Hi! It’s Run Camp Day 13!! How’s it going? Are you running stronger? Longer? Faster? Happier??

Do the work. Check the Run Camp Calendar and cross of each day. Use the running log.
It’s only 21 days – you have to do each day’s challenge or at least check in with yourself and your training to make sure it’s the BEST plan for your running goals.
![nothing to wear[3] nothing to wear[3]](https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/nothing-to-wear3_thumb.gif)

Today is all about RUNNING GEAR! We talked about Running Shoes last week. Check out the Run Camp Running Shoes post here.
Running in the wrong gear can make training no fun. It can make running harder. It can make you self-conscious. It can leave chafing burns and be all around uncomfortable.
You don’t need to have super expensive, high end running gear. But you do need running clothes are work for YOU.
Do a head to toe check and make sure what you wear to run outside is the best gear for your needs.
Running Gear Check:
Does it fit me correctly?
Yes –> Run on.
No -> What about it doesn’t fit? Be specific.
Does it pinch or is it too tight in certain places?
Yes –> Run on.
No –> Do you need a different size? Different style or cut?
Does it leave cuts, chafing burns or other painful marks on your body?
No –> Run on.
Yes –> Do you need wick-wear material? A different style/cut? Do you need Body Glide or another similar fix that’s not about the clothes?
Do you have to keep adjusting it while you run? (Do you have to pull at your shorts, shirts or sports bras??)
No –> Run on.
Yes –> Why are you adjusting it? Is it too short / long / tight /other? Do you feel self-conscious in it and keep pulling at it to cover certain areas of your body?
Does it do it’s job? (Does your hat keep the sun out of your eyes or sweat from dripping down your face? Does your sports bra keep your boobs from bouncing?)
Yes –> Run on.
No –> What about the gear is failing? Does your visor /running belt / sports bra straps need to be adjusted? Is it made for running?
Is it easily visible to cars, cyclists and other runners? (If you run outside.)
Yes –> Run on.
No –> Stop wearing it for outdoor workouts and get new highly visible running gear and/or wear a light when you run.
Bonus running gear considerations:
Does it make you feel confident?
Does it make you feel ‘like a runner’?
Does it make you feel good?
Head to Toe Running Gear Check
Think about everything you wore on your last run. Does it work? Is there anything that can be changed/updated to make running a better experience?
Here is a list of the running clothes that are working for me right now… (this changes by season and what distances I’m training)

1. Pro Compression Visor
3. Danskin Now Sports Bra
4. Running Short Sleeve Top (This is probably the area I am most flexible and can switch brands, styles fairly easily.)
5. 5” to 7” Long Running Shorts
6. Pro Compression marathon socks
8. Garmin GPS Running Watch
Other: Rubber bands that hold my hair in place. A good sunblock and lip balm with SPF.
Do you carry your phone on runs? I feel like I should for safety but just haven’t come up with a system that works.
Great list! I noticed that your second check is backwards though – we probably don’t want to keep wearing those clothes if they pinch or are too tight! 🙂
Nope, everything is working swimmingly for me
So, with the cold weather here, I know my running gear will change and I know I am literally a work in progress every single time I run.
Here is what I have learned so far…
I must keep my head covered because of the cold. So I wear my Patriots winter hat with every run and a lime green neck cover that I can pull up to my chin or let is slide down a little as I run.
If it’s not cloudy, I have to have sunglasses and I’ll probably wear the ones I have for riding my bike if I can dig them out.
I have not had any problems running with any of the sports bras I have worn running. I wear ones that are as snug/supportive as possible. I care less about the headlights showing and more about them bouncing around, so that’s where I am with that. I’ll probably get a new one just for running in the spring when the headlights are visible…
I wear my UnderArmor cold gear long sleeve shirt which is also a bit of a compression shirt and helps me feel like I’m not bouncing around. I wear a t-shirt over it so I don’t look so “bleh”.
I have already figured out that the leggings I wear definitely make a difference. I bought a pair at Costco last month that are lined and they seem to be best for cold weather running. They don’t slide down my waist while I’m running and they are warm.
I bought Adidas Compression socks and wear them every time. I don’t run long distances yet, so they work. I’m, not sure if I’ll keep wearing the knee high socks when it warms up.
I do need new running sneakers.
If I’m running after dark, I have two different flashing lights. One I wear on my arm and another I can wear on my pants, which faces either front with a white light, or back with a red light or red blinking light. And I have glow in the dark reflective straps so people can see me.
I felt like I needed to change my shirt during my run yesterday. It was jumping around my hips having my belly uncovered, so annoying.
Do you wear compression socks for every run? I’ve been contemplating about getting a pair, but they are SO expensive!
My leggings chaf, as I realised after reading your post a week or so ago. I still have yet to get new ones!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog