Hi! I’m not dead (yet). Operation Salmonella Watch is in full effect though (I ate raw chicken yesterday). I will try to Instagram a selfie before I go towards the light.
Let’s back up to another major crisis in my life – my bangs. The last time I got my hair trimmed the stylist was very not cool about me cutting my own bangs (because I massacre them). So, I told her next time I would come in to get my bangs cut.

But I never realize my bangs are ridiculous until it’s way too late and I can’t stand them anymore! I am trying to talk myself down from trimming them myself, but that probably won’t last. Next picture of me you’ll see I’ll probably have a mullet.

![come on bangs[3] come on bangs[3]](https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/come-on-bangs3_thumb.gif)
This morning I hit the road for an easy 6 miles. And guess who I saw??
Not SR. She moved away. Boo.
I saw the killer kitty from the other week! And this time he wasn’t trying to eat a bunny for breakfast, this time he wanted to be my friend! His name is Toby and we are totally cool now.

When I got back from my run I let Vegas out for a minute while I got ready.

When I went to get him he was MIA (this is normal because he thinks he’s a grown ass man that can do what he wants). So I proceeded to call out “Vegas!” repeatedly until I realized he wasn’t going to come quick. Then, I switch to “Turkey!!” because that’s his favorite food.
I am the weirdo shouting “VEGAS TURKEY VEGAS!!! Want TURKEY!!!” around my complex and my neighbors all think I am such a creeper. Oh well.
I found him in the pool area, but didn’t have a key. So I had to keep begging him to come. Except I’m a bad beggar so I just get mad and scold him.
Finally he came out and I grabbed him. His little patas were filthy!!

Dirty cat!

I was in a rush to get him inside because I had a shift at the food pantry. They had flowers today! Each person could take a bunch on the way out. Love that.

Question: Do you have a weird neighbor? Is it you?
It’s me.
I love that you volunteer at a food pantry! Do you like it? Or find that it helps you when you’re going through a rough situation? My Mom started volunteering at one after a break up and she swore by it…hope you’re doing well (not that I know you personally but…you know…)
I do really like it. I get to work with people as they ‘shop’ the pantry and I love talking about food and nutrition so I’m super into it (such a nerd). They have a lot of questions, which I was surprised about! (I wouldn’t just throw info at someone unsolicited.) Thanks for the good wishes. I’m hanging in there 🙂
So many crazy neighbors! The one that screams at the cars “too fast”! (As if they can hear…or care). The one that walks his dog and sees me EVERY MORNING and will absolutely not acknowledge my existence (I still wave). The one that walks up and down her driveway (it’s like beetlejuice!).
But then again…they are probably talking about me…the crazy one who passes by their house running day after day after day…
Glad you are still alive!!!
Ps…do you find that anything from T-joes that needs to be heated takes at least twice the time stated on the package??? Wondering if its just me…
I haven’t noticed that about TJ’s but that’s probably because I don’t read the packaging! (Hence the reason I am dying of salmonella.) I’m busted!
That crazy neighbor is my mom. My brother nicknamed our family cat “crackhead” (because he is a horrible person) and now the cat won’t respond to his real name. An indoor cat, my mom accidentally let him out and had to scream “crackhead” while shaking a bag of cat treats around the neighborhood in order to get the cat to return.
Best of luck with your bangs situation…
Ha! I guess screaming Vegas is better than that!
My neighbours think I’m weird out running all the time…Something up with cats, my Max (identical to Toby) loves to roll in the dirt of my flower garden…then come cuddle on the couch or my bed. DIRT EVERYWHERE!!! Fingers crossed the micro saved you from the chicken crisis. Maybe tequila will flush it out? Worth a shot 🙂
That’s what I was thinking about alcohol!
My neighbors totally think I’m weird for running. No one else in my complex runs.
YES! I am that weird neighbor!! (You can even ask my neighbors…they will agree…so sad but whatever)
Ha! Why are you the weird one?
I’m the strange one in our neighborhood. I’m Mrs Cravitz watching all the other homes:) my neighbors love me though.
I want someone to be my neighborhood watch!
I’m glad you’re still alive! LOL I have a weird neighbor. She just stares out her door and won’t ever wave or smile. She’s a little strange.
Ha! She just watches, that would make me so self-conscious!
The bang struggle is real, I feel you!
toast the girl almighty
Do you cut your own?