Hello! I have a great giveaway from Kohl’s today. When I first think about Kohl’s I think clothes, but today I working with them on healthy kitchen essentials. They let me run around their website and pick a few items that I thought are a must have for a healthy kitchen. According to our Phoenix AZ – based kitchen remodeling company, they sell everything from veggie spiralizers and juicers to waffle makers and cook books.
Obviously I wanted everything. I love all things food and things for food making and things for food eating. I’ve also been in the middle of a kitchen renovation and I’m stuck deciding between leather vs polished granite countertop.
Amid my kitchen renovation, I deliberated over the choice between leather and polished granite countertops, each with its unique appeal. Limitless Renovations had a big impact on my decision. However, after much consideration, I ultimately fell in love with the timeless beauty and versatility of maple countertops. The warm, honey tones of the maple wood added a touch of elegance to the space, effortlessly complementing the rustic charm of my kitchen. The natural grain patterns and smooth surface of the maple countertops created a captivating visual texture that exuded both sophistication and warmth. Furthermore, the durability and resilience of maple made it an ideal choice for a busy kitchen, ensuring that my countertops would withstand the test of time while still retaining their exquisite charm. If you want to replace your old countertops, consider installing white onyx marble slabs.
With the introduction of these stunning maple countertops, my kitchen renovation took a significant step towards becoming the culinary haven I had always envisioned. I also plan to install some bi fold doors for easy access and visually well-lit from the natural lighting.
But I decided to update my kitchen with 3 key pieces…
1. New pans. The set I had was one my grandma gave me after she won it in a raffle at the senior center. They were not the best quality and I noticed the handles getting jiggly (which seemed dangerous).
I actually spent hours researching the best kind of pans to cook with and decided on ceramic stainless steal.

2. Hot water dispenser. I drink tea every night. To be completely honest, I will probably have an issue with night time eating for my entire life. It’s an addiction and I’ve done it since I was 8 years old.
While my focus was primarily on enhancing my cooking experience, the notion of incorporating hot taps into the kitchen also crossed my mind. These innovative fixtures offer instant hot water at the turn of a handle, which can be a game-changer when it comes to efficiency and convenience in the kitchen. Furthermore, hot taps can be integrated seamlessly into the kitchen design, adding a modern and stylish touch.
I’ve tried allowing room for night time calories, I’ve tried closing the kitchen by turning off the lights and physically putting a chair in front of it, I’ve tried cold turkey, I’ve tried eating all night…
and what I’ve realized is that different things work for me in seasons almost. Sometimes I can allow for one satisfying snack and I’m okay. Other times that just starts a binge. But what has worked for me the best and longest is drinking hot tea at night. Sometimes I’ll have two HUGE mugs of tea sweetened with stevia and almond milk. I buy my favorite teas in mass quantities and enjoy.
So, this hot water dispenser was the answer to my prayers. I’m obsessed with it.

3. A better blender for smoothies. I already had a fancy blender, but it wasn’t ideal for smoothies because it was super big and hard to clean.

I got a Magic Bullet and have been using it practically every day! It just seems easier to throw some ice, protein powder, almond butter and almond milk in the container and blend it up!

You can take it on the go too! (This smoothie is pink because it’s the Pomegranate Protein Smoothie.)

And the lovely people at Kohl’s are giving one RER Reader a $100 gift card!! I am going to be mailing the gift card directly so I am willing to mail it anywhere on Earth BUT you have to be able to access a Kohl’s to use it. You can use it to order online, but they have to ship to you.
Kohl’s $100 Giveaway
To Enter: Leave a comment on this post with your favorite kitchen tool.
Me: Besides the blender, my pizza cutter.
Contest closes 1/28/16 12pm PST. Open to all.
Disclosure: This post is in partnership with #KohlsFit. All opinions are my own.
I like this post, enjoyed this one thanks for posting.
My favorite is my mixer. Thanks for the great giveaway! DamianMom at yahoo dot com
My favorite kitchen gadget would have to be my slow cooker I love being able to add all my ingredients in 10 minutes or less and forget about it.
Right now it’s my sage spoonfuls immersion blender/food processor. I use it to make baby food for my little guy, but also smoothies, muffins, spinach dip, ect. for the entire family!
Keurig and nutri bullet!!
My ninja is my favorite.
Coffee maker or kitchen aid!
My ninja blender!
I love my Ninja. I make acai and pitaya bowls almost every day!
My veggie peeler is my fav kitchen gadget!
Immersion blender for all the soups I’ve been making 🙂
my CROCKPOT! not the most exciting answer, and it’s not new — given to me used by a friend who had it for a few years — but man, after having a baby it’s a total lifesaver! 🙂
either my handheld blender (totally upped my soup game!) or my mandolin. I can make fries, veggie noodles, it does it all!
My favorite kitchen tool is my blender.
I would love to get a spiralizer and something new to steam veggies.
I love my popcorn air popper!! Awesome way to make a healthy, quick, easy, tasty and super inexpensive snack! I’d love to get a single serve blender.
My favorite is a milk frother for my coffee. It saves me so much money cause now I can resist Starbucks urges!
Definitely my vitamix! It’s so versatile I can use it to make smoothies, soups, almond butter, salsa….you name it! And Kohl’s is awesome I am at my local store pretty much once a Week!
I don’t know how I lived before my mandolin (and the handy glove that keeps me from slicing off my fingertips)!
I love my spiralizer for healthy cooking. It’s the funnest tool to use too 🙂
I love my Keurig. Hola cafecito!!
I love my Blendtec!
Definitely my waffle iron! Doesn’t get used that often but when it does… Delish!
Whisk and a can opener that works for more than a year.
My best kitchen item is my food processor. It helps me make allll the nut butters!
Lately it’s my grape cutter. With a toddler, I’m having to quarter grapes multiple times each day. This thing makes it super quick! A totally frivolous tool that I never would have bought for myself, but it was given as a gift.
My waffle iron! It makes them look like hearts. I know, fer cute
I love my crock pot! Makes life so much easier!
My spiraliZer!
I love my Ninja Blender.. I use it almost every day!
groogruxking40 @ gmail dot com
A blender- but mine is tired and I could use a bullet!
It’s a toss up between my Microplane zester/grater and my blender for favorite. My coffeemaker isn’t a favorite, it’s an essential.
