Hi! I’m working with the CocoaVia® brand to share how using the supplement can help support healthy blood flow*. I was already a big fan of cocoa when they contacted me and learned a lot in doing research on the product so I’m excited to share some of the facts AND share the CocoaVia® supplement in a giveaway coming up in another post soon.

But first, let’s talk running and eating…
I got out for a run early this morning partly because it’s hot and partly because I woke up at 4am?! I have no idea why my body thought that was a good idea. Don’t try this at home.

Since I was up so early I made iced coffee while waiting for the sun to come up.
I don’t run in the dark because it’s scary and I tend to fall all the time on a well lit path – I can’t imagine how much I’d fall in the dark!

I saw it mentioned on the CocoaVia ® website that you can mix the CocoaVia ® dark chocolate stick pack in iced coffee so I tried that in one of my cups (today was a two cup day). The sweetened one was good with iced coffee and a splash of milk, I didn’t add extra sweetener and it didn’t need it.

CocoaVia® daily cocoa extract supplement delivers the highest concentration of cocoa flavanols in a cocoa extract supplement today. They have mixes you can put in drinks, smoothies, oatmeal or other recipes. It also comes in capsule form so you can pick whatever works for you.

I feel like we all have heard that cocoa is good for you, but don’t really know why. It’s all about the cocoa flavanols…
Cocoa flavanols are the unique blend of phytonutrients found only within the cocoa bean. No other food on Earth can match the unique blend of flavanols found in cocoa beans. And why does this matter? Because these cocoa flavanols have magical powers. Okay not really, studies indicate that cocoa flavanols promote a healthy heart by supporting healthy blood flow.
That’s why Cocoavia’s promotion is to “Live Your Live with Heart” because the supplement is intended to help your heart <3

For more info on the CocoaVia® supplement check out their site, Facebook or Twitter.
Now I’m off to eat all the mango in the world and pat myself on the back for not falling today (so far anyway)! Boom!
I cannot stop buying mangoes this week! I scored another two super ripe ones from the 99 cent store. They are delicious!

Question: Iced coffee or hot coffee or something else?
Disclosure: I was asked to participate in the CocoaVia ® Live Your Life with Heart campaign. I was compensated for my time. † This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Both…I like hot coffee in the a.m. and afternoon I like iced coffee. Something about morning means I need something hot…totally in my head
Both! All coffee any way! lol! I prefer hot but iced is good when we do a Starbucks stop on our bike rides.
Iced coffee right now that its so hot outside. I put chocolate protein powder with a touch of creamer. In the winter hot coffee to warm me up! 🙂
Tea! I’m a tea girl 🙂
For some reason I love tea at night, but always coffee in the morning.
Hot coffee most of the time but iced every so often.
I love cocoa- from drinks to cookies to ice creams… We had iced cocoas the other day on our front porch and it was so refreshing.
I don’t drink coffee anymore but if I do, it will have to be decaf or half the shot of a normal amount or else my heart will start pounding super duper fast.
Running in the dark- it’s a little scary and lonely but at the same time, it kind of puts you in this mysterious feeling…. I guess it all depends on your neighborhood too. There are many people walking, running, or walking their dogs. And the added bonus is you get to see the sunrise 🙂
Are iced cocoas like hot cocoa but over ice? Or is it like a coffee drink?