zone.
I thought about running the tangents this morning on my run because I don’t practice this during my runs! I don’t really need to run the straight lines because I’m not trying to cut the distance as close as possible to 13.1 or 26.2 on a random mid-week run. But, it’s a good reminder to practice for race day and every now and then run the tangents in training.

My hair was a tangled tragedy after the Surf City Marathon this weekend. This is exactly why I braid my hair and don’t put it in a pony tail or something – it would be that much worse.

Ice ice baby. My knee was a little achey after the race and I took my bag ‘o peas to my moms to ice it. One time I used her peas and she got mad because ‘we eat those!’. Well, excuuuuuuuse me for melting your food and then re-freezing it and rubbing it on my body… okay, yeah that is not good.

Got my nails done a fun bubble gum pink yesterday.

And I got a new StitchFix delivery! Vegas enjoys it too.

I made overnight oats in my super cute watermelon bowl. I like the chia seeds to plump up so it’s best when they sit overnight. But, I didn’t want cold oats so I still warmed ‘em up!

Question: Tell me something random!
What did you have for breakfast?
I got my nails done yesterday in a red sparkly color in honor of Saturday 🙂
I was ambitious this morning and made roasted sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower, eggs and hot sauce of course! 🙂
What a fun post. And I LOVE your nail color! Must. Get. Manicure. :)~
Braids are a must for me when working out!
We had homemade breakfast burritos with turkey bacon. mmm…
Porridge for breakfast for me! And I add chia seeds too. I basically rummage through my pantry and throw in as many different varieties of grains and seeds that I can find. Everything seems to work and so is fair game.
In races, I seek out the most even part of the pavement. Screw the tangents, I want flat road! Tangent: the amount of brain I’m spending right now deciding whether or not to eat this cinnamon roll Quest bar is ridiculous.
I love that watermelon bowl. I usually eat oats with PB for breakfast but today I hate a green smoothie because we were getting bagels and coffee at work. Holla.
Can you share your recipe for your overnight oats? I still haven’t been able to find the perfect combo yet!
Agree!!! Please share!
I’m on my second work-from-home snowday this week (and my fourth in two weeks) so it’s a battle to stick to a normal eating routine when the fridge is RIGHT THERE. I had some of my slow cooker oatmeal for breakfast and took a break this afternoon to venture out into the big, scary, snow-covered world for an iced coffee… because in Boston we drink iced coffee even in the dead of winter.
Breakfast: a green smoothie
I like overnight oats, but I have to warm them up, too. I definitely need to add chia seeds next time!
Love love love melatonin!
ha, that watermelon bowl is amazing! I usually have oatmeal for breakfast but this morning I got wild and crazy and stole some of my bf’s cereal. It was good but then I was hungry like an hour later.. haha shoulda gone with the oatmeal 🙂
I LOVE cats in boxes. They know how cute they are when they jump in.
I had my usual waffle for breakfast…straight up, no syrup.
My random is that I’m meeting my boyfriend in the city tonight for dinner at Virgils BBQ! After 8 months of dating I think it’s safe to stuff my face with ribs and have bbq sauce ALL OVER =)
Random: I am addicted to researching races during class time. BAD!
I woke up sooooo hungry this morning! I ended up eating 2 pieces of toast w/ PB, honey + banana, and then grabbing a cappuccino later in the morning 🙂
breakfast was a sweet potato with hummus and sriracha. I blame you for my addiction to putting hummus and sriracha on everything!
Now I’m drinking tea.
I didn’t think it was possible for me to drink too much iced coffee until one day I did. And I soooo….nope, still didn’t regret it 🙂
Same as usual, iced coffee, sweet oatmeal and a tone of granny apples (ok, just two).
two soft boiled eggs, a few slices of sweet potato and some sauteed zucchini & mushrooms.
coffee with coconut milk.
that’s all the random I have for the day.
You are so funny-my husband says the same thing about our frozen food I randomly use for icing achy parts of my body-“I eat those!” Non-runners just don’t understand 😉
Great random post! LOL
My contribution: When I run trails here at the farm sometimes I have to pee, like behind a tree (no one else is here, promise) but it freaks the llamas out. Big time. They hate it so much.
Then End.
I was talking to my friend on the phone during a walk yesterday and had to pee so bad. She told me to go behind a bush, but there was seriously no where to go or I would have.
Turkey bacon! And then got a chai latte from starbucks as a “snack”
I had a smoothie with chia, greens, ginger, and apple. I think I typed that on yestedays post too when I commented this morning. I also had scrambled eggs w mushrooms bc they are delicious.
I need to add mushrooms to my eggs, love them!