Oh! Where did you purchase the hot water dispenser? I drink tea every night as well and would LOVE to have this kitchen tool. Also, what brand/flavors of tea do you like?
Hands down my immersion blender. I use it ALL the time. The best money I ever spent.
I really need to pots and pans and have been doing a lot of research, but can’ t seem to find the “right ones.”
Oh I have to say my favorite is our George Foreman grill! We use it all the time!
Does my water filter count? I don’t think I could manage without it.
love love love my convection oven! saves time and doesn’t heT up the whole house!
A good chef’s knife! I also have a tiny whisk I love to use for scrambled eggs
Hmmm… I couldn’t go a day without..my microwave! I know that is equipment, but it can basically do everything I need 🙂 My second one would be coffee maker!
My fiance and I got a cappuccino/latte maker for Christmas and I use it evveryyyy single day! Not sure if this fits in with the “healthy” theme but it does make me feel FANCY
Love my waffle iron
Oh Gosh… I am a gadget girl. But, I think my Vitamix wins out. I love it so much!
I love my Ninja Blender, I use it for everything shakes, smoothies, soups, and cauliflower crust 🙂
The toaster is my favorite. I can toast a bagel and lather it with almond butter!
Love my high-powered blender!
I love my veggie spiralizer, but I’m most grateful for, and use the most, my scraping spatulas 🙂
Great post!
My favorite kitchen tool is my mini food processor! It’s so versatile!
Ninja Blender!
In the winter it’s definitely my slow cooker
I too crave sweets at night, and drink hot tea to beat the urge. Mine is an electric kettle, but now I am going to look into your new little gizmo.
My favorite kitchen tool is my spiralizer. Love making veggie noodles with spaghetti sauce or in a stir fry!
Most definitely my coffee maker and my crockpot!!
I love my crock pot!
My favorite kitchen gadget it our Keurig!! Yesss.
My crock pot hands down! With 2 kids in school and sports and me working a full time job it’s a life saver.
I love my little egg pan. It makes them the perfect size for sandwiches!
I love my Ninja blender for making smoothies!
I would say our blender as we use it every day. First we had a NutriBullet and now we have a Ninja. However, a pizza cutter would rate high as that is a fave food. Oh, and a salad spinner. Guess you know I spend a lot of time in the kitchen! Ha.
My favorite tool is my Keurig!
My blender! Although there is a small part missing on it, so when I use it, it starts “traveling” along my counter unless I hold onto it!
Ag good sharp chef’s knife! it makes all the difference 🙂
that hot water dispenser is amazing! also, I’m in desperate need of a new crockpot.
My tea kettle, for making coffee, tea and cocoa!
I would not be able to live without my nutribullet. We use it for breakfast for everyone every morning!
My favorite would be our Belgian waffle maker! The kids love it. 🙂
Thanks for a great blog!
My kitchen scale. Although sometimes seeing the correct serving size is truly depressing, it keeps me in check.
My favorite kitchen tools are my grill pan, spiralizer, and crockpot.
There’s a tie for my favorite kitchen tool between my individual serving sized blender and my crockpot. I use both almost daily.
My canning equipment. I love being able to preserve my garden and enjoy it during the cold winter months.
I love my crock pot for busy family weekdays, I know dinner will be ready when we get home. I also love my Keurig coffee pot.
two favorites — my new spiralizer and my espresso maker! i work out in the mornings and a tiny shot of espresso saves my life (and you dont have to sit and sip for 20 minutes).
Love your blog! My kitchen fave is also hot water dispenser. I have a Breville and live it.
Kitchen scissors! Seriously, I cut everything… chop up lettuce, cut chicken, cut fruit into smaller pieces for my little one. Who needs a knife??
This is going to sound crazy, but my favorite kitchen gadget is my salad spinner. I hate soggy lettuce so I use it all the time. When I was living overseas, I even had one sent to China because I couldn’t find one in the stores.
The nutribullet is my favorite!!
My favorite kitchen tool is my coffee maker!
My blender is my favorite thing, but I want a Zojirushi so bad!
My favorite kitchen tool is my Crock Pot. Thanks for the giveaway.
At the moment, my favorite kitchen tool is my immersion blender. I love making delicious, creamy soups in the winter, and was previously moving everything to a regular blender to get the right consistency. The immersion blender is amazing!
Oster blender is my fav
My cutting board for slicing veggies and measuring cups! I love having cut up veggies in the fridge to snack on and measuring cups to help when I feel like actually measuring things out!
I really need a new blender. I would not mind a new kitchen aid mixer either!
My favorite kitchen tool is our Magic Bullet small blender. I would love to get new pots and pans! Ours are 20 years old!
I love my Ninja blender!
My favorite kitchen tool is my pizza stone
My mom got me a food chopper a few years ago. Since getting it, I have not had to chop onions or garlic by hand (chopping those by hand makes my hands smell like garlic and onions for like 24 hours no matter how much I wash my hands with soap). It is actually the greatest thing I own and I fear the day it gets old and dull 🙁
My favourite kitchen tool is my Juicer. I have gone through two of them in the last couple of years and am trying to save to upgrade towards one of the masticating(sp?) juicers that you can use for wheatgrass. This would push me over the top in my savings towards the new juicer. 🙂
Being I’m Grad school I love my coffee maker, it has one side for single use and another for a full pot.
I love my magic bullet!
Hot water dispenser! I was completely ignorant that those even existed for everyday kitchen use, and I’m quite tired of boiling my water on the stove top every time I want a cup of tea, so this would be awesome!
my pizza stone
My blender…though I am definitely looking to upgrade!
Pressure cooker.
I love my Ninja blender! But I would seriously love that hot water dispenser. And a waffle maker!!
My vegetti!
My favorite kitchen tool is my blender!
My Kuerig is my favorite.
My favorite kitchen tools are probably my stainless steel pots and pans and my nonstick green pan. I also got a Vitamix for Christmas but haven’t tried it out too much yet.
I recently got (or rather was given) a nutribullet too! I love it too — use it every day!
Favorite tool: our french press and coffee grinder. There is nothing better than starting the day with a cup of good coffee
My Ninja Blender
My favorite kitchen gadget is most definitely my slow cooker…it makes everything! And nothing beats everything being ready when coming home from a day out!!!
