Hello! I recently got a great question from a reader running her first marathon soon – “How do I carry everything during the race?!”
So today we’re talking about how I gear up for a marathon and carry everything I need to run / jog / walk / crawl 26.2 miles! Vlog below.

But first, let’s talk about how I got my hands on a copy of Real Simple magazine. Not just any issue, the 15th Anniversary April Issue and the one where they announce the A-list Blogger Network!

Your local Monican is in the magazine!!! Ahhhhh!
I don’t know what to say. This is a really big deal to me. I feel like Real Simple is so fancy – I betta step up my game! Also, I have always wanted to be in a magazine (preferably not in a SVU-missing-girl type of article though). Anyway. It’s an honor and I am very excited.

Check out the Real Simple Lifestylers page for more.
How to Gear Up For Your Marathon
I mention this Race Day Bag post in the video.
Check out my YouTube Channel for more.
Question: Got any questions for your Monican?
Want to see a vlog about something in particular?
Do you sweat a lot too?
Lemme know!
Can I get your autograph now? 🙂
Congrats on getting into the mag.
I don’t really sweat – but I suspect that’s because I don’t move fast enough!!
You are adorable.
And I always sweat. My brf says she can re-wear shirts in the winter. No way. Disgusting.
Congrats! You deserve it!!! Love the blog!
The video sound is awesome! You still using the S4? (twinsies)… and kudos to su hermano for keeping the camera steady! Watching vids shot on a camera phone usually makes me dizzy! Winner!
Thank you so much for answering my question on a VLOG 🙂 How cool is that!! You made it look so simple and I was making it so overly complicated. Your insight is much appreciated!
No offense, but from a once loyal reader, your blog has been so consumed with ads that it is so incredibly difficult to even visit this site anymore. Half the time, I forget to turn my sound off and an ad for shampoo starts shouting at me, and the other half of the time, your site takes two and three times longer to load than other bloggers that I frequent.
Just my two cents – I know I’m a peon and will probably get hate mail over this, but just wanted to share my thoughts.
You’re totally on track with this one, I’m going to contact my ad group and cancel the ones with sounds that plays automatically.
I do sweat a lot, unfortunately. I can run four miles on the treadmill and it looks like I have been on the thing for hours.
Congratulations!! I don’t feel like I sweat when I run outside (easy paced miles in Canada, hah!) but as soon as I hit the treadmill I am literally drenched 0.3 miles in.
Ahhh… my favourite magazine! That is SO COOL. Love it. Congrats!
Hurray, Monica! Real Simple is definitely fancy. It’s one of the few waiting-room magazines I will even bother picking up (seriously, Cosmo, EVERY ISSUE IS THE SAME, and I don’t care about famous people). I definitely sweat like hydration is going out of style. I also live in central FL, which is basically a swamp where the air never moves for half the year. Sweat + humidity = extra gross. I constantly do laundry lest my laundry basket get offensively funky.
Someone pointed out to me a few years ago that all the issues of a lot of magazines are the same after a while and it was like a revelation… yeah!
Yay congrats! I don’t think I sweat a disproportionate amount, but whenever I am in a class for some reason it never occurs to me to grab a towel and I just continuously wipe sweat off my face and onto my shirt. Weird.
A. I sweat a lot too so your insights are appreciated!
B. Here’s my question for you: What is your biggest motivation for running? For example, when you have days that you just can’t get yourself to go or it is just a sucky run, how do you stay positive?
C. Thank you. I love your blog and you are a down-to-earth inspiration for me!
I sweat a ton when it’s hot out. Which I guess is a good thing because my body cools efficiently?
Congratulations, real simple is awesome!
I don’t sweat too much but I get hot easily. I did a 5k last weekend and it was in the 30’s so I just wore a tank top and I think everyone thought I was cray cray. I totally warmed right up though!
One question for ya: do you use GU’s on regular long runs? Or do you save it as an advantage on race day?
congratulations! real simple is such a big deal. i would totally call my mom.
I sweat so much! All year long. I like to say i “glisten” 🙂
I would love to hear from other injured runners and what helped them heal. Not sure that is a vlog or a survey. But to that I do have a question for you. Have you ever had a running injury that forced you to rest for more than a few days? You seem to recover so quickly. Is it genetics or are you really good with cross training foam rolling and strength. Just curious. This is coming from a runner who keeps getting injured. Lol. 🙂
I’m interested in this too! I got over the shin splints I suffered with during the training for a half marathon (when I finally tried one of those rolling sticks) but now that I’m training for a full, I’m on my second day of not running due to hip flexor issues! I’m antsy about wanting to get back to running but I also don’t want to aggravate the problem!
Yes! I was out of commission for an IT band injury a few years ago. I’ll talk about it soon. Thanks for chiming in 🙂