I favorite kitchen items include a dutch oven and a Kitchenaide stand mixer…both red of course.
My blender is my favourite! I use it for smoothies, soups, even to make pancake mix (2 eggs + banana + chia seeds)!
Right now it’s my NuWave Pro Plus oven, but I just bought an Instant Pot Pressure cooker and feel that will become my favorite.
My favorite kitchen tool is my tomato peeler! I have sensitive teeth that aren’t so keen on tomato skins and with the peeler I can consume skinless tomatoes in major quantities, hurray! 🙂
Currently my waffle maker!
My kitchen aid mini food processor/ chopper for sure is my number one most used kitchen tool…besides my bedsores so coffee maker and microwave, together they are my daily trifecta for making my life so easy!
A good quality sharp chef’s knife. Nothing worse than a dull knife.
I love ALL my kitchen stuff, but probably my favorites are actually my pans. They get the most use of anything.
It’s going to sound crazy but one of my most loved and used kitchen tools is my garlic press. I bought a nice one at a Pampered Chef party a millions years ago and I use it ALL the time!
I love my nutribullet and glass water kettle for tea too! Twinsies. Tell me more about that water dispenser though! I have NEVER seen one like that. New pots sounds like heaven – I have had the same crappy set since my husband and I met over 10 year ago. Should I even be saying that? shudderssss. I could use a food processor for whippin up some new recipes. Hope whoever wins get some fun stuff!
Love my new food processor!
I love my spiralizer!
I love our soda stream! We use it a ton.
I absolutely love my food processor. I use it so many times a week for veggie chopping, date/nut ball making or for soups and nut butters. Could not live without it.
My favorite is my Keurig – couldn’t get through the weekend without my coffee!
My coffee pot!!!
My electric kettle, I don’t think my kettle on the stove has ever been used.
My coffee pot is the thing I could not live without!
Probably my Keurig as I have to have coffee every morning & I’m the only coffee drinker in my house. Second place would be my silicone bake ware or my Pampered Chef microwave steamer.
My favorite kitchen tool is my vegi chopper. Second is my cork screw. 🙂
My favorite tools are my inherited copper pots! They heat up amazingly fast!
Right now it is the hamburger masher from pampered chef. I am using it to mash my banana for chia pudding for breakfast. Yummm
Hands down favorite is my Keurig, which I actually purchased from Kohl’s a few years ago!
My blender!
Vitamix- love
toss up between saute pan, coffee pot, and a good chef’s knife.
Ninja blender!
I love my kitchenaid stand mixer. It does so many things!
I can’t live without my little cutting board for quick jobs and my wooden spoons. Also really appreciate my kitchen aid (cookie dough!), blender, and food processor. But I may need one of those hot water dispensers — that would probably become my new favorite!
It’s small, but the OXO Avocado Tool. This is the bomb dot com for quickly getting hunks of avocado goodness that look presentable for guest meals/salads/all the foodz.
I love my kitchen aid mixer and cuisinart but am currently lost without my dishwasher. I’m waiting for a part to come I. Dishwashing is hard work!!!!!
It’s a tie between my Mr. Coffee Jr. that I’ve had about two decades and a bar blender (a commercial blender – only one speed, but it’ll annihilate anything).
My boyfriend and I just bought an electric tea kettle and I agree, it’s so wonderful for enjoying hot tea at night!
My kitchen aid mixer is my favorite. I use it constantly.
I think my Magic Bullet is currently my favorite – good for smoothies, salad dressings, etc.
I would be all over that hot water dispenser – I drink tea every night too!
My coffeemaker is my favorite! Not a day goes by that it doesn’t get used!
M favorite item in my kitchen is my Ninja blender I use it almost everyday. Use it to make my own but butters in less than 5 minutes!
Nut butters… Lol 😉
I love my mini blender. So convenient and much easier to clean! Thanks for the tea idea I’m going to try that I have a bad habit of nighttime snacking too.
My favorite is my tea kettle (how I make coffee) and my smoothie maker.
My spirializer is by far my favorite…
Fave kitchen tool- Magic bullet! Use it daily
The toaster – toasted bread, bagels, waffles…carbs of all kinds :)…are delicious.
I loveeee my blender!
I love the mixer my dad got me as a wedding present.
Coffee maker, can’t go a day without it!
I got a really nice garlic press that can go through the dishwasher – My mashed potatoes won Thanksgiving!
My keurig! Can’t live with out coffee
I go through phases-currently my dehydrator
My crockpot!
My favorite kitchen tool has to be my nutribullet! I use it all the time!
Well spoon and coffee maker are my most used tools.
My blender for sure. Smoothie obsessed!
My KitchenAid mixer! I love to bake and also have the pasta maker attachment. I’m also loving my stainless steel and ceramic cookware.
I love my crock pot!
Lemon squeezer. All the way.
rice cooker– I use it for more things than just cooking rice including overnight oatmeal and steaming veggies.
My favorite kitchen tool would have to be my one good knife!!
My nutri bullet…. chocolate protein powder, banana, peanut butter and ice…
my coffee maker!!
immersion blender! great for making smoothies and easy to clean.
Love your blog 🙂
I love my handheld stick blender! Great for random soups – smoothies – sauces and even the occasional cappuccino! It froths almond milk like a champ 🙂
I use my countertop convection oven all the time! It’s a total lifesaver!
I am so uncool. I love my rolling pin. I can make pasta,pizza crust, bread, and pastry crusts all while looking quite intimidating!
My toaster/connection oven! It helps a lot with portion control when I cook fries, etc. Also, it preheats a lot more quickly than our regular oven.
I live and die by my crockpot. 🙂
my vitamix is my favorite kitchen tool, i use it mostly for morning smoothies
I like kitchen shears that do it all!
I love a good coffee maker!
We just got a Ninja blender with personal sizes blending cups (just like your Magic Bullet) and it is the best! Makes mornings so much easier. Now if we could just finish our remodel so we have a kitchen and not a camp stove in the garage… 🙁
hands down the vitamix.
I love my cast iron skillet. My boyfriend bought it for me for Valentine’s Day (super romantic!) and I use it so much! Actually one of his better gifts 🙂
hmmmmm my favorite healthy kitchen tool….. I really could use a better blender for smoothies but I love my egg cooker. I cook up to six hard boiled eggs at a time and have had the cooker for about 20 years! The eggs always come out perfect!
My favorite kitchen tools are my ‘avo saver’ to keep avocados fresh and my crock pot!!
I have some big love for my waffle maker, i make all kinds of stuff in it..
My coffee maker. I don’t do Kuerig… I’m a Tassimo girl!!!! I would LOVE to get a stick blender though. I’ve really been into making soups lately and that would be uber helpful 🙂
My coffee pot! Couldn’t live without…but I had no idea there was such s thing as a hot water dispenser! That would come in handy too!
My favorite kitchen tool is my microwave – LOL!!
Probably my coffee bean grinder. We use it every morning. So much better than the already ground stuff or a k cup
My favorite kitchen tool is my crockpot and Keurig
My favorite tools are pans!
My favorite kitchen tool is my mixer because I’ve been non stop baking with my second baby and all I want is allll the cake!
I love my crock pot.
My chopping knife, makes chopping veggies easier for healthy soups and salads.
My kitchen aid mixer!!
Love my ninja blender!
My WOK !!!! 🙂
My crockpot is my life! At the end of the day I am always too tired to cook a meal and it is so nice coming home and already having a meal made.
Probably has to be my Keurig…I use it every single day!
My favorite kitchen tool right now is my ninja blender. It makes the best smoothies. I still have to try your pomegranate smoothie recipe.
Apple slicer
My favorite kitchen items are my spiralizer and blender.
It’s a tie between my salad tongs and ice cream scooper!
I am a sucker for kitchen gadgets…I have a juicer, Keurig, panini press, ice cream maker, cotton candy machine, etc., but my favorite has to be my blender! I just invested in a great on last year, it is such a versatile tool!
My favorite kitchen tool is my Ninja blender. I love it for smoothies!
Loving smoothies in the bullet right now!
My favorite kitchen tool is, by far, my Kitchen Aid stand mixer! I love to bake and use it very often!
My Keurig is my favorite!
My favorite kitchen utensil is my Mickey Mouse hand spatula that I purchased from Disney World. Gotta have my protein pancakes!
My single serving size ninja!
My favorite kitchen tool is my slow cooker!
My favorite kitchen tool is my cook, aka my hubs. Without him, I would starve.
I love my crock pot.
My favorite kitchen tool is my slow cooker! I use that thing almost every weekend in the winter!!
Measuring cups for my fantastic cookies
It’s hard for me to narrow it down to one, but definitely my Ninja blender for smoothies and sauces and my spiralizer for making veggie noodles!
I recently purchased a salad spinner and as silly as it sounds, it has changed my life. I no longer have to deal with trying to dry my lettuce after washing. Such a time saver!
I love my Magic Bullet, too. Also, my kitchen scissors.
My favorite kitchen tool is my Vitamix….. I used all of my wedding gift cards to get it. 🙂
Love my immersion blender to make yummy soup! My number one kitchen tool is my French press. It’s turned me into a coffee snob but I love it!
I LOVE my Ninja! And my cutting boards….and my Kurig…. lol I love cooking so I guess I love a lot in my kitchen! 🙂
I love my magic bullet!
My Kitchen Aid stand-up mixer. Couldn’t live without it!
I think it’s a tie between my coffee grinder and my blender 🙂
My tea kettle by far! I had a nice Kitchenaid one but it got rusty so I just bought a mustard yellow cirulon one that I hope fares better.
It’s hard to pick just one, but I’ll go with my Keurig. I make two cups of coffee in the morning and I also use it for tea at night.
Definitely it is a quality knife set. I hate having to saw at something with a dull knife, so I invested in a good set and it’s been life changing. And anything that makes prep work faster so I can get to the good part (eating) sooner is a winner in my book.
A good sharp knife. Thanks for the giveaway <3
My CrockPot!!!!!!! I would die without it.
Argh, Nutribullet envy! My favourite tool is my magimix. I was scared to invest in one because of the cost, it really was worth it! X
Hands down my food processor!! I love making my own different nut butters!
Love my immersion blender!
My nutri ninja! I use the smoothie cups all the time and love that it comes with a food process attachment! It’s great that one appliance on my counter top can do so much!
My Kitchenmaid Stand Mixer is my favorite. It does it all and I like how fast and easy it is to use.
A good knife! Really to do anything, one needs a good knife for chopping, cutting, and all that! I keep saying no to the vita mix blender, but I will probably splurge and buy one!!!
My favorite kitchen tool is definitely my blender!
I don’t think its a “tool” but I use it every day and wouldn’t eat veggies with out it!! My Pampered Chef (heavier than lead) 13X9 bar pan…seriously! I use it to roast my veggies on…it is blacker than black now and I LOVE IT!!
I love my magic bullet that I just got for Christmas. Makes for great smoothies and easy clean up.
My favorite kitchen tool is my food processor. I’m still amazed at it’s versatility.
My blendtec blender!
It’s my toaster oven. It lets me bake small portions of stuff without heating up the house like the big oven does.
My knives and coffee pot, use them err’day!!
For me, it’s a tie between my coffee grinder and my mini hand whisk, which I use when I make hot cocoa every day after work : )
I love my food scale
poached egg maker!
Honestly my favorite kitchen tool is my citrus juicer!!
probably my coffee maker but i really need to get a crock pot!
My coffee maker definitely gets the most use, but I could use a matching dining set. I have random plates/bowls/cups. Those need to be adultified a little bit 🙂
I love all kinds of tupperware containers… I want #allthecontainers!
I love my blender for peanut butter banana spinach protein smoothies! I love Kohls too!
I love my blender, and my cheese grater.
I’ve been eye ballin’ a new blender. We just have a little single serve one, but for smoothies with greens you don’t have enough space.
My favorite tool is my Ninja blender.
My favorite kitchen tool is my coffee maker!
I love my Ninja. I use it all the time.
My obvious favorite is my coffee machine. I think about my first cup of coffee before I go sleep at night!! Great giveaway- now I think I need a new food processor or a slow cooker!!
I would have to say my favorite kitchen utensil is my blender…I can’t get enough smoothies! Next up would have to be my steamer. Thanks for the giveaway: )
My new, super cheap coffee maker is my current fav. It’s the first one I’ve ever owned
I don’t have any fancy kitchen stuff. Does a microwave count as a tool? If so, that’s my favorite!
My favorite kitchen appliance is my stand mixer- it’s so easy to mix doughs and batters without having to hold the hand mixer!
I love my veggie spiralizer
I wanted to have a creative answer but honestly I’d prefer to eat most meals with a spoon…so. My spoons.
I love my grapefruit knife! Yes, it’s a real thing. Love that little guy! And, I’d love some new pots and pans (probably used the most and hardest to justify replacing – why is that?!?).
Ooops, wrong email. I should listen to the red line warning:)
I love my breadmaker.
I love a whisk, and a mixing bowl!
I love my stand mixer and use it at least 5 times a week to make pizza dough, cookies, cake, frosting, soft pretzels, etc. I love my pizza cutter too, well maybe its just the pizza that I adore!
My Wusthoff chef’s knife.
My Vitamix!
My favorite tool to stay healthy is my food scale. It helps me keep my portion sizes in check. And Kohls does have such awesome kitchen gadgets to keep you healthy – their food network pans are the best!
Definitely my Kitchenaid mixer, but I’d love to buy a juicer or a magic bullet!
I love my hot water dispenser, it is a life saver.
My favorite kitchen tool lately is definitely the crock pot. I’ve been using it weekly!
My KitchenAid mixer is the best tool in my kitchen. I love making perfect cakes with it, and awesome frosting. There are other awesome things we do with it, but baking cakes is my favorite.
This is followed closely by my food processor.
my french coffee press! i couldn’t live without it.
No kitchen is complete without a boiled egg slicer..
My slow cooker is a life saver! I’d love to replace it with a nicer one.
I would love to buy a bullet – it would make smoothie making so much easier in the morning!
My crock pot is my best friend in the kitchen
My vitamix!
love my ipad. it is my cookbook, recipe holder and all around inspiration in the kitchen
My crock pot or teapot! I drink at least one cup of tea every night!
Oooo it’s definitely a toss up between my crock pot & ninja blender!!
I got a Molcajete for Christmas – it is AMAZING! If you ever make guac or salsa and don’t have one I 100% recommend!
My favorite kitchen tool is my immersion or stick blender: easy to use and quick.
Thanks for the chance 🙂
jslbrown2009 at aol dot com
I think I need that hot water dispenser. Seriously must have. My favorite kitchen appliance is my Breville milk frother. The.absolute.best. I use it with my Nespresso maker (the nespresso frother did not work for me at all).
I love my blender. I make smoothies, nut butter, and homemade oat flour in it!
My favorite kitchen item is my coffee maker. Because no one would like me without it.
A close second is my Kitchen Aide mixer. I looooove to bake. Caffeine + sugar = happy self. 🙂
My toaster oven. I use it to reheat my leftovers and of course for toast too. 🙂
I love using the Nutribullet for smoothies!
I LOVE my hot water kettle which i too use for tea. i would love to hear about your favorite teas!
Mine would have to be my good kitchen knives and my Nutri Ninja Auto IQ.
I got some new kitchen tools for Christmas! Ceramic pots/pans (love them) and covered Pyrex bowls (trashed all the old plastic grungy containers). It was so nice to replace with new stuff. I would gladly buy some more with this gift card! Thanks…. 🙂
Gonna go with my toaster, which is kinda lame…. but I love the smell of toasted, sprouted whole grain bread in the morning!
My Kitchen Aid mixer. That thing is a life saver!
My favorite kitchen tool is my onion chopper! It’s AMAZING, and it cuts my prep time down so much! I use it for all sorts of veggies besides onions, including potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, celery, etc. I highly recommend everyone who does a lot of veggie chopping to invest in one of these!
My food processor! I make hummus, zoodles, and even cheese cake with it!
i love so many kitchen items it’s a too up between the ninja and the keurig.
My yonanas machine to make healthy ‘ice cream’. LOVE that thing!
Tough call between my cast iron skillet or garlic press.
I love my pizza cutter, too! I use it at least once a week but sometimes more. I also like my old school beaters. No KitchenAid mixer for me (unless maybe I win)!
I would have to say my favorite is my Vitamix blender. LOVE IT!!
My favorite kitchen tool is my Keurig. Can’t go a day without it!
My Keurig and my blender. Both are my best kitchen friends. Together forevahhhh.
My Dutch oven.
My favorite kitchen tools are my keurig for my morning coffee and my sleepy time tea at night. I love my ninja blender for so many reasons. Works amazing and of course my stove. Without my stove/oven I wouldnt be able to make so many healthy delicious dinners for my family and I.
I had to really think about this. Probably my slow cooker or bread maker. Or my knives. I love my knives!
I LOVE my cast iron skillet!
Magic bullet is my favorite kitchen tool right now!
My cast iron skillet!
My Kitchenaid mixer is my favorite kitchen tool!
Magic bullet is my favorite kitchen tool!
My stovetop popcorn maker from Crate and Barrel! Makes the fluffiest popcorn!
My iced tea maker…I drink a ton of tea & couldn’t live without it!
My favorite item is my portable blender. It is easy to pack and comes with a travel lid. I also like my food scale that way I know I am getting the right amount of food.
It’s a tie between my bread maker and my food processor. Both get used multiple times a week and save me so much hassle.
Actually…a paper plate and a paring knife. I like to keep it simple.
Love my mandolin!
My Nutribullet for sure!
Def my spatula . Use it everyday for flipping my eggs and for making the boys scrambled eggs .
I used to night-eat too! I tried everything. EVERYTHING. Therapists, hypnotists, acupuncturists. I did it for about 20 years with no improvement. The only thing that finally worked is my husband started to put a bike lock on the fridge handles and put a reusable grocery bag w the snacks in his car. Then he hid his keys until the morning. After about 30 days of waking up and trying to break into the fridge, I started sleeping through the night. About 6 mos in he was able to stop locking stuff up and I don’t wake up anymore. I also tried those food safes…which worked for awhile, but then one night I just smashed it open after failing at trying to pick the lock 🙂
crockpot during the winter for sure!!
Oh man I totally need a zester. (I don’t even know if that’s what it’s called) I tried zesting a lime the other day on my cheese grater…..Ha! I didn’t get any zest and my cheese grater now has a bunch of lime skin stuck to it. 🙁 But I have totally been using my slow cooker recently so I have to say that it’s been my favorite kitchen tool! But it’s a small size slow cooker that my husband and I got when we first got married so I need to upsize for sure!
My favorite kitchen tool is my Keurig! Love it and use it everyday!
I have a Ninja Coffee Bar that I got for Christmas and I CANNOT stop using it! Love being able to make specialty drinks at home for a fraction of the cost and calories 🙂
My kuerig, ninja blender and kitchen aid mixer.
My vitamix is my favorite kitchen tool.
A good knife (that I don’t put in the dishwasher) and a dishwasher, it’s the biggest thing I miss from my real house
I just got a new Instant Pot electric pressure cooker. I love it!
a good cutting board – the one i have is getting old and i would love to invest in a good quality wood one
I love my kitchenaid mixer.
Gahhhh, there are so many things I love in my kitchen! If I have to choose I’ll say my kitchen aid mixer. Its pretty and pink and was a gift from my in-laws.
My blender. I love a morning smoothie. BUT my blender needs to be replaced!
My handheld mixer is my favorite kitchen tool. I’ve gone through 3 in my 17 years of marriage. I use one a lot.
How do I pick just one favorite?! It’s a pretty strict tie between the Keurig and the slow cooker 🙂
My ice cream scoop 😉 but honestly I would love to try a spiralizer for veggies!
My beloved Coffee Maker and Pineapple spiral tool! Can’t live without either! 🙂
My coffee maker that does both KCups and a pot of coffee!!
My Kitchenaid stand mixer – bakes awesome goodies and bonus – shreds chicken really well!
My Ninja Coffee Bar is my absolute favorite appliance. It makes the BEST Iced coffee. I now no longer spend a small fortune at Starbucks:)
My mini french press! I’m not a daily coffee drinker so it’s the perfect tool for the days when I just need a little mid-morning pick me up!
Right now i love my magic bullet too bc my son loves smoothies but that water dispenser would be awesome!!!!
Electric Pressure Cooker!
I would have to go with my little Bialetti stove-top espresso maker. I use him almost every day and don’t think I could quite manage my day the same without it!
Probably my 12 inch non-stick skillet. I use it almost every day. The hot water dispenser is awesome. I was first introduced to the electric kettle in England and I’ve wanted to get one ever since.
For this time year – the crockpot! For all year – my one serving smoothie maker. I’ve had it for years. It is super easy to clean and store. =)
I got a magic bullet for Christmas and love it!
My blender (I could totally use an upgrade though!) or my rice cooker. 🙂
A crockpot! Critical for long work days.
My favorite kitchen tool is my Kitchen Aid Mixer! (and of course my coffee pot)
Blender! Use it everyday!
My favorite kitchen item (for today at least) are silicone baking sheets cause I love to bake! One of those hot water dispensers would be great and I would probably spend my Kohls winnings on that.
My Keurig!
my Kitchenaid stand mixer!
My magic bullet is essential in making protein smoothies 🙂
My lodge cast iron skillets. Close would be my fiestaware!
My fave kitchen tool is probably my fancy J.A. Henckels knives. Use them every single day!
I’ve been uber obsessed with my juicer lately!
My favorite kitchen tool is definitely my blender and measuring cups 🙂
I spend a lot of time in the kitchen, love to cook. My most used items are a very sharp small knife, my crock pot, and a good frying pan. All essential!
My bread maker! Not only multifunctional, but brings back memories from my childhood 🙂
My Ninja. Hands down!
my fridge…because I eat a very high amount of greek yogurt that needs to be kept cold!
My favorite is my salad spinner. I use it to clean all my fruits and veggies.
Does the coffee pot count? Because that’s definitely my favorite!
My kitchenaid stand mixer!!!
Maybe this is obvious but it has to be my coffee maker! It’s the only on I use every. Day. After that, the rice cooker is a close second. Sooooooo fluffy and perfect every time!
my favorite kitchen tool is the apple slicer, I just love cut up apples with a little bit of cinnamon and hate buying pre-cut apples. So I use my apple slicer all the time!
Rice Cooker…had it for 25 years and it’s still kickin’.
I love my magic bullet but my favorite kitchen tool is my fancy knife. Cutting all those fresh veggies can be dangerous if you dont have the right tool. Next to that though would be my non-stick skillet. So many delicious meals have been made in that!
My Hamilton Beach food processor!
It’s hard to pick just one! My coffee maker is a necessity, but my spiralizer makes it so easy to put together a fun and healthy meal.
My new cast iron griddle!
What a fantastic giveaway! I love my salad spinner – I eat salads all the time. If I won I would love to get a new blender to replace the one that I had that broke. I miss making smoothies!
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
Definitely my Kitchenaid stand mixer! It’s 16 years old (my first big kitchen purchase), and I use it so much that I am afraid it’s about to kick the bucket any day now.
My food processor! I use it daily to chop up veggies and then hide them in various meals so my family doesn’t realize they’re actually eating healthy!
Hi Monica, you are my spirit animal! *blushes*
My favorite kitchen tool is the corkscrew, duh 🙂
How do I choose one kitchen tool? I am constantly cooking & making healthy food, so everything feels essential to me! If I had to choose, I might say my electric kettle, because I drink at least one mug of tea every day, sometimes 2 or 3.
I really love my little Bella blender & spiralizer!
Steamer basket makes life easier
Hmm I would probably say my Keurig and Ninja Chopper are tied! I love my coffee and the Chopper makes cooking go by soo much quicker!
slow cooker!
my crockpot
Nice!! I love my Keurig! 🙂
My favorite kitchen tool is my new pioneer woman skillet! I use it almost every night!
My 8″ Chef’s Knife by Henkels. It needs to be professionally sharpened right now, but it’s the best tool, by far!
And I could not live w/out my coffee pot. 🙂
I love my Crockpot! I just got a new one for Christmas and got too excited when I found out that I could use a probe in the meat that will continuously read the temperature and switch to warm when it hits it. I have ruined so many things by leaving food in there too long!
I really love my counter-top steamer. I can stack 1 or 2 baskets and do protein on the bottom and veggies on top.
My food processor – I love making protein balls with dates!
I’m going to keep it simple and say knives. Now that mine are dull, it makes me appreciate the little things 😉
I really, really love my microplaner. It zests, it shreds cheese, it grates nutmeg. It’s awesome!
Couldn’t live without my Keurig!
Good knives!
Obviously the coffee grinder steals the show at the beginning of the day but lately I’ve really been loving having my zester handy to give a bright citrusy kick to drinks or to garnish practically whatever dish I make!
Love my blender for smoothies and my kitchen aid – but when I use the kitchen aid I’m not usually making the healthiest items
I use my Nutribullet every day. What a great give away.
My favorite kitchen items are really good knives! It makes chopping so much easier!
My favorite is my hot water kettle and crockpot!
Tough choice, but my favorite is probably our electric knife sharpener. Really sharp knives make cooking/food prep so much easier!
adjustable drainer!
I’m super interested in the hot water thing. But my favorite tool in the kitchen right now is my glass storage set…with lids. (I just jettisoned all the Tupperwear…bye-bye hundreds of dollars.)
Immersion blender! Changed my life.
My fave kitchen gadget would probably be my mixer 🙂 it was a wedding gift years ago and still works perfectly!
I love a good blender!
I LOVE my kitchen aid mixer, although I don’t use it as much as I would like. I am definitely in need of some new pans though, would love to win!!
(one of) My favorite kitchens tools would have to be my Pampered Chef food chopped. It is also a great stress reliever!!
slow cooker!
I LOVE my magic bullet! So good for smoothies and making salad dressing.
My favorite kitchen tool is my electric kettle.
My favorite kitchen tool is my Keurig, which is currently not working 🙁
I have hot tea every night for the exact same reason. Most of the time it curbs my sweet tooth, but every once in a while, only cookies will do…
Such is life.
My favorite tool is my nonstick pan! Saves so many calories to not have to use a bunch of oil every time I make something.
my keurig or my toaster oven 🙂
My favorite is definitely my blender – both the counter top one and the immersion one. I would live to get a spiralizer though!! Or a better tea kettle.
My favorite…coffee maker. Second favorite coffee grinder. Maybe you can see where I am going with this?
Right now my favorite tool would definitely be my crockpot. It definitely makes it easier to eat healthy when I can just set it and forget it!
My favorite kitchen tool is hands down our rice cooker. I would never make rice/steam veggies without it!
My coffee maker. I refuse to get out of bed if there is no coffee.
Oh by far my coffee maker. I refuse to get out of bed if I don’t have coffee.
My coffee maker!
My fave kitchen tool is good knives. I didn’t have good knives until very recently, and they make prepping food SO MUCH EASIER!
I guess my favorite kitchen tool would be my santoku knife. I’m pretty simple when it comes to kitchen things.
I was going to say ice cream scoop, but then I remembered I am always too lazy to actually scoop the ice cream out of the container. I’m going to have to go with my pasta roller because nothing beat homemade carbs.
I love my ninja blender. it has a food processor, blender, and the single serving blender. It’s the best. I also love my griddle. I got it as a Christmas present about 17 years ago and we still use it all the time!
My favorite has to be my coffee makers! (Very closely followed by my blender)
I love my bullet! I haven’t seen the hot water dispenser-that’s pretty awesome!!
My very old slow cooker and my brand new coffee pot! Need a new slow cooker…
My favorite kitchen tool is my blender! And my non-stick pan! I use them both multiple times a week!
My cutting board! Chopping veggies and fruit!
I use my food processor for so many things, it really is such a versatile tool!
I love my toaster oven! I use it for smaller meals so I don’t have to turn on my big oven!
My favorite kitchen tool is definitely my Kitchenaid mixer! It has made baking soooooo much easier!
Hmm.. never thought about Kohl’s for kitchen stuff. Will have to check it out! My fav kitchen item is my immersion blender. It’s versatile and easier to clean than “real” blenders.
My favorite tool is the cast iron skillet. Takes a little longer to clean up sometimes (no soap!!!) but cooks so evenly and is just a solid pan with no non-stick contamination. And you can buy them at Kohls.com. 🙂
By far my favorite kitchen tool is my old school programmable coffee maker. I use it every day! Also, I love Kohls!
My favorite kitchen tool besides the obvious blender choice is a toaster oven. It can do way more than a regular toaster – hello frozen veggie burgers – and is far less intimidating than an oven for someone who doesn’t cook. Honestly I think my favorite kitchen tools are anything that help me avoid using the stove!
My favorite kitchen accessory is my Vitamix! I can’t imagine life without it!
Favorite is a toss up between my cast iron skillets and the Instant Pot (new acquisition/obsession). But I have to warn you on the ceramic cookware…I used to have some and found the ceramic coating to be super fragile. I eventually gave up on trying to keep the coating from chipping and replaced it with regular stainless steel.
My favorite kitchen tool is my blender to make almond butter and my avocado knife!
Would it be wrong to say a spoon and a bowl for endless cereal??? 😉 Other than those, I would have to say my coffee maker.
Magic Bullet – smoothie every morning! Plain Greek yogurt, almond milk, peanut butter, frozen banana, and chia/flax/hemp seed blend.
Favorite kitchen tool is my coffee maker!
Definitely my Blendtec blender, but I also whip out the spiralizer when I’m feeling fancy 🙂
I love my coffee maker…but a close second would be my silver dollar pancake pan. I don’t even try to make pancakes in a regular pan anymore. 🙂
I love my crockpot and our espresso machine and coffee grinder… and my ninja. So many things!
I love tiny spatulas! They’re great for everything. From scooping nut butter out of the jar to scrambling eggs.
My favorite is a mini food chopper. I have it for over 25 years!
I use my NutriBullet EVERY SINGLE DAY and absolutely LOVE IT.
My favorite is Blendtec blender
My favorite is my Kitchenaid Mixer! I would love to get some of the attachments that can be used to make it more versatile as well.
My favorite kitchen tool is my OXO avocado cutter. It lets you cut it, pit it and slice it!
Fav tool is definitely my crock pot! I can’t really cook meat without it.
I love my crockpot!
My favorite is my coffee maker. Though I don’t really make coffee often at home because its just me! Would love to get a kurig with one of those refillable cups to reduce waste. 🙂
My favorite tool is the slow cooker! Set it and forget it! But my most used is my Keurig. Every morning – 2 cups!
Coffee maker!!!
I am addicted to all the Ninja products! I could really use some new pans!
Great post! I would say my favorite kitchen tool is my rice cooker. I whip up a batch of quinoa once a month (throw it in and press start…. it’s that easy!) and then freeze it in half cup portions in sandwich bags. Whenever I need quinoa I can just grab it and microwave for 1 min and it’s ready to go. The rice cooker really makes my life so much easier.
My favorite kitchen tool is my coffee maker – though I do need a new one.
My Ninja! But I do NEED a new set of pan!
My crock pot! I am known for saying I’m going to rock out with my crock pot out!
My favorite kitchen tool is my Keurig – I love being able to make a cup of coffee mid-afternoon (and I’m with you on the hot beverages at night to help stop snacking). Mmmm, coffeeeee. 🙂
My coffee maker is my lifeline! I actually got it at kohls and I’d love to explore more of their kitchen stuff!
I have a handheld milk frother that I love, but one of my favorites lately has been my Grandma’s old Electric Frypan that she gave me. I have been using it to took everything!
Ugh, a hot water dispenser at home would be amazing! I didn’t know you could have one that wasn’t plumbed in. My fave tool is either the julienne veggie peeler or food processor – gotta have ’em!
My favorite kitchen tool is my bagel slicer. I had more than a few close calls with a knife before I discovered the bagel slicer.
My garlic press!
I love cooking but I do not have much to cook with. Since moving we threw away a lot of stuff in hopes of getting new pots and pans…yeah that hasn’t happened yet. So that would the first thing I would buy. Also my blender is on its last leg. It’s been a good run but I think I need to buy another one soon.
Probably my Keurig. Or my blender. Most of my life is about beverages, you see.
Can’t live without my crockpot! Always nice to come home with dinner waiting.
Right now, my Keurig is my favorite kitchen tool!
I couldn’t live without my slow cooker – especially during the winter!
I’d love a Nutribullet for smoothies!
Either my Magic Bullet or Veggie spiraler.
My favorite kitchen tool is my ninja blender! It’s great but a pain to clean, maybe I need a smaller one!
My favorite kitchen tool is a tie between food processor and slow cooker!
Hi Monica. I love my Juicer+Mixer+Grinder+Blender. It is a four in one appliance and it is so fast and AMAZING.
Love the look of the smoothie <3
My favorite is the veggie spiralizer! I use it to make zoodles, but it also works great when I’m too lazy to chop something up for a stir fry or omelet or salad….
My tea kettle is probably used the most.
I love my coffee maker, but I think a hot water dispenser would be great since I drink tea at night to keep from snacking, as well!
oh gosh, coffee pot for the win.
my immersion blender! I have the cuisinart stick that comes with a food processer and whipping attachment. I use the blender to smoothies almost daily, and the food processor for quick sauces and dressings. And, it is so much easier to wash and store than a regular blender.
I love my veggie spiralizer!
My ninja blender for smoothies!! And we have a water cooler (like one you’d find in an office, where everyone stands around gossiping) and the hot water feature is amazing! Tea every night here too!
My mini rice cooker!
My current favorite kitchen tool is our jar opener…don’t judge me. It’s useful! And I could really use that hot water dispenser because I drink a lot of hot teas and hot chocolates all year round!
I just got a salad spinner, it is my new favorite!
Mine is a tie between my food processor that I make almond butter with and my electric tea kettle that heats my water up in like a minute. I drink tea every day too, so I love how convenient it is!
OOOO right now my favorite kitchen tool is my air bake cookie sheet. I didn’t realize what a difference they make when baking cookies- so yummy!
My Ninja blender.
My chefs knife. It’s literally the only thing in my kitchen that I spent any money on.
I am loving my veggie spiralizee right now.
My mini-grater. I doesn’t seem like it would be all that useful but it is! Grating small amounts of cheese (helps keep my cheese intake in a little control), lemon zest, chocolate for topping off coffee/cocoa, grate a lil’ nutmeg or cinnamon. Its pretty great!
My favorite kitchen tools are my cast iron pans – especially the dutch oven with a lid that doubles as a skillet (http://www.amazon.com/Lodge-L8DD3-Casserole-Skillet-5-Quart/dp/B000LEXR0K/ref=lp_289818_1_2?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1453823519&sr=1-2)! I love items that are multi-functional since I have a small kitchen.
That’s a toss up between my coffee maker and cast iron cook ware. Both are essentials and every day tools.
My Ninja blender has been the best thing ever! It has the smoothie cup for small amounts, or the large blender for larger jobs. Love it, and love Kohls!
I’ve got a magic bullet too and use it almost daily. Great give-away, Kohl’s!
My kitchenaid mixer!! Love that thing.
my new spatulas are my current favorite. they’re purple and orange and I looooove them!
It would be tough to choose a favorite between my crockpot and my Kitchenaid stand mixer!
My food processor is my best friend – I make salsa in it, shred chicken, and grate cheese in no time at all!
My favourite is my blender, hands down!
My favorite kitchen tool is my wine opener! 😉
I love my egg pan! Eggs are my favorite food, so that little pan is pretty important in my kitchen!
I love my vitamix!!
I love my burr grinder for coffee! And I would love a NutriBullet…my Vitamix is too much work just for a smoothie for myself!
I just purchased a Ninja blender after my old blender bit the dust. I’m using it every day & am loving it!
I’m really intrigued by that hot water dispenser!
Currently my coffee pot, but I love the idea of a hot water dispenser!
My favorite kitchen tool is definitely my KitchenAid mixer! I just recently got it as a wedding present and it is so shiny and pretty!
This is hard… my favorite frying pan and my crock pot aaand my blender. Guess I’m high maintenance 🙂
My air popcorn popper! Gets almost daily use.
My favorite kitchen tool is my chef’s knife. It came with a sheath so I can take it with me if I am going to a relative’s house because it’s a sure bet I’ll end up in their kitchen making something.
My blender!…before it broke. Second place goes to wooden spoons. I love wooden spoons.
My Slow Cooker, especially this time of year!
My favorite is my immersion blender.
My Espresso machine in hands down my favorite kitchen tool!
I love the idea of a hot water dispenser! I think that my favorite kitchen tool is my french press. I used to use a Keurig, but this is so much better and cheaper (plus takes up less space!)
my fork!!! haha Also my ninja blender for delicious smoothies on the go!
My vitamix is my current favorite!
Definitely my Nutri Bullet. Make a smoothie daily to get my leafy greens in me!
Favorite kitchen tool, my coffee grinder and coffee maker, luv!